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  • Android实现炫酷SVG动画效果







    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg" class="svg" viewBox="0 0 960 480" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
            <path fill="#B4BEC8" stroke="#B4BEC8" stroke-width="2px" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M570.14 440.2l-29.165-28.99c-7.103-8.5-6.152-36.718-6.02-40.665H425.048c.133 3.947 1.082 32.164-6.018 40.666l-29.166 28.99c-1.237 1.404-1.712 2.505-1.623 3.37h-.054c.76 7.727 6.664 6.332 13.607 6.332H558.01c6.696 0 12.412 1.27 13.493-5.56.58-.953.274-2.282-1.364-4.14z" style="fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; stroke-dasharray: 474.095184326172px, 474.095184326172px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>
            <path fill="#C8D2DC" stroke="#C8D2DC" stroke-width="2px" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M727.488 355.125c0 8.514-6.597 15.42-14.738 15.42h-465.5c-8.14 0-14.74-6.906-14.74-15.42V45.42c0-8.517 6.6-15.42 14.74-15.42h465.5c8.142 0 14.738 6.903 14.738 15.42v309.705z" style="fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; stroke-dasharray: 1645.18310546875px, 1645.18310546875px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>
            <path fill="#fff" stroke="#C8D2DC" stroke-width="2px" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M489.01 343.713c-.042-4.223 3.447-6.254 3.605-6.352-1.963-2.866-5.018-3.263-6.102-3.31-2.602-.26-5.074 1.53-6.39 1.53s-3.356-1.49-5.506-1.448c-2.836.04-5.445 1.645-6.907 4.182-2.942 5.11-.75 12.672 2.116 16.814 1.4 2.02 3.072 4.305 5.268 4.22 2.114-.08 2.913-1.362 5.467-1.362 2.556 0 3.274 1.363 5.51 1.322 2.273-.04 3.716-2.064 5.105-4.098 1.61-2.35 2.273-4.63 2.313-4.748-.05-.02-4.434-1.7-4.48-6.75M484.807 331.31c1.168-1.41 1.953-3.37 1.738-5.327-1.68.068-3.713 1.12-4.916 2.53-1.08 1.247-2.027 3.245-1.77 5.16 1.87.143 3.784-.95 4.947-2.362" style="fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; stroke-dasharray: 115.244583129883px, 115.244583129883px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>
            <path fill="#3C4650" stroke="#3C4650" stroke-width="2px" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M727.488 315.527V45.982c0-8.828-6.597-15.982-14.738-15.982h-465.5c-8.14 0-14.74 7.155-14.74 15.982v269.545H727.49z" style="fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; transition: fill-opacity 1s ease-in-out, stroke-opacity 1s ease-in-out; stroke-dasharray: 1547.85571289063px, 1547.85571289063px; stroke-dashoffset: 0px;"></path>
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    幸运的是,已经有人完毕了这个工作。而且在Github上开源 https://github.com/geftimov/android-pathview




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            final PathView pathView = (PathView) findViewById(R.id.pathView);
    //        final Path path = makeConvexArrow(50, 100);
    //        pathView.setPath(path);
            pathView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                            interpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()).
        private Path makeConvexArrow(float length, float height) {
            final Path path = new Path();
            path.moveTo(0.0f, 0.0f);
            path.lineTo(length / 4f, 0.0f);
            path.lineTo(length, height / 2.0f);
            path.lineTo(length / 4f, height);
            path.lineTo(0.0f, height);
            path.lineTo(length * 3f / 4f, height / 2f);
            path.lineTo(0.0f, 0.0f);
            return path;






     * Util class to init and get paths from svg.
    public class SvgUtils {
         * It is for logging purposes.
        private static final String LOG_TAG = "SVGUtils";
         * All the paths with their attributes from the svg.
        private final List<SvgPath> mPaths = new ArrayList<SvgPath>();
         * The paint provided from the view.
        private final Paint mSourcePaint;
         * The init svg.
        private SVG mSvg;
         * Init the SVGUtils with a paint for coloring.
         * @param sourcePaint - the paint for the coloring.
        public SvgUtils(final Paint sourcePaint) {
            mSourcePaint = sourcePaint;
         * Loading the svg from the resources.
         * @param context     Context object to get the resources.
         * @param svgResource int resource id of the svg.
        public void load(Context context, int svgResource) {
            if (mSvg != null) return;
            try {
                mSvg = SVG.getFromResource(context, svgResource);
            } catch (SVGParseException e) {
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not load specified SVG resource", e);
         * Draw the svg to the canvas.
         * @param canvas The canvas to be drawn.
         * @param width  The width of the canvas.
         * @param height The height of the canvas.
        public void drawSvgAfter(final Canvas canvas, final int width, final int height) {
            final float strokeWidth = mSourcePaint.getStrokeWidth();
            rescaleCanvas(width, height, strokeWidth, canvas);
         * Render the svg to canvas and catch all the paths while rendering.
         * @param width  - the width to scale down the view to,
         * @param height - the height to scale down the view to,
         * @return All the paths from the svg.
        public List<SvgPath> getPathsForViewport(final int width, final int height) {
            final float strokeWidth = mSourcePaint.getStrokeWidth();
            Canvas canvas = new Canvas() {
                private final Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix();
                public int getWidth() {
                    return width;
                public int getHeight() {
                    return height;
                public void drawPath(Path path, Paint paint) {
                    Path dst = new Path();
                    //noinspection deprecation
                    path.transform(mMatrix, dst);
                    mPaths.add(new SvgPath(dst, paint));
            rescaleCanvas(width, height, strokeWidth, canvas);
            return mPaths;
         * Rescale the canvas with specific width and height.
         * @param width       The width of the canvas.
         * @param height      The height of the canvas.
         * @param strokeWidth Width of the path to add to scaling.
         * @param canvas      The canvas to be drawn.
        private void rescaleCanvas(int width, int height, float strokeWidth, Canvas canvas) {
            final RectF viewBox = mSvg.getDocumentViewBox();
            final float scale = Math.min(width
                            / (viewBox.width() + strokeWidth),
                    height / (viewBox.height() + strokeWidth));
            canvas.translate((width - viewBox.width() * scale) / 2.0f,
                    (height - viewBox.height() * scale) / 2.0f);
            canvas.scale(scale, scale);
         * Path with bounds for scalling , length and paint.
        public static class SvgPath {
             * Region of the path.
            private static final Region REGION = new Region();
             * This is done for clipping the bounds of the path.
            private static final Region MAX_CLIP =
                    new Region(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE,
                            Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
             * The path itself.
            final Path path;
             * The paint to be drawn later.
            final Paint paint;
             * The length of the path.
            final float length;
             * The bounds of the path.
            final Rect bounds;
             * The measure of the path, we can use it later to get segment of it.
            final PathMeasure measure;
             * Constructor to add the path and the paint.
             * @param path  The path that comes from the rendered svg.
             * @param paint The result paint.
            SvgPath(Path path, Paint paint) {
                this.path = path;
                this.paint = paint;
                measure = new PathMeasure(path, false);
                this.length = measure.getLength();
                REGION.setPath(path, MAX_CLIP);
                bounds = REGION.getBounds();


     * PathView is an View that animate paths.
    public class PathView extends View {
         * Logging tag.
        public static final String LOG_TAG = "PathView";
         * The paint for the path.
        private Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
         * Utils to catch the paths from the svg.
        private final SvgUtils svgUtils = new SvgUtils(paint);
         * All the paths provided to the view. Both from Path and Svg.
        private List<SvgUtils.SvgPath> paths = new ArrayList<SvgUtils.SvgPath>(0);
         * This is a lock before the view is redrawn
         * or resided it must be synchronized with this object.
        private final Object mSvgLock = new Object();
         * Thread for working with the object above.
        private Thread mLoader;
         * The svg image from the raw directory.
        private int svgResourceId;
         * Object that build the animation for the path.
        private AnimatorBuilder animatorBuilder;
         * The progress of the drawing.
        private float progress = 0f;
         * If the used colors are from the svg or from the set color.
        private boolean naturalColors;
         * If the view is filled with its natural colors after path drawing.
        private boolean fillAfter;
         * The width of the view.
        private int width;
         * The height of the view.
        private int height;
         * Default constructor.
         * @param context The Context of the application.
        public PathView(Context context) {
            this(context, null);
         * Default constructor.
         * @param context The Context of the application.
         * @param attrs   attributes provided from the resources.
        public PathView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            this(context, attrs, 0);
         * Default constructor.
         * @param context  The Context of the application.
         * @param attrs    attributes provided from the resources.
         * @param defStyle Default style.
        public PathView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
            super(context, attrs, defStyle);
            getFromAttributes(context, attrs);
         * Get all the fields from the attributes .
         * @param context The Context of the application.
         * @param attrs   attributes provided from the resources.
        private void getFromAttributes(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.PathView);
            try {
                if (a != null) {
                    paint.setColor(a.getColor(R.styleable.PathView_pathColor, 0xff00ff00));
                    paint.setStrokeWidth(a.getFloat(R.styleable.PathView_pathWidth, 8.0f));
                    svgResourceId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.PathView_svg, 0);
            } finally {
                if (a != null) {
         * Set paths to be drawn and animated.
         * @param paths - Paths that can be drawn.
        public void setPaths(final List<Path> paths) {
            for (Path path : paths) {
                this.paths.add(new SvgUtils.SvgPath(path, paint));
            synchronized (mSvgLock) {
         * Set path to be drawn and animated.
         * @param path - Paths that can be drawn.
        public void setPath(final Path path) {
            paths.add(new SvgUtils.SvgPath(path, paint));
            synchronized (mSvgLock) {
         * Animate this property. It is the percentage of the path that is drawn.
         * It must be [0,1].
         * @param percentage float the percentage of the path.
        public void setPercentage(float percentage) {
            if (percentage < 0.0f || percentage > 1.0f) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("setPercentage not between 0.0f and 1.0f");
            progress = percentage;
            synchronized (mSvgLock) {
         * This refreshes the paths before draw and resize.
        private void updatePathsPhaseLocked() {
            final int count = paths.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                SvgUtils.SvgPath svgPath = paths.get(i);
                svgPath.measure.getSegment(0.0f, svgPath.length * progress, svgPath.path, true);
                // Required only for Android 4.4 and earlier
                svgPath.path.rLineTo(0.0f, 0.0f);
        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            synchronized (mSvgLock) {
                canvas.translate(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop());
                final int count = paths.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    final SvgUtils.SvgPath svgPath = paths.get(i);
                    final Path path = svgPath.path;
                    final Paint paint1 = naturalColors ?

    svgPath.paint : paint; canvas.drawPath(path, paint1); } fillAfter(canvas); canvas.restore(); } } /** * If there is svg , the user called setFillAfter(true) and the progress is finished. * * @param canvas Draw to this canvas. */ private void fillAfter(final Canvas canvas) { if (svgResourceId != 0 && fillAfter && progress == 1f) { svgUtils.drawSvgAfter(canvas, width, height); } } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(final int w, final int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); if (mLoader != null) { try { mLoader.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unexpected error", e); } } if (svgResourceId != 0) { mLoader = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { svgUtils.load(getContext(), svgResourceId); synchronized (mSvgLock) { width = w - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(); height = h - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom(); paths = svgUtils.getPathsForViewport(width, height); updatePathsPhaseLocked(); } } }, "SVG Loader"); mLoader.start(); } } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); if (svgResourceId != 0) { int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); setMeasuredDimension(widthSize, heightSize); return; } int desiredWidth = 0; int desiredHeight = 0; final float strokeWidth = paint.getStrokeWidth() / 2; for (SvgUtils.SvgPath path : paths) { desiredWidth += path.bounds.left + path.bounds.width() + strokeWidth; desiredHeight += path.bounds.top + path.bounds.height() + strokeWidth; } int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec); int measuredWidth, measuredHeight; if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { measuredWidth = desiredWidth; } else { measuredWidth = widthSize; } if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) { measuredHeight = desiredHeight; } else { measuredHeight = heightSize; } setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight); } /** * If the real svg need to be drawn after the path animation. * * @param fillAfter - boolean if the view needs to be filled after path animation. */ public void setFillAfter(final boolean fillAfter) { this.fillAfter = fillAfter; } /** * If you want to use the colors from the svg. */ public void useNaturalColors() { naturalColors = true; } /** * Animator for the paths of the view. * * @return The AnimatorBuilder to build the animation. */ public AnimatorBuilder getPathAnimator() { if (animatorBuilder == null) { animatorBuilder = new AnimatorBuilder(this); } return animatorBuilder; } /** * Get the path color. * * @return The color of the paint. */ public int getPathColor() { return paint.getColor(); } /** * Set the path color. * * @param color -The color to set to the paint. */ public void setPathColor(final int color) { paint.setColor(color); } /** * Get the path width. * * @return The width of the paint. */ public float getPathWidth() { return paint.getStrokeWidth(); } /** * Set the path width. * * @param width - The width of the path. */ public void setPathWidth(final float width) { paint.setStrokeWidth(width); } /** * Get the svg resource id. * * @return The svg raw resource id. */ public int getSvgResource() { return svgResourceId; } /** * Set the svg resource id. * * @param svgResource - The resource id of the raw svg. */ public void setSvgResource(int svgResource) { svgResourceId = svgResource; } /** * Object for building the animation of the path of this view. */ public static class AnimatorBuilder { /** * Duration of the animation. */ private int duration = 350; /** * Interpolator for the time of the animation. */ private Interpolator interpolator; /** * The delay before the animation. */ private int delay = 0; /** * ObjectAnimator that constructs the animation. */ private final ObjectAnimator anim; /** * Listener called before the animation. */ private ListenerStart listenerStart; /** * Listener after the animation. */ private ListenerEnd animationEnd; /** * Animation listener. */ private PathViewAnimatorListener pathViewAnimatorListener; /** * Default constructor. * * @param pathView The view that must be animated. */ public AnimatorBuilder(final PathView pathView) { anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(pathView, "percentage", 0.0f, 1.0f); } /** * Set the duration of the animation. * * @param duration - The duration of the animation. * @return AnimatorBuilder. */ public AnimatorBuilder duration(final int duration) { this.duration = duration; return this; } /** * Set the Interpolator. * * @param interpolator - Interpolator. * @return AnimatorBuilder. */ public AnimatorBuilder interpolator(final Interpolator interpolator) { this.interpolator = interpolator; return this; } /** * The delay before the animation. * * @param delay - int the delay * @return AnimatorBuilder. */ public AnimatorBuilder delay(final int delay) { this.delay = delay; return this; } /** * Set a listener before the start of the animation. * * @param listenerStart an interface called before the animation * @return AnimatorBuilder. */ public AnimatorBuilder listenerStart(final ListenerStart listenerStart) { this.listenerStart = listenerStart; if (pathViewAnimatorListener == null) { pathViewAnimatorListener = new PathViewAnimatorListener(); anim.addListener(pathViewAnimatorListener); } return this; } /** * Set a listener after of the animation. * * @param animationEnd an interface called after the animation * @return AnimatorBuilder. */ public AnimatorBuilder listenerEnd(final ListenerEnd animationEnd) { this.animationEnd = animationEnd; if (pathViewAnimatorListener == null) { pathViewAnimatorListener = new PathViewAnimatorListener(); anim.addListener(pathViewAnimatorListener); } return this; } /** * Starts the animation. */ public void start() { anim.setDuration(duration); anim.setInterpolator(interpolator); anim.setStartDelay(delay); anim.start(); } /** * Animation listener to be able to provide callbacks for the caller. */ private class PathViewAnimatorListener implements Animator.AnimatorListener { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { if (listenerStart != null) listenerStart.onAnimationStart(); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (animationEnd != null) animationEnd.onAnimationEnd(); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) { } } /** * Called when the animation start. */ public interface ListenerStart { /** * Called when the path animation start. */ void onAnimationStart(); } /** * Called when the animation end. */ public interface ListenerEnd { /** * Called when the path animation end. */ void onAnimationEnd(); } } }

  • 相关阅读:
    ubuntu 安装 Protobuf3 日志
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yxysuanfa/p/7250146.html
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