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  • 2017/11/20 Leetcode 日记

    2017/11/14 Leetcode 日记

    442. Find All Duplicates in an Array

    Given an array of integers, 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n (n = size of array), some elements appear twice and others appear once.

    Find all the elements that appear twice in this array.

    Could you do it without extra space and in O(n) runtime?

    class Solution {
        vector<int> findDuplicates(vector<int>& nums) {
            int sz = nums.size();
            int once[sz+2];
            vector<int> num;
            for(int i = 0; i < sz+2; i++){
                once[i] = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++){
                if(once[nums[i]] == 1){
                    once[nums[i]] ++;
            return num;
    class Solution:
        def findDuplicates(self, nums):
            :type nums: List[int]
            :rtype: List[int]
            num = []
            for x in nums:
                if nums[abs(x)-1] < 0:
                    nums[abs(x)-1] *= -1
            return num

    406. Queue Reconstruction by Height

    Suppose you have a random list of people standing in a queue. Each person is described by a pair of integers (h, k), where h is the height of the person and k is the number of people in front of this person who have a height greater than or equal to h. Write an algorithm to reconstruct the queue.


    vector<pair<int, int>> reconstructQueue(vector<pair<int, int>>& people) {
        auto comp = [](const pair<int, int>& p1, const pair<int, int>& p2)
                        { return p1.first > p2.first || (p1.first == p2.first && p1.second < p2.second); };
        sort(people.begin(), people.end(), comp);
        vector<pair<int, int>> res;
        for (auto& p : people) 
            res.insert(res.begin() + p.second, p);
        return res;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yoyo-sincerely/p/7833062.html
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