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  • linux下简单线程池实现

    /* 头文件:threadpool.h*/

    #ifndef _TP_H_INCLUDED_

    #define _TP_H_INCLUDED_

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include <unistd.h>

    #include <sys/types.h>

    #include <pthread.h>

    #include <assert.h>

    typedef struct worker {    

      void * (*process) (void *arg);    

      void *arg;    

      struct worker *next;  

    } threadpool_item_t;

    typedef struct {   

         pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;    

       pthread_cond_t queue_ready;    

         threadpool_item_t *queue_head;      

           int shutdown;     /*是否销毁线程池*/   

           pthread_t *threadid;

             int max_thread_num;/*线程池中允许的活动线程数目*/  

         int cur_queue_size;   /*当前等待队列的任务数目*/   

    } threadpool_t;

    void pool_init (int max_thread_num);

    int  pool_destroy ();

    int  pool_add_worker (void * (*process) (void *arg), void *arg);

    static void * thread_routine (void *arg);



    #include "threadpool.h"

    static threadpool_t *pool = NULL;


    void pool_init (int max_thread_num) {

          pool = (threadpool_t *) malloc (sizeof (threadpool_t));     

        pthread_mutex_init (&(pool->queue_lock), NULL);    

      pthread_cond_init (&(pool->queue_ready), NULL);      

      pool->queue_head = NULL;      

      pool->max_thread_num = max_thread_num;    

      pool->cur_queue_size = 0;      

      pool->shutdown = 0;      

      pool->threadid = (pthread_t *) malloc (max_thread_num * sizeof (pthread_t));

       int i;    

      for (i = 0; i < max_thread_num; i++)    {       

          pthread_create (&(pool->threadid[i]), NULL, thread_routine, NULL);




    int pool_add_worker (void *(*process) (void *arg), void *arg) {


        threadpool_item_t *newworker = (threadpool_item_t *) malloc (sizeof (threadpool_item_t));    

        newworker->process = process;   

        newworker->arg = arg;    

       newworker->next = NULL;

         pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->queue_lock));


      threadpool_item_t *member = pool->queue_head;   

       if (member != NULL)   {     

          while (member->next != NULL)    member = member->next;

              member->next = newworker;    

     } else{        

        pool->queue_head = newworker;  


       assert (pool->queue_head != NULL);     


      pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock));  


       pthread_cond_signal (&(pool->queue_ready));

        return 0;



    int pool_destroy () {   

       if (pool->shutdown) return -1;/*防止两次调用*/

        pool->shutdown = 1;      


       pthread_cond_broadcast (&(pool->queue_ready));     


      int i;   

      for (i = 0; i < pool->max_thread_num; i++)    { 

         pthread_join (pool->threadid[i], NULL);   


    free (pool->threadid);      


       threadpool_item_t *head = NULL;   

      while (pool->queue_head != NULL)   


        head = pool->queue_head;      

         pool->queue_head = pool->queue_head->next;    

          free (head);   





       free (pool);   


       return 0;



    static void * thread_routine (void *arg) {

        printf ("starting thread %lu\n", pthread_self ());    

        while (1)     {  

             pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->queue_lock));    


         while (pool->cur_queue_size == 0 && !pool->shutdown)    


           printf ("thread %lu is waiting\n", pthread_self ());         

            pthread_cond_wait (&(pool->queue_ready), &(pool->queue_lock));      



        if (pool->shutdown)  {           


          pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock));            

        printf ("thread %lu will exit\n", pthread_self ());            

        pthread_exit (NULL);      


         printf ("thread %lu is starting to work\n", pthread_self ());      

         assert (pool->cur_queue_size != 0);     

         assert (pool->queue_head != NULL);           



       threadpool_item_t *worker = pool->queue_head;      

         pool->queue_head = worker->next;        

         pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock)); //解锁       


         (*(worker->process)) (worker->arg);       

         free (worker);     

        worker = NULL;



    /* 下面是测试代码 */

    void * myprocess (void *arg)


       printf ("threadid is 0x%x, working on task %d\n", pthread_self (),*(int *) arg);  

      sleep (1);/*休息一秒,延长任务的执行时间*/  

      return NULL;


    int main (int argc, char **argv)


      pool_init (3);/*线程池中最多三个活动线程*/      


     int *workingnum = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * 10);

     int i;   

      for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)   


          workingnum[i] = i;

           pool_add_worker (myprocess, &workingnum[i]);   


       /*等待所有任务完成*/     sleep (5);   

      /*销毁线程池*/     pool_destroy ();     


    workingnum = NULL;   

      return 0;



    $ gcc -std=c99 -o threadpool threadpool.h threadpool.c -lpthread

    $ ./threadpool
    starting thread 1115277632
    thread 1115277632 is starting to work
    threadid is 1115277632, working on task 0
    starting thread 1125767488
    thread 1125767488 is starting to work
    threadid is 1125767488, working on task 1
    starting thread 1136257344
    thread 1136257344 is starting to work
    threadid is 1136257344, working on task 2
    thread 1115277632 is starting to work
    threadid is 1115277632, working on task 3
    thread 1125767488 is starting to work
    threadid is 1125767488, working on task 4
    thread 1136257344 is starting to work
    threadid is 1136257344, working on task 5
    thread 1115277632 is starting to work
    threadid is 1115277632, working on task 6
    thread 1125767488 is starting to work
    threadid is 1125767488, working on task 7
    thread 1136257344 is starting to work
    threadid is 1136257344, working on task 8
    thread 1115277632 is starting to work
    threadid is 1115277632, working on task 9
    thread 1125767488 is waiting
    thread 1136257344 is waiting
    thread 1115277632 is waiting
    thread 1125767488 will exit
    thread 1136257344 will exit
    thread 1115277632 will exit

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ylh1223/p/2738937.html
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