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  • sql语句:常用sql查询整理


    # 1. 读取降序后前几行的数据
    # limit 取前几行
    SELECT *
    FROM student
    LIMIT 3
    # 2. 查询某列重复的行
    SELECT id, name
    FROM student
    WHERE name in (
    		SELECT name
    		FROM student
    		GROUP BY name
    		HAVING(COUNT(*) > 1)
    ORDER BY `name` DESC;  # 想要排序的话
    # 3. 平均分不及格的学生id及平均分
    SELECT sid, AVG(score) AS avg_score
    FROM stu_course
    GROUP BY sid
    HAVING avg_score < 60;
    # 4. 每门课成绩都不低于80分的学生的id
    # distinct去除列中重复记录
    # 用到反向思想
    FROM stu_course
    WHERE sid not in (
    	SELECT sid
    	FROM stu_course
    	WHERE score < 80
    # 5. 输出学生姓名和总分
    # 方法一:会过滤掉没有成绩的人
    SELECT student.`name`, SUM(score) as sum_score
    FROM stu_course, student
    WHERE student.ID = stu_course.sid
    GROUP BY sid
    SELECT ID, student.`name`, SUM(score) as sum_score
    FROM student 
    LEFT JOIN stu_course
    ON student.ID = stu_course.sid
    GROUP BY sid;  # 记得写group by
    # 5. 总成绩最高的学生
    # 方法一:效率低,会重复计算所有的
    SELECT sid, SUM(score) AS sum_score
    FROM stu_course
    GROUP BY sid
    HAVING SUM(score) >= ALL
    (SELECT SUM(score) from stu_course GROUP BY sid)
    # 方法二:order by 可以使用聚集函数,因此最简单的方法是:
    SELECT sid, SUM(score) AS sum_score
    FROM stu_course
    GROUP BY sid
    ORDER BY sum_score DESC
    LIMIT 1  # 同理可查前三名
    # 6. 查询课程1成绩第2高的学生(查询第N大数的问题)
    # 一:先查出第二高的成绩
    SELECT score
    FROM stu_course
    WHERE stu_course.cid = 1
    ORDER BY score DESC
    LIMIT 1, 1  # 第一个1表示跳过前1行,第二个1表示取之后的1行
    # 二:取出改成绩对应的学生
    SELECT *
    FROM stu_course
    WHERE cid = 1 and score = (
    	SELECT score
    	FROM stu_course
    	WHERE stu_course.cid = 1
    	ORDER BY score DESC
    	LIMIT 1, 1
    # 7. 查询各科成绩最高的学生,结果列出学生id、课程id和对应的成绩
    # 以下方法是不对的,sid是无效的
    SELECT sid, cid, MAX(score)
    FROM stu_course
    GROUP BY cid
    # 正确的解法是使用相关嵌套查询(在进行内层查询时需要用到外层查询):
    SELECT * 
    FROM stu_course as x
    WHERE score >= (
    		SELECT MAX(score)
    		FROM stu_course as y
    		WHERE y.cid = x.cid  # 不是很理解这里为什么这么写?
    # 8. 查询每门课的前2名,结果按课程id升序,同一门课按成绩降序  -- 取每组的前N条记录
    SELECT * 
    FROM stu_course as x
    WHERE 2 > (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT score) FROM stu_course as y WHERE x.cid = y.cid and y.score > x.score)  # 如果只有0个、1个学生比x的成绩高,那它一定是前2名
    ORDER BY cid, score DESC
    # 9. 球队组合比赛,可能的组合  -- 表自己与自己连接
    SELECT a.name, b.name
    FROM team a, team b
    WHERE a.name < b.name
    # 10. 查询每个人每门课的成绩
    # 一:建一个视图
    CREATE VIEW temp AS SELECT student.`name` as sname, course.`name` as cname, score
    FROM stu_course join(student, course)
    ON student.id = stu_course.sid and course.id = stu_course.cid;
    # 二:查询
    SELECT sname,  # 注意标点符号必须英文
    sum(case when cname='语文' then score else 0 end) as 语文,
    sum(case when cname='数学' then score else 0 end) as 数学,
    SUM(case when cname='英语' then score else 0 end) as 英语
    FROM temp
    GROUP BY sname;
  • 相关阅读:
    navicat mysql与sqlserver数据互转
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuanyunjing/p/15330780.html
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