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  • P1383 高级打字机

    P1383 高级打字机


    1.T x:在文章末尾打下一个小写字母x。(type操作)
    2.U x:撤销最后的x次修改操作。(Undo操作)
    3.Q x:询问当前文章中第x个字母并输出。(Query操作)


    对于Q操作, 使用vector[]vector[]将该问题编号, 保存在上一个操作节点中
    最后离线DFS, 即可O(N)O(N)处理出每个答案



    #define reg register
    #define pb push_back
    int read(){
            char c;
            int s = 0, flag = 1;
            while((c=getchar()) && !isdigit(c))
                    if(c == '-'){ flag = -1, c = getchar(); break ; }
            while(isdigit(c)) s = s*10 + c-'0', c = getchar();
            return s * flag;
    const int maxn = 100005;
    int N;
    int num0, cnt_node, cnt_q;
    int head[maxn];
    int Ans[maxn];
    int que_v[maxn];
    char S[maxn];
    std::vector <int> que_2[maxn];
    struct Edge{
            int nxt, to;
            char w;
            Edge(int nxt=0,int to=0,char w='#'):nxt(nxt), to(to), w(w) {}
    } edge[maxn << 1];
    void Add(int from, int to, char w){
            edge[num0] = Edge(head[from], to, w);
            head[from] = num0 ++;
    void DFS(int k, int len){
            int size = que_2[k].size();
            for(reg int i = 0; i < size; i ++) Ans[que_2[k][i]] = S[que_v[que_2[k][i]]];
            for(reg int i = head[k]; ~i; i = edge[i].nxt){
                    int to = edge[i].to;
                    if(edge[i].w != '#'){
                            S[len + 1] = edge[i].w;
                            DFS(to, len+1);
                    }else   DFS(to, len);
    int main(){
            N = read();
            char opt[3];
            memset(head, -1, sizeof head);
            int last = 0;
            for(reg int i = 1; i <= N; i ++){
                    scanf("%s", &opt);
                    if(opt[0] == 'T'){
                            scanf("%s", opt);       //reuse opt
                            Add(last, ++ cnt_node, opt[0]);
                    else if(opt[0] == 'Q') que_2[last].pb(++ cnt_q), que_v[cnt_q] = read();
                    else if(opt[0] == 'U') Add(cnt_node - read() - 1, ++ cnt_node, '#');
                    last = cnt_node;
            DFS(0, 0);
            for(reg int i = 1; i <= cnt_q; i ++) printf("%c
    ", Ans[i]);
            return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zbr162/p/11822662.html
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