之所以想写这篇帖子,是有两个方面原因。其一是内核版有一个关于《内核可以从线性地址直接计算物理地址,用来做什么呢?》的讨论,偶说计算出物理地址可以共享给用户空间读写。dreamice兄说能否说一下详细的应用。其二是alb*版主提到wheelz曾经写过这样一个例程,拜读了一把,发现在传递物理地址和内存大小上,wheelz的例程还有些不够灵活。alb*版主提到可以通过文件的方式实现动态的传递。 因此,偶也写了这样一个例程,可以动态的将内核空间的物理地址和大小传给用户空间。 整个内核模块,在模块插入时建立proc文件,分配内存。卸载模块的时候将用户空间写入的内容打印出来。 以下是内核模块的代码和用户空间的测试代码。 QUOTE: /*This program is used to allocate memory in kernel and pass the physical address to userspace through proc file.*/ #include <linux/version.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #define PROC_MEMSHARE_DIR "memshare" #define PROC_MEMSHARE_PHYADDR "phymem_addr" #define PROC_MEMSHARE_SIZE "phymem_size" /*alloc one page. 4096 bytes*/ #define PAGE_ORDER 0 /*this value can get from PAGE_ORDER*/ #define PAGES_NUMBER 1 struct proc_dir_entry *proc_memshare_dir ; unsigned long kernel_memaddr = 0; unsigned long kernel_memsize= 0; static int proc_read_phymem_addr(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count) { return sprintf(page, "%08lx\n", __pa(kernel_memaddr)); } static int proc_read_phymem_size(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count) { return sprintf(page, "%lu\n", kernel_memsize); } static int __init init(void) { /*build proc dir "memshare"and two proc files: phymem_addr, phymem_size in the dir*/ proc_memshare_dir = proc_mkdir(PROC_MEMSHARE_DIR, NULL); create_proc_info_entry(PROC_MEMSHARE_PHYADDR, 0, proc_memshare_dir, proc_read_phymem_addr); create_proc_info_entry(PROC_MEMSHARE_SIZE, 0, proc_memshare_dir, proc_read_phymem_size); /*alloc one page*/ kernel_memaddr =__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, PAGE_ORDER); if(!kernel_memaddr) { printk("Allocate memory failure!\n"); } else { SetPageReserved(virt_to_page(kernel_memaddr)); kernel_memsize = PAGES_NUMBER * PAGE_SIZE; printk("Allocate memory success!. The phy mem addr=%08lx, size=%lu\n", __pa(kernel_memaddr), kernel_memsize); } return 0; } static void __exit fini(void) { printk("The content written by user is: %s\n", (unsigned char *) kernel_memaddr); ClearPageReserved(virt_to_page(kernel_memaddr)); free_pages(kernel_memaddr, PAGE_ORDER); remove_proc_entry(PROC_MEMSHARE_PHYADDR, proc_memshare_dir); remove_proc_entry(PROC_MEMSHARE_SIZE, proc_memshare_dir); remove_proc_entry(PROC_MEMSHARE_DIR, NULL); return; } module_init(init); module_exit(fini); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Godbach ("); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Kernel memory share module."); 用户空间的测试代码: QUOTE: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mman.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s string\n", argv[0]); return 0; } unsigned long phymem_addr, phymem_size; char *map_addr; char s[256]; int fd; /*get the physical address of allocated memory in kernel*/ fd = open("/proc/memshare/phymem_addr", O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) { printf("cannot open file /proc/memshare/phymem_addr\n"); return 0; } read(fd, s, sizeof(s)); sscanf(s, "%lx", &phymem_addr); close(fd); /*get the size of allocated memory in kernel*/ fd = open("/proc/memshare/phymem_size", O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) { printf("cannot open file /proc/memshare/phymem_size\n"); return 0; } read(fd, s, sizeof(s)); sscanf(s, "%lu", &phymem_size); close(fd); printf("phymem_addr=%lx, phymem_size=%lu\n", phymem_addr, phymem_size); /*memory map*/ int map_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); if(map_fd < 0) { printf("cannot open file /dev/mem\n"); return 0; } map_addr = mmap(0, phymem_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, map_fd, phymem_addr); strcpy(map_addr, argv[1]); munmap(map_addr, phymem_size); close(map_fd); return 0; } 测试的内核是2.6.25.以下是执行结果。 QUOTE: debian:/home/km/memshare# insmod memshare_kernel.ko debian:/home/km/memshare# ./memshare_user 'hello,world!' phymem_addr=e64e000, phymem_size=4096 debian:/home/km/memshare# cat /proc/memshare/phymem_addr 0e64e000 debian:/home/km/memshare# cat /proc/memshare/phymem_size 4096 debian:/home/km/memshare# rmmod memshare_kernel debian:/home/km/memshare# tail /var/log/messages Sep 27 18:14:24 debian kernel: [50527.567931] Allocate memory success!. The phy mem addr=0e64e000, size=4096 Sep 27 18:15:31 debian kernel: [50592.570986] The content written by user is: hello,world! 仓促之间,有些地方处理的还是比较简单。希望高手多多指正。需要了解这方面实现的可以参考一下,共同学习。 [ 本帖最后由 Godbach 于 2008-11-12 17:45 编辑 ]