package com.dao; import com.bean.DemandBean; import com.bean.Tongjibean; import com.mapper.DemandMapper; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; import java.util.List; public class DemandDao { private DemandMapper mapper; /* * 获取数据表中数据总量 */ public void setUp() throws Exception { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:spring/applicationContext.xml", "classpath:spring/applicationContext-mybatis.xml"); mapper = context.getBean(DemandMapper.class); } public int getCount() throws Exception { setUp(); return mapper.getCount(); } /** * 判断需求名称是否存在 * * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("finally") public boolean checkName(String JSXQMC) throws Exception { setUp(); DemandBean demandBean = new DemandBean(); try { demandBean = mapper.getByName(JSXQMC); if (demandBean == null) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { return false; } } /* * 添加需求 */ public void saveDemand(DemandBean demandBean) throws Exception { setUp(); int n = mapper.saveDemand(demandBean); } /* * 更新审核的状态 */ public boolean updateSFSH(String WJID, int SFSH, String V) throws Exception { setUp(); DemandBean demandBean = new DemandBean(); demandBean.setWJID(WJID); demandBean.setSFSH(SFSH); demandBean.setV(V); int n = mapper.updateSFSH(demandBean); if (n > 0) return true; return false; } // 获取每一个分页的数据 public List<DemandBean> getListByPage(int start, int size) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListPage(start, size); return list; } /** * 根据需求状态 获取数目 */ public Tongjibean tongji() throws Exception { setUp(); Tongjibean tongjibean = new Tongjibean(); tongjibean.setWeishenhe(mapper.getWeishenhe()); tongjibean.setShenhe(mapper.getShenhe()); tongjibean.setTongguo(mapper.getTongguo()); tongjibean.setTuihui(mapper.getTuihui()); return tongjibean; } // 去掉分页 public List<DemandBean> xdshPolicy(String num, String sType0, String q0, String logic1, String sType1, String q1, String logic2, String sType2, String q2) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.xdshPolicy(num, sType0, q0, logic1, sType1, q1, logic2, sType2, q2); return list; } /** * 显示基础研究,,,,集合 * * @throws Exception */ public List<String> getTypeList() throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getTypeList(); return list; } /* 显示学科分类第一级 */ public List<String> getXKFLListA() throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getXKFLListA(); return list; } /* 显示学科分类第二级 */ public List<String> getXKFLListB(String type) throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getXKFLListB(type); return list; } /* 显示学科分类第三级 */ public List<String> getXKFLListC(String type) throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getXKFLListC(type); return list; } /* * 检测字符串中第几个位置的字符 public String getSP(String str,int n){ String A=""; * String[] split=str.split("\,"); A=split[n]; return A; String * address="上海:上海市:闵行区:吴中路"; String[] splitAddress=address.split("\:"); * System.out.println(splitAddress[0]+splitAddress[1]+splitAddress[2]+ * splitAddress[3]); } * * 数组的个数 public int getStr(String a){ int num=0; String[] * split=a.split("\,"); num=split.length; return num; } */ /* 显示国民经济行业第一级 */ public List<String> getXQJSYYHYListA() throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getXQJSYYHYListA(); return list; } /* 显示国民经济分类第二级 */ public List<String> getXQJSYYHYListB(String type) throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getXQJSYYHYListB(type); return list; } /* 显示国民经济行业分类第三级 */ public List<String> getXQJSYYHYListC(String type) throws Exception { setUp(); List<String> list = mapper.getXQJSYYHYListC(type); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListNext(String next) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListNext(next); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListAX(String next) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListAX(next); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListBX(String next, String parent) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListBX(next, parent); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListCX(String next, String parent) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListCX(next, parent); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListAH(String next) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListAH(next); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListBH(String next, String parent) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListBH(next, parent); return list; } public List<DemandBean> getListCH(String next, String parent) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListCH(next, parent); return list; } /** * 以列表形式显示 * * @throws Exception */ public List<DemandBean> getList() throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getList(); return list; } /** * 以列表形式显示,用户已提交的问卷 * * @throws Exception */ public List<DemandBean> getMyList(String username) throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getMyList(username); return list; } /** * 带条件的搜索,通过name */ public List<DemandBean> getByName(String JSXQMC) { try { setUp(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getByLikeName(JSXQMC); return list; } /** * 根据id查看详细信息 * * @throws Exception */ public DemandBean getById(String WJID) throws Exception { setUp(); DemandBean demandBean = new DemandBean(); demandBean = mapper.getById(WJID); return demandBean; } /** * 以列表形式显示未审核的需求信息 * * @throws Exception */ public List<DemandBean> getListNo() throws Exception { setUp(); List<DemandBean> list = mapper.getListNo(); return list; } public boolean deleteDemand(String id) throws Exception { setUp(); return mapper.deleteDemand(id); } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.mapper.DemandMapper"> <delete id="deleteDemand" parameterType="java.lang.String"> delete from T_DCWJXX where WJID=#{id} </delete> <!-- 获取数据库的总量 需求数目 --> <!--count--> <select id="getCount" resultType="int"> select count(*) count from T_DCWJXX </select> <!-- 判断需求名称是否存在 --> <!--name exist--> <select id="getByName" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where JSXQMC=#{JSXQMC} </select> <!-- 添加需求 --> <!--insert--> <insert id="saveDemand" parameterType="com.bean.DemandBean"> insert into T_DCWJXX(WJID,username,SZDY,SFSH,JGMC,GLBM,TXDZ,DWWZ,DZYX,FRDB,YZBM,LXR,GDDH,YDDH,CZ,JGSX,JGJJ,JSXQMC,QSXQNF,JZXQNF,ZDKJXQGS,GJZ,YJLX,XKFL1,XKFL2,XKFL3,XQJSSSLY,QTJSMS,XQJSYYHY1,XQJSYYHY2,XQJSYYHY3,JSXQHZMS,HZYXDW,NTR,createDate) values(#{WJID},#{username},#{SZDY},#{SFSH},#{JGMC},#{GLBM},#{TXDZ},#{DWWZ},#{DZYX},#{FRDB},#{YZBM},#{LXR},#{GDDH},#{YDDH},#{CZ},#{JGSX},#{JGJJ},#{JSXQMC},#{QSXQNF},#{JZXQNF},#{ZDKJXQGS},#{GJZ},#{YJLX},#{XKFL1},#{XKFL2},#{XKFL3},#{XQJSSSLY},#{QTJSMS},#{XQJSYYHY1},#{XQJSYYHY2},#{XQJSYYHY3},#{JSXQHZMS},#{HZYXDW},#{NTR},#{createDate}) </insert> <!-- 更新审核的状态 --> <!--refresh--> <update id="updateSFSH" parameterType="com.bean.DemandBean"> update T_DCWJXX set SFSH=#{SFSH},V=#{V} where WJID=#{WJID} </update> <!-- 未审核的需求 --> <!-- not pass--> <select id="getListNo" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where SFSH=0 </select> <!-- 根据id查看详细信息 --> <!--Information--> <select id="getById" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where WJID= #{WJID} </select> <!-- 以列表形式显示,用户已提交的问卷 --> <select id="getMyList" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where username=#{username} </select> <!-- 带条件的搜索,通过name --> <!-- select by issue--> <select id="getByLikeName" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where JSXQMC like '%${value}%' </select> <!-- 获取所有需求 --> <!--get all--> <select id="getList" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX </select> <!-- 获取每一个分页数据 --> <!--get every page--> <select id="getListPage" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX order by id limit #{0},#{1} </select> <!-- 显示基础研究的集合 --> <!-- show jcyj list--> <select id="getTypeList" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct YJLX from T_DCWJXX </select> <!-- 显示学科分类第一级 --> <!--xkfl first level--> <select id="getXKFLListA" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct XKFL1 from T_DCWJXX </select> <!-- 显示学科分类第二级 --> <!--second level--> <select id="getXKFLListB" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct XKFL2 from T_DCWJXX where XKFL1 = #{type} </select> <!-- 显示学科分类第三级 --> <!--third level--> <select id="getXKFLListC" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct XKFL3 from T_DCWJXX where XKFL2 = #{type} </select> <!-- 显示国民经济行业第一级 --> <!--ecology first level--> <select id="getXQJSYYHYListA" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct XQJSYYHY1 from T_DCWJXX </select> <!-- 显示国民经济分类第二级 --> <!--ecology second level--> <select id="getXQJSYYHYListB" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct XQJSYYHY2 from T_DCWJXX where XQJSYYHY1 = #{type}; </select> <!-- 显示国民经济行业第三级 --> <!--ecology third level--> <select id="getXQJSYYHYListC" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="java.lang.String"> select distinct XQJSYYHY3 from T_DCWJXX where XQJSYYHY2 = #{type}; </select> <!-- 获取n页的数据 --> <!-- n page data--> <select id="getListNext" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where YJLX = #{next} </select> <select id="getListAX" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where XKFL1 = #{next} </select> <select id="getListBX" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where XKFL2 = #{0} and XKFL1 = #{1} </select> <select id="getListCX" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where XKFL3 = #{0} and XKFL2 = #{1} </select> <select id="getListAH" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where XQJSYYHY1 = #{next} </select> <select id="getListBH" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where XQJSYYHY2 = #{0} and XQJSYYHY1 = #{1} </select> <select id="getListCH" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX where XQJSYYHY3 = #{0} and XQJSYYHY2 = #{1} </select> <select id="getWeishenhe" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(*) as s from T_DCWJXX where SFSH=0 </select> <select id="getShenhe" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(*) as s from T_DCWJXX where SFSH!=0 </select> <select id="getTongguo" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(*) as s from T_DCWJXX where SFSH=1 </select> <select id="getTuihui" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(*) as s from T_DCWJXX where SFSH=2 </select> <select id="xdshPolicy" resultType="com.bean.DemandBean"> select * from T_DCWJXX <!--<where> <if test='param1 == 1'> #{param2} =='${param3}' </if> <if test="param1 == '2'"> <if test="param4 == 'AND'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%' </if> <if test="param4 == 'OR'"> (#{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%') </if> <if test="param4 == 'NOT'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' and #{param5} not like '%${param6}%' </if> </if> <if test="param1 == '3'"> <if test="param7 == 'AND'"> <if test="param4 == 'AND'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%' #{param7} #{param8} like '%${param9}%' </if> <if test="param4 == 'OR'"> (#{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%' #{param7} #{param8} like '%${param9}%') </if> <if test="param4 == 'NOT'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' and #{param5} not like '%${param6}%' and #{param8} not like '%${param9}%' </if> </if> <if test="param7 == 'OR'"> <if test="param4 == 'AND'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} (#{param5} like '%${param6}%' #{param7} #{param8} like '%${param9}%') </if> <if test="param4 == 'OR'"> (#{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%' #{param7} #{param8} like '%${param9}%') </if> <if test="param4 == 'NOT'"> (#{param2} like '%${param3}%' and #{param5} not like '%${param6}%') #{param7} #{param8} like '%${param9}%' </if> </if> <if test="param7 == 'NOT'"> <if test="param4 == 'AND'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%' and #{param8} not like '%${param9}%' </if> <if test="param4 == 'OR'"> (#{param2} like '%${param3}%' #{param4} #{param5} like '%${param6}%') and #{param8} not like '%${param9}%') </if> <if test="param4 == 'NOT'"> #{param2} like '%${param3}%' and #{param5} not like '%${param6}%' and #{param8} not like '%${param9}%' </if> </if> </if> </where>--> </select> </mapper>