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          参看一下, System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory 中方法 CompileApplication()


    private void CompileApplication() { 
                // Get the Application Type and AppState from the global file
                _theApplicationType = BuildManager.GetGlobalAsaxType(); 
                BuildResultCompiledGlobalAsaxType result = BuildManager.GetGlobalAsaxBuildResult(); 
                if (result != null) {
                    // Even if global.asax was already compiled, we need to get the collections 
                    // of application and session objects, since they are not persisted when
                    // global.asax is compiled.  Ideally, they would be, but since <object> tags 
                    // are only there for ASP compat, it's not worth the trouble. 
                    // Note that we only do this is the rare case where we know global.asax contains
                    // <object> tags, to avoid always paying the price (VSWhidbey 453101) 
                    if (result.HasAppOrSessionObjects) {
                    // Remember file dependencies
                    _fileDependencies = result.VirtualPathDependencies; 
                if (_state == null) { 
                    _state = new HttpApplicationState();
                // Prepare to hookup event handlers via reflection



    // <copyright file="CodeDirectoryCompiler.cs" company="Microsoft">
    //     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    // </copyright>
    namespace System.Web.Compilation {
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Web.Configuration; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Web.Hosting; 
    using System.Web.Util;
    using System.Web.UI;
    // The different types of directory that we treat as 'Code' (with minor differences) 
    internal enum CodeDirectoryType {
        MainCode,       // The main /code directory 
        SubCode,        // Code subdirectories registered to be compiled separately 
        AppResources,   // The /Resources directory
        LocalResources, // A /LocalResources directory (at any level) 
        WebReferences   // The /WebReferences directory
    internal class CodeDirectoryCompiler { 
        private VirtualPath _virtualDir; 
        private CodeDirectoryType _dirType; 
        private StringSet _excludedSubdirectories;
        private BuildProvidersCompiler _bpc;
        private BuildProviderSet _buildProviders = new BuildProviderSet();
        private bool _onlyBuildLocalizedResources; 
        static internal BuildResultMainCodeAssembly _mainCodeBuildResult; 
        internal static bool IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(CodeDirectoryType dirType) {
            return dirType == CodeDirectoryType.AppResources || dirType == CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources; 
        internal static Assembly GetCodeDirectoryAssembly(VirtualPath virtualDir,
            CodeDirectoryType dirType, string assemblyName, 
            StringSet excludedSubdirectories, bool isDirectoryAllowed) {
            string physicalDir = virtualDir.MapPath(); 
            if (!isDirectoryAllowed) { 
                // The directory should never exist in a precompiled app
                if (Directory.Exists(physicalDir)) {
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString( 
                        SR.Bar_dir_in_precompiled_app, virtualDir));
            bool supportLocalization = IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(dirType); 
            // Determine the proper cache key based on the type of directory we're processing
            string cacheKey = assemblyName;
            // Try the cache first
            BuildResult result = BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(cacheKey); 
            Assembly resultAssembly = null; 
            // If it's cached, just return it 
            if (result != null) {
                // It should always be a BuildResultCompiledAssembly, though if there is
                // a VirtualPathProvider doing very bad things, it may not (VSWhidbey 341701) 
                Debug.Assert(result is BuildResultCompiledAssembly);
                if (result is BuildResultCompiledAssembly) { 
                    // If it's the main code assembly, keep track of it so we can later call
                    // the AppInitialize method 
                    if (result is BuildResultMainCodeAssembly) {
                        Debug.Assert(dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode);
                        Debug.Assert(_mainCodeBuildResult == null);
                        _mainCodeBuildResult = (BuildResultMainCodeAssembly) result; 
                    resultAssembly = ((BuildResultCompiledAssembly)result).ResultAssembly; 
                    if (!supportLocalization) 
                        return resultAssembly;
                    // We found a preserved resource assembly.  However, we may not be done,
                    // as the culture specific files may have changed. 
                    // But don't make any further checks if the directory is not allowed (precomp secenario). 
                    // In that case, we should always return the assembly (VSWhidbey 533498) 
                    if (!isDirectoryAllowed)
                        return resultAssembly; 
                    BuildResultResourceAssembly buildResultResAssembly = (BuildResultResourceAssembly)result;
                    string newResourcesDependenciesHash = HashCodeCombiner.GetDirectoryHash(virtualDir); 
                    // If the resources hash (which includes satellites) is up to date, we're done 
                    if (newResourcesDependenciesHash == buildResultResAssembly.ResourcesDependenciesHash) 
                        return resultAssembly;
            // If app was precompiled, don't attempt compilation
            if (!isDirectoryAllowed) 
                return null;
            // Check whether the virtual dir is mapped to a different application, 
            // which we don't support (VSWhidbey 218603).  But don't do this for LocalResource (VSWhidbey 237935)
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources && !StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(physicalDir, HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPathInternal)) { 
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Virtual_codedir, virtualDir.VirtualPathString));
            // If the directory doesn't exist, we may be done 
            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalDir)) {
                // We're definitely done if it's not the main code dir 
                if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.MainCode)
                    return null; 
                // If it is the main code dir, we're only done is there is no profile to compile
                // since the profice gets built as part of the main assembly.
                if (!ProfileBuildProvider.HasCompilableProfile) 
                    return null;
            // Otherwise, compile it 
            DateTime utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow; 
            CodeDirectoryCompiler cdc = new CodeDirectoryCompiler(virtualDir, 
                dirType, excludedSubdirectories); 
            string outputAssemblyName = null; 
            if (resultAssembly != null) {
                // If resultAssembly is not null, we are in the case where we just need to build
                // the localized resx file in a resources dir (local or global) 
                outputAssemblyName = resultAssembly.GetName().Name; 
                cdc._onlyBuildLocalizedResources = true; 
            else { 
                outputAssemblyName = BuildManager.GenerateRandomAssemblyName(assemblyName);
            BuildProvidersCompiler bpc = 
                new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, supportLocalization, outputAssemblyName);
            cdc._bpc = bpc; 
            // Find all the build provider we want to compile from the code directory 
            // Give them to the BuildProvidersCompiler
            // Compile them into an assembly 
            CompilerResults results = bpc.PerformBuild(); 
            // Did we just compile something? 
            if (results != null) {
                Debug.Assert(result == null);
                Debug.Assert(resultAssembly == null);
                // If there is already a loaded module with the same path, try to wait for it to be unloaded.
                // Otherwise, we would end up loading this old assembly instead of the new one (VSWhidbey 554697) 
                DateTime waitLimit = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(3000); 
                for (;;) {
                    IntPtr hModule = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(results.PathToAssembly); 
                    if (hModule == IntPtr.Zero)
                    Debug.Trace("CodeDirectoryCompiler", results.PathToAssembly + " is already loaded. Waiting a bit"); 
                    // Stop trying if the timeout was reached
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > waitLimit) { 
                        Debug.Trace("CodeDirectoryCompiler", "Timeout waiting for old assembly to unload: " + results.PathToAssembly);
                        throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Assembly_already_loaded, results.PathToAssembly));
                resultAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly; 
            // It is possible that there was nothing to compile (and we're not in the 
            // satellite resources case)
            if (resultAssembly == null)
                return null;
            // For the main code directory, use a special BuildResult that takes care of
            // calling AppInitialize if it finds one 
            if (dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode) { 
                // Keep track of it so we can later call the AppInitialize method
                _mainCodeBuildResult = new BuildResultMainCodeAssembly(resultAssembly); 
                result = _mainCodeBuildResult;
            else if (supportLocalization) { 
                result = new BuildResultResourceAssembly(resultAssembly);
            else { 
                result = new BuildResultCompiledAssembly(resultAssembly);
            result.VirtualPath = virtualDir;
            // If compilations are optimized, we need to include the right dependencies, since we can no longer 
            // rely on everything getting wiped out when something in App_Code changes.
            // But don't do this for local resources, since they have their own special way of 
            // dealing with dependencies (in BuildResultResourceAssembly.ComputeSourceDependenciesHashCode). 
            // It's crucial *not* to do it as it triggers a tricky infinite recursion due to the fact
            // that GetBuildResultFromCacheInternal calls EnsureFirstTimeDirectoryInitForDependencies if 
            // there is at least one dependency
            if (BuildManager.OptimizeCompilations && dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources) {
                result.AddVirtualPathDependencies(new SingleObjectCollection(virtualDir.AppRelativeVirtualPathString));
            // Top level assembly should not be cached to memory.  But LocalResources are *not* 
            // top level files, and do benefit from memory caching 
            if (dirType != CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources)
                result.CacheToMemory = false; 
            // Cache it for next time
            BuildManager.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, utcStart);
            return resultAssembly;
        // Call the AppInitialize method in the Code assembly if there is one
        internal static void CallAppInitializeMethod() { 
            if (_mainCodeBuildResult != null)
        internal const string sourcesDirectoryPrefix = "Sources_";
        internal static void GetCodeDirectoryInformation( 
            VirtualPath virtualDir, CodeDirectoryType dirType, StringSet excludedSubdirectories, int index,
            out Type codeDomProviderType, out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, 
            out string generatedFilesDir) {
            // Compute the full path to the directory we'll use to generate all
            // the code files 
            generatedFilesDir = HttpRuntime.CodegenDirInternal + "\" +
                sourcesDirectoryPrefix + virtualDir.FileName; 
            bool supportLocalization = IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(dirType);
            // the index is used to retrieve the correct referenced assemblies
            BuildProvidersCompiler bpc = new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, supportLocalization,
                generatedFilesDir, index);
            CodeDirectoryCompiler cdc = new CodeDirectoryCompiler(virtualDir,
                dirType, excludedSubdirectories); 
            cdc._bpc = bpc; 
            // Find all the build provider we want to compile from the code directory 
            // Give them to the BuildProvidersCompiler
            // Generate all the sources into the directory generatedFilesDir 
            bpc.GenerateSources(out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters); 
        private CodeDirectoryCompiler(VirtualPath virtualDir, CodeDirectoryType dirType,
            StringSet excludedSubdirectories) {
            _virtualDir = virtualDir; 
            _dirType = dirType;
            _excludedSubdirectories = excludedSubdirectories; 
        private void FindBuildProviders() { 
            // If we need to build the profile, add its build provider
            if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode && ProfileBuildProvider.HasCompilableProfile) {
            VirtualDirectory vdir = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetDirectory(_virtualDir);
            ProcessDirectoryRecursive(vdir, true /*topLevel*/); 
        private void AddFolderLevelBuildProviders(VirtualDirectory vdir, FolderLevelBuildProviderAppliesTo appliesTo) {
            BuildManager.AddFolderLevelBuildProviders(_buildProviders, vdir.VirtualPathObject, 
                appliesTo, _bpc.CompConfig, _bpc.ReferencedAssemblies);
        private void ProcessDirectoryRecursive(VirtualDirectory vdir, bool topLevel) {
            // If it's a WebReferences directory, handle it using a single WebReferencesBuildProvider
            // instead of creating a different BuildProvider for each file.
            if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.WebReferences) {
                // Create a build provider for the current directory 
                BuildProvider buildProvider = new WebReferencesBuildProvider(vdir);
                AddFolderLevelBuildProviders(vdir, FolderLevelBuildProviderAppliesTo.WebReferences); 
            else if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.AppResources) {
                AddFolderLevelBuildProviders(vdir, FolderLevelBuildProviderAppliesTo.GlobalResources);
            else if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources) {
                AddFolderLevelBuildProviders(vdir, FolderLevelBuildProviderAppliesTo.LocalResources); 
            else if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.MainCode || _dirType == CodeDirectoryType.SubCode) {
                AddFolderLevelBuildProviders(vdir, FolderLevelBuildProviderAppliesTo.Code); 
            // Go through all the files in the directory
            foreach (VirtualFileBase child in vdir.Children) { 
                if (child.IsDirectory) { 
                    // If we are at the top level of this code directory, and the current
                    // subdirectory is in the exclude list, skip it 
                    if (topLevel && _excludedSubdirectories != null &&
                        _excludedSubdirectories.Contains(child.Name)) {
                    // Exclude the special FrontPage directory (VSWhidbey 116727) 
                    if (child.Name == "_vti_cnf") 
                    ProcessDirectoryRecursive(child as VirtualDirectory, false /*topLevel*/);
                // Don't look at individual files for WebReferences directories
                if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.WebReferences) 
                // Skip neutral files if _onlyBuildLocalizedResources is true 
                if (IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(_dirType)) {
                    if (_onlyBuildLocalizedResources && System.Web.UI.Util.GetCultureName(child.VirtualPath) == null) {
                BuildProvider buildProvider = BuildManager.CreateBuildProvider(child.VirtualPathObject, 
                    (IsResourceCodeDirectoryType(_dirType)) ?
                        BuildProviderAppliesTo.Resources : BuildProviderAppliesTo.Code, 
                    _bpc.ReferencedAssemblies, false /*failIfUnknown*/);
                // Non-supported file type 
                if (buildProvider == null)
                // For Page resources, don't generate a strongly typed class
                if (_dirType == CodeDirectoryType.LocalResources && buildProvider is BaseResourcesBuildProvider) { 
    // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.







    另 : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/digitalnetbizz/archive/2004/01/31/create-assembly-in-memory-and-run-it.aspx

    using System;
    using Specialized = System.Collections.Specialized;
    using Reflection = System.Reflection;
    using CSharp = Microsoft.CSharp;
    using CodeDom = System.CodeDom.Compiler;
    public sealed class TestCompile
    static string ScriptCodeToCompileInMem = "public class Script {public void ScriptExecute(){System.Console.WriteLine(123);} }";
    public static void Main()
      TestCompile tc = new TestCompile();
    public void Execute(string scriptCode)
      string [] source = new string[1];
      source[0] = scriptCode;
      CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider cscp = new CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();
      this.Compile(cscp, source[0]);
    private void Compile(CodeDom.CodeDomProvider provider, string source)
      CodeDom.CompilerParameters param = new CodeDom.CompilerParameters();
      param.GenerateExecutable = false;
      param.IncludeDebugInformation = false;
      param.GenerateInMemory = true;
      CodeDom.ICodeCompiler cc = provider.CreateCompiler();
      CodeDom.CompilerResults cr = cc.CompileAssemblyFromSource(param, source);
      Specialized.StringCollection output = cr.Output;
      if(cr.Errors.Count !=0)
        System.Console.WriteLine("Error invoking scripts.");
        CodeDom.CompilerErrorCollection es = cr.Errors;
        foreach(CodeDom.CompilerError s in es)
        object o = cr.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance("Script");
        System.Type type = o.GetType();
        type.InvokeMember ("ScriptExecute",
                Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod |
                Reflection.BindingFlags.Default, null, o, null);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zbw911/p/4260026.html
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