#!/bin/tcsh -fv module load Verdi/201509SP2-4 #Xcelium RD Option Setting Begin setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_12055_PHASE_1 setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_6114_PHASE_1 setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_6114_PHASE_2 setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_6114_PHASE_3 setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_19619_PHASE_1 setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_44905_PHASE_1 #setenv CADENCE_ENABLE_VASREQ_63188_PHASE_1 setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${VERDI_HOME}/share/PLI/IUS/linux64/boot/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} #Xcelium RD Option Setting end #Xcelium RD Option Setting Begin module load IUS/2003_e145 module load JasperGold/1912 #Xcelium RD Option Setting end
Simulation Command
my $sim_option = "xrun -64bit -licqueue -elaborate -access +rwc -timescale 1ns/1ps -uvm -uvmnoatuocompile -sv -sysv_ext +.h+.sv+.svh+.svi+.pkg "; $sim_option .= " +define+XCELISUM_SIM "; ##To avoid array func etc $sim_option .= " -nowarn CUVIRH "; $sim_option .= " -nowarn FUNTSK "; $sim_option .= " -nowarn STARMT "; $sim_option .= " -warn_multiple_driver "; $sim_option .= " -xmerror BNDWRN "; $sim_option .= " -dumpports_format 2 "; $sim_option .= " -v2009 -race "; $sim_option .= " -top top"; $sim_option .= " -ALLOWREDEFINITION "; $sim_option .= " -coverage A -covdut top "; $sim_option .= " -f list_verdi.f "; $sim_option .= " -input ucli.do "; #tcl file,Dump wavefrom, Ctrl File $sim_option .= " -loadpli1 $ENV{VERDI_HOME}/share/PLI/IUS/linux64/boot/debpli.so:novas_pli_boot ";
Control File(tcl)
set fsdn_fn $env(TESTNAME).fsdb; #name of the wavefron file set log_fn $env(TESTNAME).fsdb.log; #name of the log file set mbyte_cnt 1000; #limit on the wavefrom filesize set file_cnt 100; #limit on the number filesize call fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile mbyte_cnt "$fsdb_fn" $file_cnt "$log_fn"; call fsdbDumpvars 0 top call fsdbDumpSVA run; # ################################################################################# #most tcl commands can be use here ################################################################################# #exit; #quit; #run 2 ms; #run 3us; #stop -absolute 300 ns; #call $fsdbDumpoff; #call $fsdbDumpon; #call $fsdbDumpSuppress(tb.d); #call $fsdbDumpMenInScope(0, tb.d); #call $fsdbDumpMDAOnChange(2, tb.d); #call $fsdbDumpflush; #call $fsdbDumpStrength; #do fn.tcl exit;
irun工具,提供了 –gateloopwarn 选项,用于检测这种零延时的组合逻辑。
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