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  • PB错误代码

    string ls_msg
    choose case errornumber
    case 1//by zero
    ls_msg = "發生被0除錯誤"
    case 2//2 Null object reference
    ls_msg = "空對象引用"
    case 3//3 Array boundary exceeded
    ls_msg = "陣列越界"
    case 4//4 Enumerated value is out of range for function
    ls_msg = "枚舉值超出函數的範圍"
    case 5//5 Negative value encountered in function
    ls_msg = "函數中遇到負數"
    case 6//6 Invalid DataWindow row/column specified
    ls_msg = "資料視窗的列或行非法"
    case 7//7 Unresolvable external when linking reference
    ls_msg = "鏈結調用時不能解決外部物件"
    case 8//8 Reference of array with null subscript
    ls_msg = "使用空下標引用陣列"
    case 9//9 DLL function not found in current application
    ls_msg = "當前應用中沒有找到動態連結程式庫的函數"
    case 10//10 Unsupported argument type in DLL function
    ls_msg = "使用了動態連結程式庫函數不支援的參數類型"
    case 11//11 Object file is out of date and must be converted to current version
    ls_msg = "物件檔已經過時並且必須使用當前的版本"
    case 12//12 DataWindow column type does not match GetItem type
    ls_msg = "資料視窗的列的資料類型與GetItem函數的類型不符"
    case 13//13 Unresolved property reference
    ls_msg = "屬性引用尚未解決"
    case 14//14 Error opening DLL library for external function
    ls_msg = "為外部函數調用而打開動態連結程式庫時發生錯誤"
    case 15//15 Error calling external function name
    ls_msg = "調用外部函數時發生錯誤"
    case 16//16 Maximum string size exceeded
    ls_msg = "字串長度超越了最大限制"
    case 17//17 DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does not exist
    ls_msg = "資料視窗引用的資料視窗物件不存在"
    case 18//18 Function doesn't return value
    ls_msg = "函數沒有返回值(應該有而沒有)"
    case 19//19 Cannot convert name in Any variable to name
    ls_msg = "不能轉換Any類型的變數到另一個類型"
    case 20//20 Database command has not been successfully prepared
    ls_msg = "資料庫命令沒有成功準備"
    case 21//21 Bad runtime function reference
    ls_msg = "引用了錯誤的運行時函數"
    case 22//22 Unknown object type
    ls_msg = "不知道的物件類型"
    case 23//23 Cannot assign object of type name to variable of type name
    ls_msg = "不能將物件賦給變數,兩種類型不能賦值"
    case 24//24 Function call doesn't match its definition
    ls_msg = "函數調用格式與其定義不一致"
    case 25//25 Double or Real expression has overflowed
    ls_msg = "雙精度型或實型運算式溢出"
    case 26//26 Field name assignment not supported
    ls_msg = "不支持這種欄位賦值"
    case 27//27 Cannot take a negative to a noninteger power
    ls_msg = "不能計算一個負數的非整數次方"
    case 28//28 VBX Error: name
    ls_msg = "VBX 錯誤"
    case 29//29 Nonarray expected in ANY variable
    ls_msg = "ANY 類型變數期待非陣列類型"
    case 30//30 External object does not support data type name
    ls_msg = "外部物件不支援這種變數類型"
    case 31//31 External object data type name not supported
    ls_msg = "外部物件的資料類型不支援"
    case 32//32 Name not found calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "調用外部物件函數時函數名稱沒有找到"
    case 33//33 Invalid parameter type calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "調用外部物件函數時使用了錯誤的參數類型"
    case 34//34 Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "調用外部物件函數時使用的參數個數不對"
    case 35//35 Error calling external object function name
    ls_msg = "調用外部物件的函數錯誤"
    case 36//36 Name not found accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "訪問外部物件屬性時屬性名稱沒有找到"
    case 37//37 Type mismatch accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "訪問外部物件屬性時使用了不匹配的類型"
    case 38//38 Incorrect number of subscripts accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "訪問外部物件屬性時使用了錯誤的下標"
    case 39//39 Error accessing external object property name
    ls_msg = "訪問外部物件的屬性錯誤"
    case 40//40 Mismatched ANY data types in expression
    ls_msg = "運算式中ANY資料類型不匹配"
    case 41//41 Illegal ANY data type in expression
    ls_msg = "運算式中使用了非法的ANY資料類型"
    case 42//42 Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function name
    ls_msg = "指定的參數類型與動態連結程式庫中的函數所需要的參數類型不一致"
    case 43//43 Parent object doesn't exist
    ls_msg = "父對象不存在"
    case 44//44 Function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestor
    ls_msg = "函數與祖先的參數或返回值衝突"
    case 45//45 Internal table overflow; maximum number of objects exceeded
    ls_msg = "內部表溢出;物件的最大數目已經超越"
    case 46//46 Null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this type
    ls_msg = "空物件引用不能賦值或傳遞給一個這種類型的變數"
    case 47//47 Array expected in ANY variable
    ls_msg = "ANY類型期待陣列"
    case 48//48 Size mismatch in array to object conversion
    ls_msg = "將陣列轉換成物件時陣列的大小不匹配"
    case 49//49 Type mismatch in array to object conversion
    ls_msg = "將陣列轉換成物件不匹配"
    case 50//50 Distributed Service Error
    ls_msg = "分散式服務錯誤"
    case 51//51 Bad argument list for function/event
    ls_msg = "函數/事件的參數列表錯誤"
    end choose

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/youyoutianxia/p/3184195.html
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