1 from socket import * 2 import re 3 4 5 udp_socket=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM) 6 udp_socket.bind(('',8848)) 7 csin=True 8 while True: 9 data,addr=udp_socket.recvfrom(1024) 10 if data.decode()=='1': 11 print("客户关闭程序") 12 else: 13 rade = open('dict.txt') 14 for i in rade: 15 word=re.findall(r'(w+)s+(.*)',i) 16 print(word) 17 if word[0][0]==data.decode(): 18 print(word) 19 print(word[0][0]) 20 print(word[0][0]==data.decode()) 21 udp_socket.sendto(word[0][1].encode(), addr) 22 23 udp_socket.close()

1 from socket import * 2 3 4 5 udp_socket=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM) 6 7 # text="我进来了,我又出去了,我又进来了,你打我呀,打我呀,笨蛋.".encode() 8 csin=True 9 while csin: 10 text=input("客户('1'.退出)>>") 11 if text=='1': 12 udp_socket.sendto(text.encode(),('',8848)) 13 csin=False 14 else: 15 udp_socket.sendto(text.encode(),('',8848)) 16 data,addr=udp_socket.recvfrom(1024) 17 print(data.decode()) 18 udp_socket.close()
a indef art one
abacus n.frame with beads that slide along parallel rods, used for teaching numbers to children, and (in some countries) for counting
abandon v. go away from (a person or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desert
abandonment n. abandoning
abase v. ~ oneself/sb lower oneself/sb in dignity; degrade oneself/sb ;
abash to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of:disconcert
abashed adj. ~ embarrassed; ashamed
abate v. make or become less
abattoir n. = slaughterhouse (slaughter)
abbess n. woman who is head of a convent or nunnery
abbey n. buildingin which monks or nuns live as a community under an abbot or abbess
abbot n. man who is head of a monastery or abbey
abbreviate v. ~ sth shorten (a word, phrase, etc), esp by omitting letters
abbreviation n. abbreviating or being abbreviated
abdicate v. resign from or formally renounce the throne
abdication giving up control, authority
abdomen n. part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach, bowels and digestive organs
abdominal adj. in, of or for the abdomen
abduct v. take away illegally, using force or deception; kidnap ;
abduction A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.
abed In bed; on a bed.
aberrant adj. not following the normal or correct way
aberration n. deviation from what is accepted as normal or right
abet v. ~ sb (in sth) help or encourage sb to commit an offence or
from socket import *
# text="我进来了,我又出去了,我又进来了,你打我呀,打我呀,笨蛋.".encode()
while csin:
if text=='1':