资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1MIm1E 密码: gant
chapter2 : linear regression with one feature
chapter4:linear regression with multiple feature
- 在我们面对多维特征问题的时候,我们要保证这些特征都具有相近的尺度,这将帮助梯度下降算法更快地收敛
- 如果学习率 α 过小,则达到收敛所需的迭代次数会非常高;如果学习率 α 过大,每次迭代可能不会减小代价函数,可能会越过局部最小值导致无法收敛。
chapter 5 : Octave
- 参考文献
- plot
x=[0:0.01:1]; y1=sin(2*pi*x); plot(x,y1); y2=cos(2*pi*x); hold on; plot(x,y2); xlabel('time'); ylabel('value'); title('my plot'); legend('sin','cos'); print -dpng 'my.png'; close; figure(1);plot(x,y1); figure(2);plot(x,y2); figure(3); subplot(1,2,1); plot(x,y1); subplot(1,2,2); plot(x,y2); axis([0.5 1 -1 1]); %change the axis of x and y clf; a=magic(5) imagesc(a); imagesc(a), colorbar,colormap gray;
chapter 6 : logistic regression and regularization
- 学习笔记
- for convex
chapter 7 : regularization
chapter 8 : neural network
- cost function
- forward propagation
- backward propagation
- 数学证明
- numerical estimation of gradient
- random initialization and the step of training a neural network
chapter 10 : Deciding what to try next
- evaluating a hypothesis with cross validation
Diagnosing bias and variance
- learning curves and decide what to do next
chapter 11 : precision and recall
- skewed data vs precision and recall
chapter 12 : SVM
- for enlagering the projection of X, then we get large margin
- kernel and do perform feature scalling before using the Gaussian kernel
Kernel need to satisfy technical condition called "Mercer's Theorem" to make sure SVM packages' optimizations run correctly, and do not diverge.
Polynomial kernel: (XTL+constant)degree
SVM has a convex optimization problem
- 大牛学习博客
chapter 13 : Unsupervised learning and clustering
chapter 14 : PCA
- first perform mean normalization and feature scalling so that the feature should have zero mean and comparabel ranges of values.
- Data preprocessing
- PCA and SVD , the implementation of PCA , the choosing of K
getting the PCA parameter only on the training set and use them on the test and cross validation set
chapter 15 :