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  • 利用GSensor让屏幕实现360度旋 ...

    在Android的Settings->Sound andDisplay中有Orientation这一设置项。当选中时,反转手机,手机屏幕会随之旋转,一般只可以旋转90度。
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        private static final String KEY_ACCELEROMETER = "accelerometer";  
        private static final String KEY_ACCELEROMETER = "accelerometer";  
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            protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
                mAccelerometer = (CheckBoxPreference) findPreference(KEY_ACCELEROMETER);  
            protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
                mAccelerometer = (CheckBoxPreference) findPreference(KEY_ACCELEROMETER);  
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        public boolean onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen, Preference preference) {  
            } else if (preference == mAccelerometer) {  
                            mAccelerometer.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);  
        public boolean onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen, Preference preference) {  
            } else if (preference == mAccelerometer) {  
                            mAccelerometer.isChecked() ? 1 : 0);  
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        public void update() {  
                    ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();  
                    boolean updateRotation = false;  
                    synchronized (mLock) {  
                        int accelerometerDefault = Settings.System.getInt(resolver,  
                                Settings.System.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION, DEFAULT_ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION);  
                        if (mAccelerometerDefault != accelerometerDefault) {  
                            mAccelerometerDefault = accelerometerDefault;  
        public void update() {  
                    ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();  
                    boolean updateRotation = false;  
                    synchronized (mLock) {  
                        int accelerometerDefault = Settings.System.getInt(resolver,  
                                Settings.System.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION, DEFAULT_ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION);  
                        if (mAccelerometerDefault != accelerometerDefault) {  
                            mAccelerometerDefault = accelerometerDefault;  
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        class MyOrientationListener extends WindowOrientationListener {  
              MyOrientationListener(Context context) {  
              public void onOrientationChanged(int rotation) {  
                  // Send updates based on orientation value  
                  if (true) Log.i(TAG, "onOrientationChanged, rotation changed to " +rotation);  
                  try {  
                      mWindowManager.setRotation(rotation, false,  
                  } catch (RemoteException e) {  
                      // Ignore  
          MyOrientationListener mOrientationListener;  
          boolean useSensorForOrientationLp(int appOrientation) {  
              if (appOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR) {  
                  return true;  
              if (mAccelerometerDefault != 0 && (  
                      appOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER ||  
                      appOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED)) {  
                  return true;  
              return false;  
           * We always let the sensor be switched on by default except when 
           * the user has explicitly disabled sensor based rotation or when the 
           * screen is switched off. 
          boolean needSensorRunningLp() {  
              if (mCurrentAppOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR) {  
                  // If the application has explicitly requested to follow the  
                  // orientation, then we need to turn the sensor or.  
                  return true;  
              if (mAccelerometerDefault == 0) {  
                  // If the setting for using the sensor by default is enabled, then  
                  // we will always leave it on.  Note that the user could go to  
                  // a window that forces an orientation that does not use the  
                  // sensor and in theory we could turn it off... however, when next  
                  // turning it on we won't have a good value for the current  
                  // orientation for a little bit, which can cause orientation  
                  // changes to lag, so we'd like to keep it always on.  (It will  
                  // still be turned off when the screen is off.)  
                  return false;  
              return true;  
        class MyOrientationListener extends WindowOrientationListener {  
              MyOrientationListener(Context context) {  
              public void onOrientationChanged(int rotation) {  
                  // Send updates based on orientation value  
                  if (true) Log.i(TAG, "onOrientationChanged, rotation changed to " +rotation);  
                  try {  
                      mWindowManager.setRotation(rotation, false,  
                  } catch (RemoteException e) {  
                      // Ignore  
          MyOrientationListener mOrientationListener;  
          boolean useSensorForOrientationLp(int appOrientation) {  
              if (appOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR) {  
                  return true;  
              if (mAccelerometerDefault != 0 && (  
                      appOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER ||  
                      appOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED)) {  
                  return true;  
              return false;  
           * We always let the sensor be switched on by default except when 
           * the user has explicitly disabled sensor based rotation or when the 
           * screen is switched off. 
          boolean needSensorRunningLp() {  
              if (mCurrentAppOrientation == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR) {  
                  // If the application has explicitly requested to follow the  
                  // orientation, then we need to turn the sensor or.  
                  return true;  
              if (mAccelerometerDefault == 0) {  
                  // If the setting for using the sensor by default is enabled, then  
                  // we will always leave it on.  Note that the user could go to  
                  // a window that forces an orientation that does not use the  
                  // sensor and in theory we could turn it off... however, when next  
                  // turning it on we won't have a good value for the current  
                  // orientation for a little bit, which can cause orientation  
                  // changes to lag, so we'd like to keep it always on.  (It will  
                  // still be turned off when the screen is off.)  
                  return false;  
              return true;  
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        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {  
            float[] values = event.values;  
            float X = values[_DATA_X];  
            float Y = values[_DATA_Y];  
            float Z = values[_DATA_Z];  
            float OneEightyOverPi = 57.29577957855f;  
            float gravity = (float) Math.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z);  
            float zyangle = (float)Math.asin(Z/gravity)*OneEightyOverPi;  
            int rotation = -1;  
            if ((zyangle <= PIVOT_UPPER) && (zyangle >= PIVOT_LOWER)) {  
                // Check orientation only if the phone is flat enough  
                // Don't trust the angle if the magnitude is small compared to the y value  
                float angle = (float)Math.atan2(Y, -X) * OneEightyOverPi;  
                int orientation = 90 - (int)Math.round(angle);  
                // normalize to 0 - 359 range  
                while (orientation >= 360) {  
                    orientation -= 360;  
                while (orientation < 0) {  
                    orientation += 360;  
                // Orientation values between  LANDSCAPE_LOWER and PL_LOWER  
                // are considered landscape.  
                // Ignore orientation values between 0 and LANDSCAPE_LOWER  
                // For orientation values between LP_UPPER and PL_LOWER,  
                // the threshold gets set linearly around PIVOT.  
                if ((orientation >= PL_LOWER) && (orientation <= LP_UPPER)) {  
                    float threshold;  
                    float delta = zyangle - PIVOT;  
                    if (mSensorRotation == Surface.ROTATION_90) {  
                        if (delta < 0) {  
                            // Delta is negative  
                            threshold = LP_LOWER - (LP_LF_LOWER * delta);  
                        } else {  
                            threshold = LP_LOWER + (LP_LF_UPPER * delta);  
                        rotation = (orientation >= threshold) ? Surface.ROTATION_0 : Surface.ROTATION_90;  
                    } else {  
                        if (delta < 0) {  
                            // Delta is negative  
                            threshold = PL_UPPER+(PL_LF_LOWER * delta);  
                        } else {  
                            threshold = PL_UPPER-(PL_LF_UPPER * delta);  
                        rotation = (orientation <= threshold) ? Surface.ROTATION_90: Surface.ROTATION_0;  
                } else if ((orientation >= LANDSCAPE_LOWER) && (orientation < LP_LOWER)) {  
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;  
                } else if ((orientation >= PL_UPPER) || (orientation <= PORTRAIT_LOWER)) {  
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;  
                if ((rotation != -1) && (rotation != mSensorRotation)) {  
                    mSensorRotation = rotation;  
        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {  
            float[] values = event.values;  
            float X = values[_DATA_X];  
            float Y = values[_DATA_Y];  
            float Z = values[_DATA_Z];  
            float OneEightyOverPi = 57.29577957855f;  
            float gravity = (float) Math.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z);  
            float zyangle = (float)Math.asin(Z/gravity)*OneEightyOverPi;  
            int rotation = -1;  
            if ((zyangle <= PIVOT_UPPER) && (zyangle >= PIVOT_LOWER)) {  
                // Check orientation only if the phone is flat enough  
                // Don't trust the angle if the magnitude is small compared to the y value  
                float angle = (float)Math.atan2(Y, -X) * OneEightyOverPi;  
                int orientation = 90 - (int)Math.round(angle);  
                // normalize to 0 - 359 range  
                while (orientation >= 360) {  
                    orientation -= 360;  
                while (orientation < 0) {  
                    orientation += 360;  
                // Orientation values between  LANDSCAPE_LOWER and PL_LOWER  
                // are considered landscape.  
                // Ignore orientation values between 0 and LANDSCAPE_LOWER  
                // For orientation values between LP_UPPER and PL_LOWER,  
                // the threshold gets set linearly around PIVOT.  
                if ((orientation >= PL_LOWER) && (orientation <= LP_UPPER)) {  
                    float threshold;  
                    float delta = zyangle - PIVOT;  
                    if (mSensorRotation == Surface.ROTATION_90) {  
                        if (delta < 0) {  
                            // Delta is negative  
                            threshold = LP_LOWER - (LP_LF_LOWER * delta);  
                        } else {  
                            threshold = LP_LOWER + (LP_LF_UPPER * delta);  
                        rotation = (orientation >= threshold) ? Surface.ROTATION_0 : Surface.ROTATION_90;  
                    } else {  
                        if (delta < 0) {  
                            // Delta is negative  
                            threshold = PL_UPPER+(PL_LF_LOWER * delta);  
                        } else {  
                            threshold = PL_UPPER-(PL_LF_UPPER * delta);  
                        rotation = (orientation <= threshold) ? Surface.ROTATION_90: Surface.ROTATION_0;  
                } else if ((orientation >= LANDSCAPE_LOWER) && (orientation < LP_LOWER)) {  
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;  
                } else if ((orientation >= PL_UPPER) || (orientation <= PORTRAIT_LOWER)) {  
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;  
                if ((rotation != -1) && (rotation != mSensorRotation)) {  
                    mSensorRotation = rotation;  
    Android Sensor 屏幕360度旋转实现
    2010-09-17 10:51
    修改下面函数 void android.view.WindowOrientationListener.SensorEventListenerImpl.onSensorChanged(android.hardware.SensorEvent event)
                float[] values = event.values;
                float X = values[_DATA_X];
                float Y = values[_DATA_Y];
                float Z = values[_DATA_Z];
                //For fixing the problem of Sensor change the window orientation error but the sensor game is no problem.
                float OneEightyOverPi = 57.29577957855f;
                float gravity = (float) Math.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z);
                float zyangle = (float)Math.asin(Z/gravity)*OneEightyOverPi;
                int rotation = -1;
                if ((zyangle <= PIVOT_UPPER) && (zyangle >= PIVOT_LOWER)) {
                    // Check orientation only if the phone is flat enough
                    // Don't trust the angle if the magnitude is small compared to the y value
                    float angle = (float)Math.atan2(Y, -X) * OneEightyOverPi;
                    int orientation = 90 - (int)Math.round(angle);
                    // normalize to 0 - 359 range
                    while (orientation >= 360) {
                        orientation -= 360;
                    while (orientation < 0) {
                        orientation += 360;
                    if(orientation > 325 || orientation <= 45){
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
                    }else if(orientation > 45 && orientation <= 135){
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;
                    }else if(orientation > 135 && orientation < 225){
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;
                    }else {
                    rotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;
                    Log.i("Tiger","mSensorRotation="+mSensorRotation+"    , rotation="+rotation);
                    if ((rotation != -1) && (rotation != mSensorRotation)) {
                        mSensorRotation = rotation;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuzaipiaofei/p/4124316.html
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