Preference-aware web service composition by reinforcement learning (ICTAI 2008)
Wang, Hongbing; Tang, Pingping一种可信的自适应服务组合机制 (Dependable and adaptive approach to supporting Web service composition) (计算机学报 2008)
郭慧鹏 怀进鹏 邓婷 李扬
Dynamic web service composition within a service-oriented architecture (ICWS 2007)
Jureta, Ivan J.; Faulkner, Stéphane; Achbany, Youssef; Saerens, Marco
Towards efficient selection of web services with reinforcement learning process(ICTAI 2005)
Cai, Dongjun; Luo, Zongwei; Qian, Kun; Gao, Yang