Longest Common Prefix
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
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1. break的时候,应该返回上一个索引指向的子串。
2. 如果没有break,表示minlen长度的字串就是最大pre.

1 public class Solution { 2 //http://blog.csdn.net/fightforyourdream/article/details/14642079 3 public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { 4 if (strs == null || strs.length == 0) { 5 // bug 2: should not return null. 6 return ""; 7 } 8 9 // Find out the shortest length. 10 String s0 = strs[0]; 11 int len = s0.length(); 12 for (String s: strs) { 13 len = Math.min(len, s.length()); 14 } 15 16 // The index of the character which is examing. 17 // Bug 3: 当不会break的时候,结果是错的 18 // Bug 4: forget to add int i = 0; 19 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 20 // Bug 1: forget to write charAt(i); 21 char c = s0.charAt(i); 22 for (int j = 0; j < strs.length; j++) { 23 if (strs[j].charAt(i) != c) { 24 // Bug 5: write substring to sbustring 25 return s0.substring(0, i); 26 } 27 } 28 } 29 30 // Never break, means strs[0].0-len is the solution. 31 return s0.substring(0, len); 32 } 33 }
2015.1.2 redo:

1 public class Solution { 2 public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) { 3 String ret = ""; 4 if (strs == null || strs.length == 0) { 5 return ret; 6 } 7 8 int minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 9 for (String str: strs) { 10 minLen = Math.min(str.length(), minLen); 11 } 12 13 for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { 14 for (int j = 1; j < strs.length; j++) { 15 if (strs[0].charAt(i) != strs[j].charAt(i)) { 16 return strs[0].substring(0, i); 17 } 18 } 19 } 20 21 return strs[0].substring(0, minLen); 22 } 23 }