- The Container initializes a servlet by loading the class,invoking the servlet's no-arg constructor,and calling the servelt's init() method.
- The init() method (which the developer can override) is called only once in a servlet's life,and always before the servlet can service any client requests.
- The init() method gives the servlet access to the ServletConfig and ServletContext objects,which the servlet needs to get information about the servlet configuration and the web app.
- The Container ends a servlet's life by calling its destroy() method.
- Most of a servlet's life is spent running a service() method for a client request.
- Every request to a servlet runs in a separate thread! There is only one instance of any particular servlet class.
- Your servlet will almost always extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet,from which in inherits an implementation of the service() method that takes an HttpServeltRequest and an HttpServletResponse
- HttpServlet extends javax.GenericServlet-an abstract class that implements most of the basic servlet methods.
- GenericServlet implments the Servlet interface.
- Servlet classes (except those related to JSPs) are in one of two packages:javax.servlet or javax.servlet.http.
- You can override the init() method,and you must override at least one service method(doGet(),doPost(),etc).