#define UPDATE_TITLE "--update_package=" #define UPDATE_COMMAND_FILE "/cache/recovery/command" #define UPDATE_FLAG_FILE "/cache/recovery/last_flag" #define LAST_INSTALL_FILE "/cache/recovery/last_install" #define LAST_LOG_FILE "/cache/recovery/last_log" #define LAST_LOCALE_FILE "/cache/recovery/last_locale" #define printf ALOGD int factory_data_reset(void) { char data[] = {"--wipe_data --locale=en_US "}; int len = 0, fd; printf("[%s]command:%s ", __FUNCTION__, data); fd = open(UPDATE_COMMAND_FILE, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { printf("[%s]creat command file failed ", __FUNCTION__); return -3; } len = strlen(data); if (write(fd, data, len) != len) { printf("[%s]write command file failed ", __FUNCTION__); close(fd); return -4; } close(fd); //delete last_install,last_log if (remove(LAST_INSTALL_FILE) != 0) printf("[%s]remove last_install failed ", __FUNCTION__); if (remove(LAST_LOG_FILE) != 0) printf("[%s]remove last_log failed ", __FUNCTION__); if (remove(LAST_LOCALE_FILE) != 0) printf("[%s]remove last_locale failed ", __FUNCTION__); sync(); //reboot to recovery __reboot(LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1, LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2, LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2, (void*) "recovery");//这句须要root权限! printf("[%s]reboot failed ", __FUNCTION__); return -7; }
int install_ota_package(char const * package_file, int use_fuse) { char *path = NULL; int len = 0, size, fd; len = strlen(package_file); if (len <= 0) { printf("[%s]strlen(package_file)=%d ", __FUNCTION__, len); return -1; } path = (char*)malloc(len+24+3); if (path == 0) { printf("[%s]malloc failed ", __FUNCTION__); return -2; } //UPDATE_COMMAND_FILE memset(path, 0, len+24+3); if (use_fuse)//(strncmp(package_file, "/vtfuse", 7) != 0) { strcpy(path, "--update_package=/vtfuse"); strcpy(&path[24], package_file); strcpy(&path[24+len], " "); } else { strcpy(path, "--update_package="); strcpy(&path[17], package_file); strcpy(&path[17+len], " "); } printf("[%s]command:%s ", __FUNCTION__, path); fd = open(UPDATE_COMMAND_FILE, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { printf("[%s]creat command file failed ", __FUNCTION__); free(path); return -3; } size = strlen(path); if (write(fd, path, size) != size) { printf("[%s]write command file failed ", __FUNCTION__); free(path); close(fd); return -4; } close(fd); //UPDATE_FLAG_FILE memset(path, 0, len+24+3); if (use_fuse)//(strncmp(package_file, "/vtfuse", 7) != 0) { strcpy(path, "updating$path=/vtfuse"); strcpy(&path[21], package_file); strcpy(&path[21+len], " "); } else { strcpy(path, "updating$path="); strcpy(&path[14], package_file); strcpy(&path[14+len], " "); } printf("[%s]last_flag:%s ", __FUNCTION__, path); fd = open(UPDATE_FLAG_FILE, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) { printf("[%s]creat last_flag file failed ", __FUNCTION__); free(path); return -5; } size = strlen(path); if (write(fd, path, size) != size) { printf("[%s]write last_flag file failed ", __FUNCTION__); free(path); close(fd); return -6; } close(fd); //delete last_install,last_log if (remove(LAST_INSTALL_FILE) != 0) printf("[%s]remove last_install failed ", __FUNCTION__); if (remove(LAST_LOG_FILE) != 0) printf("[%s]remove last_log failed ", __FUNCTION__); sync(); free(path); //reboot to recovery __reboot(LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1, LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2, LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2, (void*) "recovery");//相同须要root权限 printf("[%s]reboot failed ", __FUNCTION__); return -7; }
3.1 apk申请system权限,须要签名或者在源代码中编译!
3.2 apk是无法直接获取到root权限的,最多system权限,因此我们能够採service!
3.3 将上面的函数写两个应用。编译后放在/system/bin/下,这样我们就可以在jni中或apk中去开启service:
servicerecovery /system/bin/recovery
apk: SystemProperties.set("ctl.start", "recovery");
jni: property_set("ctl.start", "recovery");