1 USE [BES_ADV] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[RSP_FN_UNAPPLIED_Mail_Reminder] Script Date: 2015/6/15 16:19:58 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON 7 GO 8 --在Job BES_Daily_FTP_filedownload 中使用 9 alter proc [dbo].[RSP_FN_UNIdentify_Mail_Reminder] 10 as 11 Declare @MailAddr varchar(max) 12 DECLARE @xml NVARCHAR(MAX) 13 DECLARE @body NVARCHAR(MAX) 14 15 --Generate receive person list 16 set @MailAddr = '' 17 select @MailAddr=@MailAddr+s.User_Mail+';' 18 from Mst_UserInfo s 19 where User_IsValid=1 and substring(User_IsMail,1,1)='8' and User_Mail is not null and User_Mail!='' 20 order by s.User_Mail 21 --print @MailAddr 22 23 --generate mail body 24 SET @xml = 25 CAST(( 26 SELECT [Business_Unit] 'td','' 27 ,isnull([Customer_Name],remitter_name) 'td','' 28 ,[Receipt_No] 'td','' 29 ,convert(varchar(10),[Receipt_Date],120) 'td','' 30 ,convert(varchar(100),cast(Receipt_Unapplied_Amount as money),1) 'td','' --Commas every three digits 31 ,convert(varchar(100),cast(Receipt_Amount as money),1) 'td','' 32 ,[Currency_Name] 'td','' 33 ,Bank_Name 'td' 34 FROM [BankReceipt] 35 left join mst_bankinfo on [Remitter_Bank_Name] = bank_id 36 Where receipt_status_no in (100,300,1000) and business_unit in ('pvg','pws','sgc') 37 and Receipt_Status='Unidentified' 38 order by Receipt_No desc 39 FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) 40 41 SET @body ='<html><H1>Unidentified Receipt Report</H1> 42 <body><style type="text/css"> 43 h1,body{font:10pt,"Arial"} 44 h1{font:small-caps 14pt} 45 table,td,th {border:1px solid #7F7F7F;border-collapse:collapse;} 46 table{920px} 47 th{background-color:#C0C0C0;font-weight:bold} 48 </style> 49 <table> 50 <tr> 51 <th>Entity</th> 52 <th>Remitter Name</th> 53 <th>Receipt No</th> 54 <th>Receive Date</th> 55 <th>Receipt Remain Amt</th> 56 <th>Receipt Total Amt</th> 57 <th>Currency</th> 58 <th>Remitter Bank Name</th> 59 </tr>' 60 SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>' 61 62 --send mail 63 --EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 64 --@blind_copy_recipients = @MailAddr, 65 --@body = @body, 66 --@body_format ='HTML', 67 --@subject ='Unapplied Receipt Report' 68 69 exec msdb.dbo.CL_SendSingleMail 70 ''--sendtousermailSysMail [Sys.Admin@emerson.com] 71 ,''--cc 72 ,@MailAddr--@MailAddr--bcc 73 ,'SysMail'--sendername 74 ,'Sys.Admin@emerson.com'--senderaddr 75 ,'Unidentified Receipt Report'--mailsubject 76 ,@body--mailcontent 77 ,'normal' --importance low/normal/high