create database citeulike;
create table user_article(user varchar(32), article varchar(12), tag varchar(40));
load data local infile 'path\data.txt' into table user_article fields terminated by ',';
delete from user_article;删除表里的内容,表仍在,表头不变
drop table user_article;
drop database citeulike;
用到timestamp类型,如果直接用timestamp类型,它默认default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp: 默认值是当前时间,并且该行其它项发生修改时自动更新时间
default current_timestamp:默认值是当前时间,不会自动更新时间
default 0/null:默认值是0/null
default 0/null on update current_timestamp:默认值是0/null,自动更新
on update current_timestamp:没写默认值,通常默认0
想把post_time的类型从current_timestamp on update current_timestamp改成default 0:
alter table user_article change post_time post_time timestamp default 0;
(改成default null显示错误:invalid default value for 'post_time')
alter table article_abstract add title mediumtext;
select * from user_article into outfile 'pathoutput.txt' fields terminated by ' ' lines terminated by ' '; 显示:mysql server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement