Problem Statement
You are given the ints n, K, and v.
Consider the following modular equation with n variables: (x[0] * x[1] * x[2] * ... * x[n-1]) mod K = v. How many solutions does it have?
Formally, we want to find the number of sequences (x[0], x[1], ..., x[n-1]) such that each x[i] is an integer between 0 and K-1, inclusive, and the product of all x[i] gives the remainder v when divided by K.
Please compute and return the number of such sequences, modulo 10^9+7. |
Class: |
ModEquationEasy |
Method: |
count |
Parameters: |
int, int, int |
Returns: |
int |
Method signature: |
int count(int n, int K, int v) |
(be sure your method is public) |
Time limit (s): |
2.000 |
Memory limit (MB): |
256 |
Stack limit (MB): |
256 |
- |
n will be between 1 and 1,000,000,000, inclusive. |
- |
K will be between 2 and 100, inclusive. |
- |
v will be between 0 and (K-1), inclusive. |
0) |
Returns: 2
The input describes the modular equation (x[0] * x[1]) mod 4 = 1.
There are two solutions: (1, 1) and (3, 3). |
1) |
Returns: 8
This time we have 8 solutions: (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0) and (2, 2). |
2) |
3) |
4) |
5) |
给你n,v,k,找出n个数,使得 (x[0] * x[1] * x[2] * ... * x[n-1]) mod K = v,其中x[i]在0~k之间
转移: mat[i][j] = mat[i][j]+mat[i][k]*mat[k][j];
最后的答案是 mat[i][v] {0<=i<=k}
1 int N,K,V;
2 struct node{
3 ll m[105][105];
4 void clear(){
5 mem(m);
6 }
7 }a;
9 node mul(node a,node b){
10 node re; re.clear();
11 for(int i=0; i<K; i++)
12 for(int k=0; k<K; k++){
13 if(a.m[i][k]){
14 for(int j=0; j<K; j++)
15 re.m[i][j] = (re.m[i][j]+(a.m[i][k]*b.m[k][j])%mod)%mod;
16 }
17 }
18 return re;
19 }
21 node qpow(int k){
22 node re; re.clear();
23 for(int i=0; i<=K; i++) re.m[i][i]=1;
24 while(k){
25 if(k&1) re = mul(re,a);
26 a = mul(a,a);
27 k >>= 1;
28 }
29 return re;
30 }
32 int count(int n, int k, int v)
33 {
34 N=n,K=k,V=v;
35 a.clear();
36 for(int i=0; i<K; i++){
37 for(int j=0; j<K; j++)
38 a.m[i][i*j%K]++;
39 }
40 a = qpow(n-1);
41 ll ans = 0;
42 for(int i=0; i<K; i++){
43 ans = (ans+a.m[i][v])%mod;
44 }
45 return ans;
46 }