PHP 计算几个月前的今天
/* * 根据指定时间 计算指定前N个月的今天 * */ function lastMonth($nowT,$i){ $lastM1 = date('n', strtotime(" -" . $i . " month", strtotime("first day of 0 month", $nowT))); $lastM2 = date('n', strtotime(" -" . $i . " month", $nowT)); if ($lastM1 != $lastM2) { $expectD = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(" last day of -" . $i . " month", $nowT)); } else { $expectD = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(" -" . $i . " month", $nowT)); } return $expectD; }
/** * 计算上一个月的今天,如果上个月没有今天,则返回上一个月的最后一天 * @param type $time * @return type */ function last_month_today($time){ $last_month_time = mktime(date("G", $time), date("i", $time), date("s", $time), date("n", $time), 0, date("Y", $time)); $last_month_t = date("t", $last_month_time); if ($last_month_t < date("j", $time)) { return date("Y-m-t H:i:s", $last_month_time); } return date(date("Y-m", $last_month_time) . "-d", $time); }
$time = strtotime("2021-05-31");//time(); $aa = last_month_today($time); dump($aa);die();