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  • Machine Learning 000

    Stanford Link


    Arthur Samuel: Machine Learing is the field of study that gives the computer the ablility to learn with out being explicitly  programmed.

    Tom Mitchell: a computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at task in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.


    • Supervised Learning 
    • Unsupervised Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning

    Supervised Learning

    • eg: Housing Price Prediction
      • Given: a dataset that contains n samples(x1, y1),...,(xn, yn), x is for square feet, y is for price
      • Task: if a residence has x square feet, predict its price?


    • Regression vs Classification
      • regression: if y ∈ R is a continuous variable, e.g., price prediction
      • classification: the label is a discrete variable,e.g., the task of predicting the types of residence
    • Supervised Learning in Computer Vision
      • Image Classification, x = raw pixels of the image, y = the main object
      • Object localization and detection, x = raw pixel of the  image, y = the bounding boxes
    • Supervised Learning in Natural Language Processing
      • Machine translation

    Unsupervised Learning

    • Dataset contains no labels: x1,...,xn
    • Goal(vaguely-posed): to find interesting structures in the data

    • Clustering

     Reinforcement Learning

    •  The algorithm can collect data interactively


    Other Tools/Toptics In This Course

    • Deep learning basics
    • Introduction to learning theory
      • Bias偏差 variance方差 tradeoff
      • Feature selection
      • ML advice
    • Broader aspects of ML
      • Robustness/fairness
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuelien/p/12904026.html
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