python 面向对象:
(思维导图 ↑↑↑↑)
1.__init__: 类名() 自动执行 __init__
class Foo(object): def __init__(self,a1,a2): self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 obj = Foo(1,2)
2.__call__: 对象() 自动执行__call__
class Foo(object): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print(1111,args,kwargs) return 123 obj = Foo() ret = obj(6,4,2,k1=456)
3.__getitem__: 对象['xx'] 自动执行__getitem__
class Foo(object): def __getitem__(self, item): print(item) return 8 obj = Foo() ret = obj['yu'] print(ret)
4.__setitem__: 对象['xx'] = 11 自动执行__setitem__
class Foo(object): def __setitem__(self, key, value): print(key, value, 111111111) obj = Foo() obj['k1'] = 123
5.__delitem__: del 对象[xx] 自动执行__delitem__
class Foo(object): def __delitem__(self, key): print(key) obj = Foo() del obj['uuu']
6.__add__: 对象+对象 自动执行__add__
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, a1, a2): self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 def __add__(self,other): return self.a1 + other.a2 obj1 = Foo(1,2) obj2 = Foo(88,99) ret = obj2 + obj1 print(ret)
7.__enter__ / __exit__: with 对象 自动执行__enter__ / __exit__
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, a1, a2): self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 def __enter__(self): print('1111') return 999 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print('22222') obj = Foo(1,2) with obj as f: print(f) print('内部代码')
8.__new__: 构造方法
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, a1, a2): # 初始化方法 """ 为空对象进行数据初始化 :param a1: :param a2: """ self.a1 = a1 self.a2 = a2 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # 构造方法 """ 创建一个空对象 :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ return object.__new__(cls) # Python内部创建一个当前类的对象(初创时内部是空的.). obj1 = Foo(1,2) print(obj1) obj2 = Foo(11,12) print(obj2)