- YouTube - Unity
- Noise and Textures in Shader Graph! | 2D Shader Basics (YouTube) (Bilibili)
- Beginner Scripting Tutorial (Unity Learn)
- C# Variables And Functions in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
- C# Conventions and Syntax in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
- C# If Statements in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
- C# Loops in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
- C# Arrays in Unity! - Beginner Scripting Tutorial (YouTube)
- Intermediate Scripting Tutorial (Unity Learn)
- Roll-a-Ball (Unity Learn)
- Roll-a-Ball: 8.1 Create a build of your game (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 7.1 Store the value of collected PickUps (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 6.1 Disable PickUps with OnTriggerEnter (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 5.1 Create a collectible GameObject (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 4.1 Create a wall for the play field (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 3.1 Set the Camera position (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 2.1 Add a Rigidbody to the player (YouTube)
- Roll-a-Ball: 1.1 Create a new Unity project (YouTube)
- Rendering Particles with Visual Effects Graph in Unity! (YouTube) (Bilibili) (Bilibili官中)
- Basic Operations in Shadergraph | 2D Shader Basics (YouTube) (Bilibili)
- Unity Technologies Blog
- Exclusive promotion: 50% off assets for Unity Student users
- Unity at SIGGRAPH 2020: Bringing together communities of creators online
- Empowering Honda's designers to create beautiful interactive presentations in 1 day
- Why Hi-Rez isn't worried about the launch of Rogue Company
- Teaching Unity? Enrich your curricula with free resources for educators
- Enhancing mobile performance with the Burst compiler
- Codice Software joins Unity Technologies to bring version control to real-time 3D workflows
- 微信公众号 - Unity官方平台
- Unity游戏云快速上手指南:如何把项目升级到云端资源加载,实现热更!
- Unity 2020.1 | 全新的预制件编辑工作流
- 社区直播预告 | Unity Shader Graph 实践 (8月26日 20:00 B站直播)
- Unity帮助Romero Games“再现”上世纪的黑暗版芝加哥
- Unity人物志|遇见解决方案工程师小哥哥
- Made with Unity | 3A级魂系国产手游大作是怎么炼成的 (帕斯卡契约)
- 十种故障艺术后处理算法的总结与实现
- Unity宣布收购 Plastic SCM 的开发商 Codice Software
- 如何科学地进行游戏优化?A/B测试了解一下 (deltaDNA的广告)
- Bilibili - Unity官方