SELECT userid AS userid ,
ROUND(AVG(ticket_num),0) AS ticket_num,
ROUND(AVG(totalamont),0) AS totalamont
FROM dwd_store_trade_ordersource_di
WHERE pt > 20200913 AND pt < 20201020
GROUP BY userid , ordersource
ORDER BY userid
希望把每个不同类别的ticket 和totalamount当作字段,也就是希望得到2*类别数个字段的结果怎么做?
然后使用case ... when ... then ...end语句
然后需要进行聚合。如果是只有一个字段,字段是数字,我们可以用sum, 而我们这里已经concat转化为字符串了,所以使用wm_concat
SELECT a.userid,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'ELEBE_WAIMAI' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as ELEBE_WAIMAI,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'ELEME_WAIMAI' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as ELEME_WAIMAI,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'KOUBEI_WAIMAI' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as KOUBEI_WAIMAI,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'MEITUAN_WAIMAI' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as MEITUAN_WAIMAI,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'WX_SHOP' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as WX_SHOP,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'ZIYING_MINIAPP' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as ZIYING_MINIAPP,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'other' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as other,
wm_concat(' ',case a.ordersource when 'store' then CONCAT(a.ticket_num, ',',a.totalamont) when null then 0 end) as store
SELECT userid AS userid ,
ROUND(AVG(ticket_num),0) AS ticket_num,
ROUND(AVG(totalamont),0) AS totalamont
FROM dwd_store_trade_ordersource_di
WHERE pt > 20200913 AND pt < 20201020
GROUP BY userid , ordersource
ORDER BY userid
) a
group by a.userid