1 import time 2 #一般输出 3 print('hello,world') 4 a = [1,2,3] 5 print([1,2,3]) 6 print(a) 7 8 # 格式化控制 9 s = 'Hello' 10 z = 'world' 11 12 x = len(s) 13 print("The length of %s is %d" %(s,x)) 14 print(x,end=' ') #指定不换行,因为Python默认换行 15 print('hello') 16 17 #字符串的拼接 18 print(s+z) 19 20 # 2的3次幂对5取模 21 print(pow(2,3,5)) 22 23 print("Loading",end=" ") 24 for i in range(20): 25 print(".",end='',flush = True) 26 time.sleep(0.5) 27 运行结果: 28 hello,world 29 [1, 2, 3] 30 [1, 2, 3] 31 The length of Hello is 5 32 5 hello 33 Helloworld 34 3 35 Loading ....................