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  • [收集] Web服务相关的, 介绍框架(framework)类的论文

    收集了部分Web服务相关的, 介绍框架(framework)类的论文
    <RECORD 1>
    WSCF: A framework for web service-based application supporting environment (ICWS05)
    Hu, Jianqiang (School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology); Quo, Changguo; Zou, Peng
    <RECORD 2>
    Harmony - A framework for automatic web service composition (WEBIST08)
    Chifu, Viorica R. (Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca); Salomie, Ioan; Chifu, Emil St.; Partac, Constantin
    <RECORD 3>
    A framework for the server-side management of conversations with Web Services (WWW04)
    <RECORD 4>
    WS-replication: A framework for highly available web services (WWW06)
    Salas, Jorge (School of Computer Science, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid); Perez-Sorrosal, Francisco; Patio-Martinez, Marta; Jimenez-Peris,
    <RECORD 5>
    A framework for model checking web service compositions based on BPEL4WS (ICEBE07)
    Dai, Guilan (Research Institute of InformationTechnology, Tsinghua University); Bai, Xiaoying; Zhao, Chongchong Source: Proceedings - ICEBE 2007:
    <RECORD 6>
    A framework for automatic composition of RFQ web services (SERVICES07)
    Claro, Daniela Barreiro (LaSiD-DCC-UFBA, Federal University of Bahia); Albers, Patrick; Hao, Jin-Kao Source: Proceedings - 2007 IEEE Congress on Services, SERVICES 2007, Proceedings - 2007 IEEE Congress on Services, SERVICES 2007, 2007,  p 221-228
    <RECORD 7>
    A framework for QoS computation in web service and technology selection (Computer Standards and Interfaces 06, Elsevier)
    Syed Muhammad Ahsan (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology)
    <RECORD 8>
    E-WsFrame: A framework support QoS driven web services composition(Information Technology Journal 07)
    Chen, Yan-Ping (Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University); Li, Zeng-Zhi
    <RECORD 9>
    A framework to support survivable web services (IPDPS05)
    Li, Wei (Department of Computer Science, University of Texas); He, Jiang; Ma, Qingkai; Yen, I-Ling; Bastani, Farokh; Paul, Raymond
    <RECORD 10>
    A framework for monitoring and runtime recovery of Web service-based applications (ICEIS 08)
    Pegoraro, Rene (Computer Science Department, Sao Paulo State University at Bauru, UNESP); Halima, Riadh Ben; Drira, Khalil; Guennoun, Karim; Rosario, Joao Mauricio
    <RECORD 11>
    WS-CCDL: A framework for web service collaborative context definition language for dynamic collaborations (ICWS08)
    Nepal, Surya (Networking Technologies Laboratory, CSIRO ICT Centre); Zic, John; Chen, Sniping
    <RECORD 12>
    A framework for Web service negotiation (ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 07)
    Paurobally, Shamimabi (University of Westminster); Tamma, Valentina; Wooldrdige, Michael
    <RECORD 13>
    A framework for the deployment of adaptable web service compositions (SOCA 07)
    Baresi, Luciano (Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano); Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Ghezzi, Carlo; Guinea, Sam
    <RECORD 14>
    PAWS: A framework for executing adaptive web-service processes (IEEE Software 07)
    Ardagna, Danilo (Politecnico di Milano); Comuzzi, Marco; Mussi, Enrico; Pernici, Barbara; Plebani, Pierluigi
    <RECORD 15>
    IAPF: A framework for enhancing web services security (COMPSAC07)
    Sidharth, Navya (Metropolitan State University); Liu, Jigang
    <RECORD 16>
    A peer-to-peer framework for Web service discovery with ranking (ICWS04)
    Emekci, Fatih (Department of Computer Science, University of California); Sahin, Ozgur D.; Agrawal, Divyakant; El Abbadi, Amr
    <RECORD 17>
    A model driven development framework for enterprise web services (EDOC06)
    Yu, Xiaofeng (State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University); Hu, Jun; Zhang, Yan; Zhang, Tian; Wang, Linzhang; Zhao, Jianhua; Li, Xuandong
    <RECORD 18>
    A model-driven development framework for enterprise Web services (Information Systems Frontiers07)
    Yu, Xiaofeng (State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University); Zhang, Yan; Zhang, Tian; Wang, Linzhang; Hu, Jun; Zhao, Jianhua; Li, Xuandong
    <RECORD 19>
    ALBC4WS: a dynamic serivce composition framework based on the software architecture lifecycle (计算机研发05)
    Rao, Yuan (Department of Automation, Tsinghua University); Feng, Boqing; Li, Zunchao
    <RECORD 20>
    A service-oriented composition framework with QoS management (IJWSR06)
    Fung, Casey K. (Boeing Phantom Works); Hung, Patrick C. K.; Linger, Richard C.; Wang, Guijun; Walton, Gwendolyn H.
    <RECORD 21>
    An access control framework for web services (Information Management and Computer Security05)
    Coetzee, M. (School of Information Technology, University of Johannesburg); Eloff, J.H.P.
    <RECORD 22>
    Framework for Web service query algebra and optimization (ACM Transactions on the Web, 08)
    Yu, Qi (Virginia Tech.); Bouguettaya, Athman

    国内期刊方面, CIMS上此类文章较多
    <RECORD 1>
    Enterprise integration platform framework based on Web services (CIMS08)
    Meng, Xiao-Jun (School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhang, Xu; Ning, Ru-Xin; Song, Yu
    <RECORD 2>
    Distributed wide-area cooperation multi-Agent framework and its prototype based on Web Service (CIMS07)
    Tong, Xiao-Yang (School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University)
    <RECORD 3>
    WS-Resource based inter-operation framework for dynamic workflow (CIMS06)
    Liu, Min (CIMS Research Ctr., Tongji Univ.); Yan, Jun-Wei; Wang, Jian
    <RECORD 4>
    Web services based framework for integration of manufacturing resources in agile manufacturing (CIMS06)
    Yang, Yong-Zhi (Sch. of Mechanical Sci. and Eng., Huazhong Univ. of S and T); Guan, Zai-Lin; Gao, Liang; Shao, Xin-Yu
    <RECORD 5>
    Practical service grid framework based on dynamic service composition (CIMS06)
    Ni, Wan-Cheng (National CIMS Eng. Research Cent., Tsinghua Univ.); Liu, Lian-Chen; Wu, Cheng; Liu, Wei
    <RECORD 6>
    Research on model of semantic Web service framework (CIMS05)
    Man, Jun-Feng (Dept. of Computer Sci., Zhuzhou Inst. of Technol.); Qiu, Yin-An; Chen, Qing; Yang, Ai-Min
    <RECORD 7>
    Web service-oriented dynamic E-business integration framework (CIMS04)
    Rao, Yuan (Dept. of Comp. Sci. and Technol., Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.); Feng, Bo-Qin
    <RECORD 8>
    Agile information system framework based on service-oriented architecture in virtual enterprise (CIMS04)
    Zhang, Ming-Bao (Dept. of Elec. Eng., Southeast Univ.); Xia, An-Bang
    <RECORD 9>
    Framework of information integration over enterprises based on Web service (CIMS03)
    Zhou, Hang-Bin (Dept. of Elec. Eng., Southeast Univ.); Xia, An-Bang; Zhang, Chang-Hao
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuquanlaobo/p/1407894.html
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