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  • poj 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers


    You have N integers, A1, A2, ... , AN. You need to deal with two kinds of operations. One type of operation is to add some given number to each number in a given interval. The other is to ask for the sum of numbers in a given interval.


    The first line contains two numbers N and Q. 1 ≤ N,Q ≤ 100000.
    The second line contains N numbers, the initial values of A1, A2, ... , AN. -1000000000 ≤ Ai ≤ 1000000000.
    Each of the next Q lines represents an operation.
    "C a b c" means adding c to each of Aa, Aa+1, ... , Ab. -10000 ≤ c ≤ 10000.
    "Q a b" means querying the sum of Aa, Aa+1, ... , Ab.


    You need to answer all Q commands in order. One answer in a line.

    Sample Input

    10 5
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Q 4 4
    Q 1 10
    Q 2 4
    C 3 6 3
    Q 2 4

    Sample Output



    The sums may exceed the range of 32-bit integers.




      1 /**
      2  * poj.org
      3  * Problem#3468
      4  */ 
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #include<cstdio>
      7 using namespace std;
      8 typedef long long ll;
      9 ll *a;
     10 /**
     11  * 树节点 
     12  */
     13 typedef class TreeNode{
     14     private:
     15         void init(){
     16             left = NULL;
     17             right= NULL;
     18             sum  = 0;
     19             state= 0;
     20         } 
     21     public:
     22         int from;            //区间的开始 
     23         int end;             //区间的结束 
     24         TreeNode *left;        //左子树 
     25         TreeNode *right;    //右子树指针 
     26         ll sum;                //这一段的和
     27         ll state;            //延时标记,当非0表示有更新
     28         TreeNode(){
     29             init(); 
     30         }
     31         TreeNode(int from, int end){
     32             init();
     33             this->from = from;
     34             this->end  = end;
     35         }
     36 }TreeNode;
     37 /**
     38  * 树结构 
     39  */
     40 typedef class Tree{
     41     public:
     42         TreeNode* root;
     43         Tree():root(NULL){}
     44         Tree(int len){
     45             root = build(root, 1, len);
     46         }
     47         void pushUp(TreeNode* node){
     48             if(node->left != NULL && node->right != NULL)
     49             node->sum = node->left->sum + node->right->sum; 
     50         }
     51         void pushDown(TreeNode* node){
     53             node->left->state += node->state;
     54             node->left->sum += (node->left->end - node->left->from + 1) * node->state;
     56             node->right->state += node->state;
     57             node->right->sum += (node->right->end - node->right->from + 1) * node->state;
     59             node->state = 0;
     61         }
     62         TreeNode* build(TreeNode* root,int from, int end){
     63             if(from == end){
     64                 root = new TreeNode(from, end);
     65                 root->sum = a[from];
     66                 return root;
     67             }
     68             root = new TreeNode(from, end);
     69             int mid = (from + end)/2;
     70             root->left = build(root->left, from, mid);
     71             root->right = build(root->right, mid + 1, end);
     72             pushUp(root);
     73             return root;
     74         }
     75         void updata(TreeNode* now, int from, int end, ll data){
     77             if(from <= now->from && now->end <= end ){
     78                 now->state += data;
     79                 now->sum += ( now->end - now->from + 1) * data; 
     80                 return ;
     81             }
     82             now->sum += (end - from + 1) * data;
     83             if(now->state != 0) pushDown(now);
     84             int mid = (now->from + now->end)/2;
     85             if(end <= mid) updata(now->left, from, end, data);
     86             else if(from > mid) updata(now->right, from, end,data);
     87             else{
     88                 updata(now->left, from, mid, data);
     89                 updata(now->right, mid + 1, end, data);    
     90             }
     92         }
     93         ll query(TreeNode* now, int from, int end){
     95             if(from <= now->from && now->end <= end ) return now->sum;
     96             if(now->state != 0) pushDown(now);
     97             int mid = (now->from + now->end)/2;
     98             if(end <= mid) return query(now->left, from, end);
     99             else if(from > mid) return query(now->right, from, end);
    100             else{
    101                 return (query(now->left, from, mid) +
    102                     query(now->right, mid + 1, end));    
    103             }
    105         }
    106 }Tree;
    107 int n,m;
    108 Tree MyTree;
    109 char c;
    110 int buffer[3];
    111 int main(){
    112     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
    113     a = new ll[(const int)(n + 1)];
    114     for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){
    115         scanf("%lld",&a[i]);
    116     }
    117     MyTree = Tree(n);
    118     for(int i = 1;i <= m;i++){
    119         cin>>c;
    120         if(c == 'C'){
    121             scanf("%d%d%d",&buffer[0],&buffer[1],&buffer[2]);
    122             MyTree.updata(MyTree.root, buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]);
    123         }else{
    124             scanf("%d%d",&buffer[0],&buffer[1]);
    125             printf("%lld
    ",MyTree.query(MyTree.root, buffer[0], buffer[1]));
    126         }
    127     }
    128     return 0;
    129 }

    另外,原数组的类型最好要用long long


     一个神奇的问题:原数组int过不了,改成long long提交一次,过了,接着改成int,就Accepted

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yyf0309/p/5665018.html
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