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  • CF_#478_Div.2_Hag's Khashba


    题目描述: http://codeforces.com/contest/975/problem/E



      重心计算公式:X = ∑xi*mi / M;Y = ∑yi*mi / M;




     1 #include "iostream"
     2 #include "math.h"
     3 #include "stdio.h"
     4 #include "algorithm"
     5 #include "stdlib.h"
     6 #include "map"
     7 using namespace std;
     8 typedef long double ld;
     9 typedef pair<ld, ld> point;
    10 const ld PI = acosl(-1);
    11 point po[10005];
    12 ld angle[10005], dist[10005];
    13 int n, q;
    14 point getCenterPos(){    //获取重心 
    15     ld area, tmp, rx, ry; 
    16     area = tmp = rx = ry = 0.0;
    17     for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    18         tmp = po[i].first*po[(i+1)%n].second - po[i].second*po[(i+1)%n].first;  //分割的三角形面积 
    19         area += tmp; 
    20         rx += tmp*(po[i].first + po[(i+1)%n].first); 
    21         ry += tmp*(po[i].second + po[(i+1)%n].second);
    22     }
    23     return point(rx/(3*area), ry/(3*area));
    24 }
    25 ld getdist(point a, point b){    //点与重心距离
    26     return sqrtl((a.first - b.first)*(a.first - b.first) + (a.second - b.second)*(a.second - b.second));
    27 }
    28 point getPos(int pos, point center, ld addAng){    //获取点坐标 
    29     ld x, y;
    30     x = center.first + dist[pos]*cosl(angle[pos] + addAng);        ///重心坐标变化之后需要将记录的角度变化量加上 
    31     y = center.second + dist[pos]*sinl(angle[pos] + addAng);
    32     return point(x, y);
    33 }
    34 int main(){
    35     //freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin);////////////////
    36     int i, t, op, a, b, one, two;
    37     ld initX, initY, changeAng;
    38     point centerPos, top;
    39     while(cin>>n>>q){
    40         for(i = 0; i < n; i++) cin>>po[i].first>>po[i].second;
    41         initX = po[0].first, initY = po[0].second;
    42         for(i = 0; i < n; i++) po[i].first -= initX, po[i].second -= initY;    //以第一个点为原点 
    43         one = 0, two = 1;    //初始钉子位置 
    44         centerPos = getCenterPos();    //初始重心位置 
    45         changeAng = 0.0;
    46         for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
    47             dist[i] = getdist(po[i], centerPos);
    48             angle[i] = atan2l(po[i].second - centerPos.second, po[i].first - centerPos.first);    //计算角度 
    49         }
    50         while(q--){
    51             cin>>op;
    52             if(op == 1){
    53                 cin>>a>>b;
    54                 a--, b--;
    55                 if(a == one){
    56                     one = b;
    57                     top = getPos(two, centerPos, changeAng);    //获取本次旋转点的当前坐标
    58                     t = two;
    59                 }
    60                 else{
    61                     two = b;
    62                     top = getPos(one, centerPos, changeAng);
    63                     t = one;
    64                 }
    65                 //这里计算角度时和之前计算角度值的点顺序相反,画画角度就知道,这样的方式为角与补角的关系(atan2()参数及返回值) 
    66                 changeAng += -PI/2.0 - atan2l(centerPos.second - top.second, centerPos.first - top.first);  //记录变化角 
    67                 while(changeAng > 2*PI) changeAng -= 2*PI;
    68                 while(changeAng < 0) changeAng += 2*PI;
    69                 centerPos.first = top.first;    //更新重心坐标 
    70                 centerPos.second = top.second - dist[t];
    71             }
    72             else{
    73                 cin>>a;
    74                 top = getPos(a-1, centerPos, changeAng);
    75                 printf("%.10lf %.10lf
    ", (double)(top.first+initX), (double)(top.second+initY));
    76             } 
    77         }
    78     }
    79     return 0;
    80 }


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