- Install and run WinSCP
- Go to Preferences (Ctrl+Alt+P) and click on Transfer, then on Add. Name the preset.
- Set the transfer mode to binary (you don't want line conversions)
- Set file modification to "No change"
- Click the Edit button next to File Mask and setup your include and exclude files and folders (useful for when you have a .git/.svn folder present or you want to exclude build products from being synchronized).
- Click OK
- Connect to your remote server and navigate to the folder of interest
- Choose an empty folder on your local machine.
- Select your newly created Transfer settings preset.
- Finally, hit Ctrl+U (Commands > Keep remote directory up to date) and make sure "Synchronize on start" and "Update subdirectories" are checked.
From then on, WinSCP will keep your changes synchronized.
Work in the local folder using SublimeText. Just make sure that Sublime Text is set to guess the line endings from the file that is being edited.