main.cpp 主函数main所在文件,主要执行文件
student.h 各种函数(接口)的声明
student.cpp 各种函数(接口)的实现
studentInfo.txt 学生信息存储文件
freopen("CON","r",stdin); //关闭文件输入,重定向到控制台
#include <iostream>
#include "stdint.h"
#include "student.h"
#include "string.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
SqList L;
int n, id;
float grade;
char name[10];
Position position;
Student *student = new Student;
cout << "Input student number:";
cin >> n;
// 初始化
// 对顺序表进行数据初始化
initData(L, n); //以文件的方式传入学生信息
// 显示顺序表中数据信息
printList(L); //显示所有学生信息
// 删除测试
cout << "Delete test:input a student's position which is you want to delete:";
cin >> position;
if (deleteStudent(L, position) == OK) cout << "Delete student who position =" << position << " ";
// 显示顺序表中数据信息
printList(L); //显示所有学生信息
cout << "Input a id which is you want to insert student's id:";
cin >> id;
cout << "Input a grade which is you want to insert student's grade:";
cin >> grade;
cout << "Input a name which is you want to insert student's name:";
cin >> name;
cout << "Input a position which is you want to insert student position:";
cin >> position;
student->id = id;
student->grade = grade;
strcpy(student->name, name);
if (insert(L, student, position) == OK) cout << "insert successful! ";
else "This order table was full";
// 显示顺序表中数据信息
printList(L); //显示所有学生信息
// 查找测试
cout << "Input a id which is you want to seek out student's name:";
cin >> name;
student = seek(L, name);
if (student == NULL) cout << "Can't find student who is student's name=" << name << " ";
cout << "Found the student: " << "student's id:" << student->id << " " << "student's grade:" << student->grade
<< " " << "student's name:" << student->name << " ";
// 返回顺序表长度
cout << "The student's number is equal to:" << studentNum(L) << " ";
// 添加元素测试
Student *student1 = new Student;
cout << "Input a id which is you want to append student's id:";
cin >> id;
cout << "Input a grade which is you want to append student's grade:";
cin >> grade;
cout << "Input a name which is you want to append student's name:";
cin >> name;
student1->id = id;
student1->grade = grade;
strcpy(student1->name, name);
if (append(L, student1) == OK) cout << "append student successful ";
else "This order table was full ";
// 显示顺序表中数据信息
printList(L); //显示所有学生信息
// 返回顺序表长度
cout << "The student's number is equal to:" << studentNum(L);
delete student1;
delete student;
#define MAXSIZE 10
enum Status{
typedef int Position;
typedef struct {
int id;
char name[10];
float grade;
} Student;
typedef struct {
Student *student;
int length;
} SqList;
* This function is called only at the beginning of the project;
* @param L 传入顺序表的引用;
* @return 返回是否成功创建一个空顺序表 return value: enum Status{OK,ERROR};
Status init(SqList &L);
* This function is only used when the element is not full;
* @param L 传入一个顺序表
* @param student 传入一个student指针,该指针所指位置分配了空间存储操作的数据
* @return 返回是否成功添加 return value: enum Status{OK,ERROR};
Status append(SqList &L,Student* student);
* This function prints the data passed in to the sequence table;
* @param L 传入一个顺序表
void printList(SqList &L);
* This function is used to insert data into the order table;
* @param L 传入一个顺序表
* @param student 传入一个student指针,该指针所指位置分配了空间存储操作的数据
* @param position 传入要操作的位置,注意该位置是从1开始,即student[0] belong to position one;
* @return 返回是否成功插入 return value: enum Status{OK,ERROR};
Status insert(SqList &L,Student* student,Position position);
*This function is used to delete the data with the specified position in the order tables;
* @param L 传入一个顺序表
* @param id 传入一个position 按照position delete student;
* @return 返回是否成功删除 return value: enum Status{OK,ERROR};
Status deleteStudent(SqList &L,Position position);
* This function is used to seek the data with specified id in the order tables;
* @param L 传入一个顺序表
* @param id 传入一个student's name 按照name查询数据
* @return 返回一个student指针,该指针指向的内存分配了空间,存储返回的数据;
Student* seek(SqList &L,char name[10]);
* This function is used to init order table;
* @param L 传入一个顺序表
* @param n 传入一个number,指代要录入的学生个数
* @return 返回是否成功初始化数据 return value: enum Status{OK,ERROR};
Status initData( SqList &L,int n);
* This function is used to return order table's length;
* @param L 传入顺序表
* @return 返回学生个数
int studentNum(SqList &L);
#include "student.h"
#include "string.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Status init(SqList &L) {
L.student = new Student[MAXSIZE];
if (!L.student) return ERROR;
L.length = 0;
return OK;
Status append(SqList &L, Student *student) {
if (student == NULL) return ERROR;
if (L.length == MAXSIZE) return ERROR;
L.student[L.length].id = student->id;
L.student[L.length].grade = student->grade;
strcpy(L.student[L.length].name, student->name);
return OK;
void printList(SqList &L) {
for (int i = 0; i < L.length; ++i) {
cout << "id:" << L.student[i].id << " grade:" << L.student[i].grade << " name:" << L.student[i].name << " ";
Status insert(SqList &L, Student *student, Position position) {
int i = L.length;
if (student == NULL) return ERROR;
if (L.length == MAXSIZE) return ERROR;
if (position > L.length || position < 0) return ERROR;
while (position <= i) {
L.student[i] = L.student[i - 1];
L.student[position - 1].id = student->id;
L.student[position - 1].grade = student->grade;
strcpy(L.student[position - 1].name, student->name);
return OK;
Status deleteStudent(SqList &L, Position position) {
if (position<=0||position>L.length) return ERROR;
while (position<L.length){
L.student[position-1] = L.student[position];
return OK;
Student* seek(SqList &L, char name[10]) {
Student *student = new Student;
for (int i = 0; i < L.length; ++i) {
if (strcmp(L.student[i].name,name)==0) {
student->id = L.student[i].id;
student->grade = L.student[i].grade;
strcpy(student->name, L.student[i].name);
return student;
return NULL;
Status initData(SqList &L,int n){
Student *student = new Student;
int id;
float grade;
char name[10];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cout << "Input student's id:";
cin >> id;
cout << "Input student's grade:";
cin >> grade;
cout << "Input student's name:";
cin >> name;
cout << " ";
student->id = id;
student->grade = grade;
strcpy(student->name, name);
if (append(L, student) == ERROR) {
cout << i;
freopen("CON","r",stdin); //关闭文件输入
return OK;
int studentNum(SqList &L){
return L.length;
1 56.5 tom
2 67.4 yom
3 98.5 uom
4 89.5 iom
5 90.5 oom
6 99.5 pom
7 34.7 gom
8 65.2 fom
9 112.5 nom
10 67.8 mom