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  • appium常用关键字


    Background App

    实参:[ seconds=5 ]

    Puts the application in the background on the device for a certain duration.




    Capture Page Screenshot

    实参:[ filename=None ]

    Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.

    `filename` argument specifies the name of the file to write the screenshot into. If no `filename` is given, the screenshot is saved into file `appium-screenshot-<counter>.png` under the directory where the Robot Framework log file is written into. The `filename` is also considered relative to the same directory, if it is not given in absolute format.

    将当前页面的截图存入日志。参数“文件名”指定截图的文件名。如果没有给出文件名` `,截图保存到文件` appium-screenshot-<counter>.png。截图将存放在robot日志文件的 PNG目录下。如果填写的文件名不是绝对路径格式,也被认为是同一个目录下的“文件名”。


    Clear Text

    实参:[ locator ]

    Clears the text field identified by `locator`.

    See `introduction` for details about locating elements.





    Click A Point

    Arguments:[ x=0 | y=0 ]

    Click on a point




    Click Button

    Arguments:[ index_or_name ]

    Click button



    Click Element

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Click element identified by `locator`.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `index` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.


    元素的主要是 `index`和名称属性。见介绍有关定位元素的细节。




    Close All Applications

    Arguments:[ ]

    Closes all open applications. 关闭所有开着的应用程序。

    This keyword is meant to be used in test or suite teardown to make sure all the applications are closed before the test execution finishes.

    After this keyword, the application indices returned by `Open Application` are reset and start from `1`.






    Close Application

    Arguments:[ ]

    Closes the current application. 关闭当前应用程序。




    Element Attribute Should Match 元素属性匹配

    Arguments:[ locator | attr_name | match_pattern | regexp=False ]

    Verify that an attribute of an element matches the expected criteria.

    The element is identified by locator. See `introduction` for details about locating elements. If more than one element matches, the first element is selected.

    The attr_name is the name of the attribute within the selected element.

    The match_pattern is used for the matching, if the match_pattern is

    boolean or 'True'/'true'/'False'/'false' String then a boolean match is applied

    any other string is cause a string match




    match_pattern :用于匹配,如果match_pattern是:

    boolean or 'True'/'true'/'False'/'false'字符串,然后布尔匹配应用任何用于匹配的字符串


    The regexp defines whether the string match is done using regular expressions (i.e. BuiltIn Library's Should Match Regexp or string pattern match (i.e. BuiltIn Library's Should Match)


    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] text *foobar

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] text f.*ar regexp = True

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] enabled True



    Background App

    实参:[ seconds=5 ]

    Puts the application in the background on the device for a certain duration.




    Capture Page Screenshot

    实参:[ filename=None ]

    Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.

    `filename` argument specifies the name of the file to write the screenshot into. If no `filename` is given, the screenshot is saved into file `appium-screenshot-<counter>.png` under the directory where the Robot Framework log file is written into. The `filename` is also considered relative to the same directory, if it is not given in absolute format.

    将当前页面的截图存入日志。参数“文件名”指定截图的文件名。如果没有给出文件名` `,截图保存到文件` appium-screenshot-<counter>.png。截图将存放在robot日志文件的 PNG目录下。如果填写的文件名不是绝对路径格式,也被认为是同一个目录下的“文件名”。


    Clear Text

    实参:[ locator ]

    Clears the text field identified by `locator`.

    See `introduction` for details about locating elements.





    Click A Point

    Arguments:[ x=0 | y=0 ]

    Click on a point




    Click Button

    Arguments:[ index_or_name ]

    Click button



    Click Element

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Click element identified by `locator`.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `index` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.


    元素的主要是 `index`和名称属性。见介绍有关定位元素的细节。




    Close All Applications

    Arguments:[ ]

    Closes all open applications. 关闭所有开着的应用程序。

    This keyword is meant to be used in test or suite teardown to make sure all the applications are closed before the test execution finishes.

    After this keyword, the application indices returned by `Open Application` are reset and start from `1`.






    Close Application

    Arguments:[ ]

    Closes the current application. 关闭当前应用程序。




    Element Attribute Should Match 元素属性匹配

    Arguments:[ locator | attr_name | match_pattern | regexp=False ]

    Verify that an attribute of an element matches the expected criteria.

    The element is identified by locator. See `introduction` for details about locating elements. If more than one element matches, the first element is selected.

    The attr_name is the name of the attribute within the selected element.

    The match_pattern is used for the matching, if the match_pattern is

    boolean or 'True'/'true'/'False'/'false' String then a boolean match is applied

    any other string is cause a string match




    match_pattern :用于匹配,如果match_pattern是:

    boolean or 'True'/'true'/'False'/'false'字符串,然后布尔匹配应用任何用于匹配的字符串


    The regexp defines whether the string match is done using regular expressions (i.e. BuiltIn Library's Should Match Regexp or string pattern match (i.e. BuiltIn Library's Should Match)


    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] text *foobar

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] text f.*ar regexp = True

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] enabled True



    1. is a string pattern match i.e. the 'text' attribute should end with the string 'foobar'

    2. is a regular expression match i.e. the regexp 'f.*ar' should be within the 'text' attribute

    3. is a boolead match i.e. the 'enabled' attribute should be True


    NOTE: On Android the supported attribute names are hard-coded in the AndroidElement Class's getBoolAttribute() and getStringAttribute() methods. Currently supported (appium v1.4.11): contentDescription, text, className, resourceId, enabled, checkable, checked, clickable, focusable, focused, longClickable, scrollable, selected, displayed

    NOTE: Some attributes can be evaluated in two different ways e.g. these evaluate the same thing:

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] name txt_field_name

    Element Name Should Be xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] txt_field_name





    Element Name Should Be

    Arguments:[ locator | expected ]





    Element Should Be Disabled

    Arguments:[ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is disabled.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.




    Element Should Be Enabled

    Arguments:[ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is enabled.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.




    Element Value Should Be

    Arguments:[ locator | expected ]




    Get Appium Timeout

    Arguments:[ ]

    Gets the timeout in seconds that is used by various keywords.

    See `Set Appium Timeout` for an explanation.




    Get Contexts


    [ ]

    Get available contexts.


    [u'NATIVE_APP'] 为 原生app

    u'WEBVIEW' 为 内嵌web页



    Get Current Context

    Arguments:[ ]

    Get current context.






    Get Element Attribute


    [ locator | attribute ]

    Get element attribute using given attribute: name, value,...



    Get Element Attribute locator name

    Get Element Attribute locator value





    Get Element Location

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Get element location

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    任意元素的主要属性是 `id` and `name`。见介绍有关定位元素的细节。



    Get Element Size

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Get element size

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.




    Get Elements

    Arguments:[ locator | first_element_only=False | fail_on_error=True ]

    Return elements that match the search criteria

    The element is identified by locator. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    If the first_element is set to 'True' then only the first matching element is returned.

    If the fail_on_error is set to 'True' this keyword fails if the search return nothing.

    Returns a list of WebElement Objects.




    Get Network Connection Status

    Arguments:[ ]

    Returns an integer bitmask specifying the network connection type.

    Android only.

    See `set network connection status` for more details.




    Get Source

    Arguments:[ ]

    Returns the entire source of the current page.




    Go Back


    [ ]

    Goes one step backward in the browser history.






    Go To Url


    [ url ]

    Opens URL in default web browser.



    Open Application http://localhost:4755/wd/hub platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' browserName=Safari

    Go To URL http://m.webapp.com







    Hide Keyboard


    [ key_name=None ]

    Hides the software keyboard on the device. (optional) In iOS, use `key_name` to press a particular key, ex. `Done`. In Android, no parameters are used.





    Input Password

    Arguments:[ locator | text ]

    Types the given password into text field identified by `locator`.

    Difference between this keyword and `Input Text` is that this keyword does not log the given password. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.


    与 `Input Text` 的区别在于,这个关键字不登录给定密码;???


    Input Text


    [ locator | text ]

    Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.





    Input Value


    [ locator | text ]

    Sets the given value into text field identified by `locator`. This is an IOS only keyword, input value makes use of set_value






    Arguments:[ ]

    Set the device orientation to LANDSCAPE




    Arguments:[ ]

    Lock the device




    Log Source


    [ loglevel=INFO ]

    Logs and returns the entire html source of the current page or frame.

    The `loglevel` argument defines the used log level. Valid log levels are `WARN`, `INFO` (default), `DEBUG`, `TRACE` and `NONE` (no logging).





    Long Press


    [ locator ]

    Long press the element





    Long Press Keycode

    Arguments:[ keycode | metastate=None ]

    Sends a long press of keycode to the device.

    Android only.

    See `press keycode` for more details.




    Open Application

    Arguments:[ remote_url | alias=None | **kwargs ]

    Opens a new application to given Appium server. Capabilities of appium server, Android and iOS, Please check http://appium.io/slate/en/master/?python#appium-server-capabilities

    Option Man. Description

    remote_url Yes Appium server url

    alias no alias


    Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub alias=Myapp1 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app


    Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub platformName=Android platformVersion=4.2.2 deviceName= app=${CURDIR}/demoapp/OrangeDemoApp.apk appPackage=com.netease.qa.orangedemo appActivity=MainActivity









    Page Should Contain Element


    [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page contains `locator` element.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Givin


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选



    Page Should Contain Text


    [ text | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page contains `text`.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Giving `NONE` as level disables logging.


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选





    Page Should Not Contain Element


    [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page not contains `locator` element.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Givin


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选






    Page Should Not Contain Text


    [ text | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page not contains `text`.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Giving `NONE` as level disables logging.


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选






    Arguments:[ locator | percent=200% | steps=1 ]

    Pinch in on an element a certain amount.





    Arguments:[ ]

    Set the device orientation to PORTRAIT





    Press Keycode


    [ keycode | metastate=None ]

    Sends a press of keycode to the device.

    Android only.

    Possible keycodes & meta states can be found in http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html

    Meta state describe the pressed state of key modifiers such as Shift, Ctrl & Alt keys. The Meta State is an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed meta key.


    找到可用的按键的meta states :http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/keyevent.html



    For example


    META_ALT_ON = 2


    metastate=1 --> Shift is pressed

    metastate=2 --> Alt is pressed

    metastate=3 --> Shift+Alt is pressed


    _keycode- - the keycode to be sent to the device


    _metastate- - status of the meta keys



    Pull File   


    Arguments:[ path | decode=False ]

    Retrieves the file at `path` and return it's content.

    Android only.

    path - the path to the file on the device

    decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)




    Pull Folder

    Arguments:[ path | decode=False ]

    Retrieves a folder at `path`. Returns the folder's contents zipped.

    Android only.

    path - the path to the folder on the device

    decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)



    Register Keyword To Run On Failure

    Arguments:[ keyword ]

    Sets the keyword to execute when a AppiumLibrary keyword fails.

    `keyword_name` is the name of a keyword (from any available libraries) that will be executed if a AppiumLibrary keyword fails. It is not possible to use a keyword that requires arguments. Using the value "Nothing" will disable this feature altogether.

    The initial keyword to use is set in `importing`, and the keyword that is used by default is `Capture Page Screenshot`. Taking a screenshot when something failed is a very useful feature, but notice that it can slow down the execution.

    This keyword returns the name of the previously registered failure keyword. It can be used to restore the original value later.


    Register Keyword To Run On Failure

    Log Source

    # Run `Log Source` on failure.

    ${previous kw}=

    Register Keyword To Run On Failure


    # Disables run-on-failure functionality and stores the previous kw name in a variable.

    Register Keyword To Run On Failure

    ${previous kw}

    # Restore to the previous keyword.

    This run-on-failure functionality only works when running tests on Python/Jython 2.4 or newer and it does not work on IronPython at all.



    Remove Application


    [ application_id ]

    Removes the application that is identified with an application id

    Example: Remove Application com.netease.qa.orangedemo





    Reset Application

    Arguments:[ ]

    Reset application





    Arguments:[ start_locator | end_locator ]

    Scrolls from one element to another Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.




    Scroll To

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Scrolls to element



    Set Appium Timeout

    Arguments:[ seconds ]

    Sets the timeout in seconds used by various keywords.

    There are several `Wait ...` keywords that take timeout as an argument. All of these timeout arguments are optional. The timeout used by all of them can be set globally using this keyword.

    The previous timeout value is returned by this keyword and can be used to set the old value back later. The default timeout is 5 seconds, but it can be altered in `importing`.


    ${orig timeout} = Set Appium Timeout 15 seconds

    Open page that loads slowly

    Set Appium Timeout ${orig timeout}



    Set Network Connection Status


    [ connectionStatus ]

    Sets the network connection Status.

    Android only.





    实参:[ ]

    Shake the device






    Arguments:[ start_x | start_y | end_x | end_y | duration=1000 ]

    Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration.





    Switch Application

    Arguments:[ index_or_alias ]

    Switches the active application by index or alias.

    `index_or_alias` is either application index (an integer) or alias (a string). Index is got as the return value of `Open Application`.

    This keyword returns the index of the previous active application, which can be used to switch back to that application later.

    打开多个app,然后根据定义的app变量切换各app,两个session 需要开启两个端口4755、4723


    ${appium1}= Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub alias=MyApp1 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app

    ${appium2}= Open Application http://localhost:4755/wd/hub alias=MyApp2 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app

    Click Element sendHello # Executed on appium running at localhost:4755

    Switch Application ${appium1} # Switch using index

    Click Element ackHello # Executed on appium running at localhost:4723

    Switch Application MyApp2 # Switch using alias

    Page Should Contain Text ackHello Received # Executed on appium running at localhost:4755



    Switch To Context

    Arguments:[ context_name ]

    Switch to a new context







    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Tap on element




    Wait Until Page Contains

    Arguments:[ text | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until `text` appears on current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the text appears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain`, `Wait Until Page Contains Element`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.

    等待在当前页面上包含 text内容,在设置的timeout时间内未找到,会结束用例,并在log日志中,打印error定义的信息;



    Wait Until Page Contains Element


    [ locator | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until element specified with `locator` appears on current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the element appears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain` `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.


    又见`等到网页包含`, `等到网页不包含` `等到网页不包含元素`和内置关键词`等到关键词成功`。





    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain

    Arguments:[ text | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until `text` disappears from current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the `text` disappears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Contains Element`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.





    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element


    [ locator | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until element specified with `locator` disappears from current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the element disappears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain`, `Wait Until Page Contains Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.


    等待页面中不包含 locator定位的元素存在,如果超时(timeout)仍然存在,则打印error信息;





    [ locator | percent=200% | steps=1 ]

    Zooms in on an element a certain amount.

    在元素位置 缩小放大一定的数量。


    1. is a string pattern match i.e. the 'text' attribute should end with the string 'foobar'

    2. is a regular expression match i.e. the regexp 'f.*ar' should be within the 'text' attribute

    3. is a boolead match i.e. the 'enabled' attribute should be True


    NOTE: On Android the supported attribute names are hard-coded in the AndroidElement Class's getBoolAttribute() and getStringAttribute() methods. Currently supported (appium v1.4.11): contentDescription, text, className, resourceId, enabled, checkable, checked, clickable, focusable, focused, longClickable, scrollable, selected, displayed

    NOTE: Some attributes can be evaluated in two different ways e.g. these evaluate the same thing:

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] name txt_field_name

    Element Name Should Be xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] txt_field_name



    Element Name Should Be

    Arguments:[ locator | expected ]



    Element Should Be Disabled

    Arguments:[ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is disabled.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.



    Element Should Be Enabled

    Arguments:[ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is enabled.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.



    Element Value Should Be

    Arguments:[ locator | expected ]




    Get Appium Timeout

    Arguments:[ ]

    Gets the timeout in seconds that is used by various keywords.

    See `Set Appium Timeout` for an explanation.




    Get Contexts


    [ ]

    Get available contexts.


    [u'NATIVE_APP'] 为 原生app

    u'WEBVIEW' 为 内嵌web页



    Get Current Context

    Arguments:[ ]

    Get current context.






    Get Element Attribute


    [ locator | attribute ]

    Get element attribute using given attribute: name, value,...



    Get Element Attribute locator name

    Get Element Attribute locator value



    Get Element Location

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Get element location

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    任意元素的主要属性是 `id` and `name`。见介绍有关定位元素的细节。



    Get Element Size

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Get element size

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.



    Get Elements

    Arguments:[ locator | first_element_only=False | fail_on_error=True ]

    Return elements that match the search criteria

    The element is identified by locator. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    If the first_element is set to 'True' then only the first matching element is returned.

    If the fail_on_error is set to 'True' this keyword fails if the search return nothing.

    Returns a list of WebElement Objects.



    Get Network Connection Status

    Arguments:[ ]

    Returns an integer bitmask specifying the network connection type.

    Android only.

    See `set network connection status` for more details.




    Get Source

    Arguments:[ ]

    Returns the entire source of the current page.




    Go Back


    [ ]

    Goes one step backward in the browser history.





    Go To Url


    [ url ]

    Opens URL in default web browser.



    Open Application http://localhost:4755/wd/hub platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' browserName=Safari

    Go To URL http://m.webapp.com





    Hide Keyboard


    [ key_name=None ]

    Hides the software keyboard on the device. (optional) In iOS, use `key_name` to press a particular key, ex. `Done`. In Android, no parameters are used.





    Input Password

    Arguments:[ locator | text ]

    Types the given password into text field identified by `locator`.

    Difference between this keyword and `Input Text` is that this keyword does not log the given password. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.


    与 `Input Text` 的区别在于,这个关键字不登录给定密码;???


    Input Text


    [ locator | text ]

    Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.





    Input Value


    [ locator | text ]

    Sets the given value into text field identified by `locator`. This is an IOS only keyword, input value makes use of set_value






    Arguments:[ ]

    Set the device orientation to LANDSCAPE




    Arguments:[ ]

    Lock the device




    Log Source


    [ loglevel=INFO ]

    Logs and returns the entire html source of the current page or frame.

    The `loglevel` argument defines the used log level. Valid log levels are `WARN`, `INFO` (default), `DEBUG`, `TRACE` and `NONE` (no logging).





    Long Press


    [ locator ]

    Long press the element





    Long Press Keycode

    Arguments:[ keycode | metastate=None ]

    Sends a long press of keycode to the device.

    Android only.

    See `press keycode` for more details.




    Open Application

    Arguments:[ remote_url | alias=None | **kwargs ]

    Opens a new application to given Appium server. Capabilities of appium server, Android and iOS, Please check http://appium.io/slate/en/master/?python#appium-server-capabilities

    Option Man. Description

    remote_url Yes Appium server url

    alias no alias


    Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub alias=Myapp1 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app


    Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub platformName=Android platformVersion=4.2.2 deviceName= app=${CURDIR}/demoapp/OrangeDemoApp.apk appPackage=com.netease.qa.orangedemo appActivity=MainActivity





    Page Should Contain Element


    [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page contains `locator` element.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Givin


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选



    Page Should Contain Text


    [ text | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page contains `text`.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Giving `NONE` as level disables logging.


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选



    Page Should Not Contain Element


    [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page not contains `locator` element.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Givin


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选



    Page Should Not Contain Text


    [ text | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that current page not contains `text`.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional `loglevel` argument. Giving `NONE` as level disables logging.


    如果这个关键字失败,它会自动使用指定的日志级别将日志输出到log页面 ,指定loglevel参数可选





    Arguments:[ locator | percent=200% | steps=1 ]

    Pinch in on an element a certain amount.





    Arguments:[ ]

    Set the device orientation to PORTRAIT





    Press Keycode


    [ keycode | metastate=None ]

    Sends a press of keycode to the device.

    Android only.

    Possible keycodes & meta states can be found in http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html

    Meta state describe the pressed state of key modifiers such as Shift, Ctrl & Alt keys. The Meta State is an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed meta key.


    找到可用的按键的meta states :http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/keyevent.html



    For example


    META_ALT_ON = 2


    metastate=1 --> Shift is pressed

    metastate=2 --> Alt is pressed

    metastate=3 --> Shift+Alt is pressed


    _keycode- - the keycode to be sent to the device


    _metastate- - status of the meta keys



    Pull File   


    Arguments:[ path | decode=False ]

    Retrieves the file at `path` and return it's content.

    Android only.

    path - the path to the file on the device

    decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)




    Pull Folder

    Arguments:[ path | decode=False ]

    Retrieves a folder at `path`. Returns the folder's contents zipped.

    Android only.

    path - the path to the folder on the device

    decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)



    Register Keyword To Run On Failure

    Arguments:[ keyword ]

    Sets the keyword to execute when a AppiumLibrary keyword fails.

    `keyword_name` is the name of a keyword (from any available libraries) that will be executed if a AppiumLibrary keyword fails. It is not possible to use a keyword that requires arguments. Using the value "Nothing" will disable this feature altogether.

    The initial keyword to use is set in `importing`, and the keyword that is used by default is `Capture Page Screenshot`. Taking a screenshot when something failed is a very useful feature, but notice that it can slow down the execution.

    This keyword returns the name of the previously registered failure keyword. It can be used to restore the original value later.


    Register Keyword To Run On Failure

    Log Source

    # Run `Log Source` on failure.

    ${previous kw}=

    Register Keyword To Run On Failure


    # Disables run-on-failure functionality and stores the previous kw name in a variable.

    Register Keyword To Run On Failure

    ${previous kw}

    # Restore to the previous keyword.

    This run-on-failure functionality only works when running tests on Python/Jython 2.4 or newer and it does not work on IronPython at all.



    Remove Application


    [ application_id ]

    Removes the application that is identified with an application id

    Example: Remove Application com.netease.qa.orangedemo





    Reset Application

    Arguments:[ ]

    Reset application





    Arguments:[ start_locator | end_locator ]

    Scrolls from one element to another Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.




    Scroll To

    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Scrolls to element



    Set Appium Timeout

    Arguments:[ seconds ]

    Sets the timeout in seconds used by various keywords.

    There are several `Wait ...` keywords that take timeout as an argument. All of these timeout arguments are optional. The timeout used by all of them can be set globally using this keyword.

    The previous timeout value is returned by this keyword and can be used to set the old value back later. The default timeout is 5 seconds, but it can be altered in `importing`.


    ${orig timeout} = Set Appium Timeout 15 seconds

    Open page that loads slowly

    Set Appium Timeout ${orig timeout}





    Set Network Connection Status


    [ connectionStatus ]

    Sets the network connection Status.

    Android only.




    实参:[ ]

    Shake the device




    Arguments:[ start_x | start_y | end_x | end_y | duration=1000 ]

    Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration.




    Switch Application

    Arguments:[ index_or_alias ]

    Switches the active application by index or alias.

    `index_or_alias` is either application index (an integer) or alias (a string). Index is got as the return value of `Open Application`.

    This keyword returns the index of the previous active application, which can be used to switch back to that application later.

    打开多个app,然后根据定义的app变量切换各app,两个session 需要开启两个端口4755、4723


    ${appium1}= Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub alias=MyApp1 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app

    ${appium2}= Open Application http://localhost:4755/wd/hub alias=MyApp2 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app

    Click Element sendHello # Executed on appium running at localhost:4755

    Switch Application ${appium1} # Switch using index

    Click Element ackHello # Executed on appium running at localhost:4723

    Switch Application MyApp2 # Switch using alias

    Page Should Contain Text ackHello Received # Executed on appium running at localhost:4755



    Switch To Context

    Arguments:[ context_name ]

    Switch to a new context







    Arguments:[ locator ]

    Tap on element




    Wait Until Page Contains

    Arguments:[ text | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until `text` appears on current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the text appears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain`, `Wait Until Page Contains Element`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.

    等待在当前页面上包含 text内容,在设置的timeout时间内未找到,会结束用例,并在log日志中,打印error定义的信息;




    Wait Until Page Contains Element


    [ locator | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until element specified with `locator` appears on current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the element appears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain` `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.


    又见`等到网页包含`, `等到网页不包含` `等到网页不包含元素`和内置关键词`等到关键词成功`。



    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain

    Arguments:[ text | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until `text` disappears from current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the `text` disappears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Contains Element`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.




    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element


    [ locator | timeout=None | error=None ]

    Waits until element specified with `locator` disappears from current page.

    Fails if `timeout` expires before the element disappears. See `introduction` for more information about `timeout` and its default value.

    `error` can be used to override the default error message.

    See also `Wait Until Page Contains`, `Wait Until Page Does Not Contain`, `Wait Until Page Contains Element` and BuiltIn keyword `Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`.


    等待页面中不包含 locator定位的元素存在,如果超时(timeout)仍然存在,则打印error信息;





    [ locator | percent=200% | steps=1 ]

    Zooms in on an element a certain amount.

    在元素位置 缩小放大一定的数量。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuchne/p/12920367.html
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