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  • RSA数字证书管理








    数字证书生成,需要指定证书主题,以及本机makecert.exe程序路径,因为证书制作实际上还是用makecert.exe来生成的。生成数字证书代码 如下:

     1         /// <summary>
     2         /// 根据指定的证书名和makecert全路径生成证书(包含公钥和私钥,并保存在MY存储区)
     3         /// </summary>
     4         /// <param name="subjectName"></param>
     5         /// <param name="makecertPath"></param>
     6         /// <returns></returns>
     7         public static bool CreateCertWithPrivateKey(string subjectName, string makecertPath)
     8         {
     9             subjectName = "CN=" + subjectName;
    10             string param = " -pe -ss my -n "" + subjectName + "" ";
    11             try
    12             {
    13                 Process p = Process.Start(makecertPath, param);
    14                 p.WaitForExit();
    15                 p.Close();
    16             }
    17             catch (Exception e)
    18             {
    19                 return false;
    20             }
    21             return true;
    22         }    
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     1         /// <summary>
     2         /// 从WINDOWS证书存储区的个人MY区找到主题为subjectName的证书,并导出为CER文件
     3         /// </summary>
     4         /// <param name="subjectName"></param>
     5         /// <param name="cerFileName"></param>
     6         /// <returns></returns>
     7         public static bool ExportToCerFile(string subjectName, string cerFileName)
     8         {
     9             subjectName = "CN=" + subjectName;
    10             var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
    11             store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite);
    12             var storecollection = store.Certificates;
    13             foreach (var x509 in storecollection)
    14             {
    15                 if (x509.Subject == subjectName)
    16                 {
    17                     Debug.Print(string.Format("certificate name: {0}", x509.Subject));
    18                     //byte[] pfxByte = x509.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, password);     
    19                     byte[] cerByte = x509.Export(X509ContentType.Cert);
    20                     using (var fileStream = new FileStream(cerFileName, FileMode.Create))
    21                     {
    22                         // Write the data to the file, byte by byte.     
    23                         for (var i = 0; i < cerByte.Length; i++)
    24                             fileStream.WriteByte(cerByte[i]);
    25                         // Set the stream position to the beginning of the file.     
    26                         fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    27                         // Read and verify the data.     
    28                         for (var i = 0; i < fileStream.Length; i++)
    29                         {
    30                             if (cerByte[i] != fileStream.ReadByte())
    31                             {
    32                                 fileStream.Close();
    33                                 return false;
    34                             }
    35                         }
    36                         fileStream.Close();
    37                     }
    38                 }
    39             }
    40             store.Close();
    41             store = null;
    42             storecollection = null;
    43             return true;
    44         }
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     1         /// <summary>     
     2         /// 从WINDOWS证书存储区的个人MY区找到主题为subjectName的证书,     
     3         /// 并导出为pfx文件,同时为其指定一个密码     
     4         /// 并将证书从个人区删除(如果isDelFromstore为true)     
     5         /// </summary>     
     6         /// <param name="subjectName">证书主题,不包含CN=</param>     
     7         /// <param name="pfxFileName">pfx文件名</param>     
     8         /// <param name="password">pfx文件密码</param>     
     9         /// <param name="isDelFromStore">是否从存储区删除</param>     
    10         /// <returns></returns>  
    11         public static bool ExportToPfxFile(string subjectName, string pfxFileName,
    12             string password, bool isDelFromStore)
    13         {
    14             subjectName = "CN=" + subjectName;
    15             var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
    16             store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite);
    17             var storecollection = store.Certificates;
    18             foreach (var x509 in storecollection)
    19             {
    20                 if (x509.Subject == subjectName)
    21                 {
    22                     Debug.Print(string.Format("certificate name: {0}", x509.Subject));
    24                     byte[] pfxByte = x509.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, password);
    25                     using (var fileStream = new FileStream(pfxFileName, FileMode.Create))
    26                     {
    27                         // Write the data to the file, byte by byte.     
    28                         for (int i = 0; i < pfxByte.Length; i++)
    29                             fileStream.WriteByte(pfxByte[i]);
    30                         // Set the stream position to the beginning of the file.     
    31                         fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    32                         // Read and verify the data.     
    33                         for (var i = 0; i < fileStream.Length; i++)
    34                         {
    35                             if (pfxByte[i] != fileStream.ReadByte())
    36                             {
    37                                 fileStream.Close();
    38                                 return false;
    39                             }
    40                         }
    41                         fileStream.Close();
    42                     }
    43                     if (isDelFromStore == true)
    44                         store.Remove(x509);
    45                 }
    46             }
    47             store.Close();
    48             store = null;
    49             storecollection = null;
    50             return true;
    51         }
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     1         /// <summary>     
     2         /// 根据私钥证书得到证书实体,得到实体后可以根据其公钥和私钥进行加解密     
     3         /// 加解密函数使用DEncrypt的RSACryption类     
     4         /// </summary>     
     5         /// <param name="pfxFileName"></param>     
     6         /// <param name="password"></param>     
     7         /// <returns></returns>
     8         public static X509Certificate2 GetCertificateFromPfxFile(string pfxFileName,
     9             string password)
    10         {
    11             try
    12             {
    13                 return new X509Certificate2(pfxFileName, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
    14             }
    15             catch (Exception e)
    16             {
    17                 return null;
    18             }
    19         }
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     1         /// <summary>     
     2         /// 根据公钥证书,返回证书实体     
     3         /// </summary>     
     4         /// <param name="cerPath"></param>
     5         public static X509Certificate2 GetCertFromCerFile(string cerPath)
     6         {
     7             try
     8             {
     9                 return new X509Certificate2(cerPath);
    10             }
    11             catch (Exception e)
    12             {
    13                 return null;
    14             }
    15         }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/you-you-111/p/5015716.html
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