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  • Lintcode亚麻模拟面试

    Phone Interview I


    1 class Solution:
    2     # @param s : A string
    3     # @return : A string
    4     def reverseWords(self, s):
    5         # write your code here
    6         return ' '.join(s.strip().split(' ')[::-1])
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    给出一个整数数组 nums 和一个整数 k。划分数组(即移动数组 nums 中的元素),使得:

    • 所有小于k的元素移到左边
    • 所有大于等于k的元素移到右边

    返回数组划分的位置,即数组中第一个位置 i,满足 nums[i] 大于等于 k

     1 class Solution:
     2     """
     3     @param: : The integer array you should partition
     4     @param: : An integer
     5     @return: The index after partition
     6     """
     8     def partitionArray(self, nums, k):
     9         # write your code here
    10         if not nums:
    11             return 0
    13         left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1
    14         while left < right:
    15             while left < right and nums[left] < k:
    16                 left += 1
    17             while left < right and nums[right] >= k:
    18                 right -= 1
    19             if left < right and nums[left] >= k and nums[right] < k:
    20                 nums[left], nums[right] = nums[right], nums[left]
    23         if nums[left] >= k:
    24             return left
    25         if nums[right] >= k:
    26             return right
    27         return right + 1
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    Phone Interview II



     1 # Definition for singly-linked list.
     2 # class ListNode:
     3 #     def __init__(self, x):
     4 #         self.val = x
     5 #         self.next = None
     7 class Solution:
     8     # @param l1: the first list
     9     # @param l2: the second list
    10     # @return: the sum list of l1 and l2 
    11     def addLists(self, l1, l2):
    12         # write your code here
    13         rhead = ListNode(0)
    14         cur = rhead
    15         c = 0
    16         while l1 and l2:
    17             temp = l1.val + l2.val + c
    18             c = temp / 10
    19             temp = temp % 10
    20             cur.next = ListNode(temp)
    21             cur = cur.next
    22             l1 = l1.next
    23             l2 = l2.next
    24         while l1:
    25             temp = l1.val + c
    26             c = temp / 10
    27             temp = temp % 10
    28             cur.next = ListNode(temp)
    29             cur = cur.next
    30             l1 = l1.next
    31         while l2:
    32             temp = l2.val + c
    33             c = temp / 10
    34             temp = temp % 10
    35             cur.next = ListNode(temp)
    36             cur = cur.next
    37             l2 = l2.next
    38         if c:
    39             cur.next = ListNode(c)
    40         return rhead.next
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     1 """
     2 Definition of TreeNode:
     3 class TreeNode:
     4     def __init__(self, val):
     5         self.val = val
     6         self.left, self.right = None, None
     7 """
     8 class Solution:
     9     """
    10     @param root: The root of the binary search tree.
    11     @param A and B: two nodes in a Binary.
    12     @return: Return the least common ancestor(LCA) of the two nodes.
    13     """ 
    14     def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root, A, B):
    15         # write your code here
    16         result = []
    17         self.findPath(result, [root], root, A)
    18         self.findPath(result, [root], root, B)
    19         LCA = None
    20         i = 0
    21         while i < len(result[0]) and i < len(result[1]) and result[0][i] == result[1][i]:
    22             LCA = result[0][i]
    23             i += 1
    24         return LCA
    27     def findPath(self, result, path, root, node):
    28         if root == node:
    29             result.append(path[:])
    30             return
    31         if root.left:
    32             path.append(root.left)
    33             self.findPath(result, path, root.left, node)
    34             path.pop()
    35         if root.right:
    36             path.append(root.right)
    37             self.findPath(result, path, root.right, node)
    38             path.pop()
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    Onsite I


    Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as string, return the sum of num1 and num2.

     1 class Solution:
     2     # @param {string} num1 a non-negative integers
     3     # @param {string} num2 a non-negative integers
     4     # @return {string} return sum of num1 and num2
     5     def addStrings(self, num1, num2):
     6         # Write your code here
     7         if not num1:
     8             return num2
     9         if not num2:
    10             return num1
    11         i, j = len(num1) - 1, len(num2) - 1
    12         result = []
    13         c = 0
    14         while i >= 0 and j >= 0:
    15             tmp = int(num1[i]) + int(num2[j]) + c
    16             c = tmp / 10
    17             tmp %= 10
    18             result.append(str(tmp))
    19             i -= 1
    20             j -= 1
    21         while i >= 0:
    22             tmp = int(num1[i]) + c
    23             c = tmp / 10
    24             tmp %= 10
    25             result.append(str(tmp))
    26             i -= 1
    27         while j >= 0:
    28             tmp = int(num2[j]) + c
    29             c = tmp / 10
    30             tmp %= 10
    31             result.append(str(tmp))
    32             j -= 1
    33         if c:
    34             result.append(str(c))
    36         return ''.join(result[::-1])
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     1 # Definition for singly-linked list.
     2 # class ListNode:
     3 #     def __init__(self, x):
     4 #         self.val = x
     5 #         self.next = None
     7 class Solution:
     8     # @param l1: the first list
     9     # @param l2: the second list
    10     # @return: the sum list of l1 and l2 
    11     def addLists2(self, l1, l2):
    12         # Write your code here
    13         if not l1:
    14             return l2
    15         if not l2:
    16             return l1
    17         l1 = self.reverse(l1)
    18         l2 = self.reverse(l2)
    20         r = self.addLists(l1, l2)
    21         return self.reverse(r)
    23     def reverse(self, head):
    24         dummy = ListNode(0)
    25         dummy.next = head
    26         pre, cur = dummy, head
    28         while cur:
    29             tmp = cur.next
    30             cur.next = pre
    31             pre = cur
    32             cur = tmp
    34         head.next = None    
    35         return pre
    37     def addLists(self, l1, l2):
    38         # write your code here
    39         rhead = ListNode(0)
    40         cur = rhead
    41         c = 0
    42         while l1 and l2:
    43             temp = l1.val + l2.val + c
    44             c = temp / 10
    45             temp = temp % 10
    46             cur.next = ListNode(temp)
    47             cur = cur.next
    48             l1 = l1.next
    49             l2 = l2.next
    50         while l1:
    51             temp = l1.val + c
    52             c = temp / 10
    53             temp = temp % 10
    54             cur.next = ListNode(temp)
    55             cur = cur.next
    56             l1 = l1.next
    57         while l2:
    58             temp = l2.val + c
    59             c = temp / 10
    60             temp = temp % 10
    61             cur.next = ListNode(temp)
    62             cur = cur.next
    63             l2 = l2.next
    64         if c:
    65             cur.next = ListNode(c)
    66         return rhead.next
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    Onsite II


    写出一个函数 anagram(s, t) 判断两个字符串是否可以通过改变字母的顺序变成一样的字符串。

    1 class Solution:
    2     """
    3     @param s: The first string
    4     @param b: The second string
    5     @return true or false
    6     """
    7     def anagram(self, s, t):
    8         # write your code here
    9         return sorted(list(s)) == sorted(list(t))
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     1 class Solution:
     2     # @param s : A string
     3     # @return : An integer
     4     def lengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(self, s, k):
     5         # write your code here
     6         if k == 0:
     7             return 0
     8         if len(s) <= k:
     9             return len(s)
    10         result = 0
    11         i = j = 0
    12         hash = {}
    13         while j < len(s) and len(hash) < k:
    14             if s[j] not in hash:
    15                 hash[s[j]] = 0
    16             hash[s[j]] += 1
    17             j += 1
    18         if j > 0:
    19             j -= 1 
    20         while j < len(s):
    21             result = max(result, j - i + 1)
    23             if j + 1 < len(s):
    24                 if s[j + 1] not in hash:
    25                     while i <= j and len(hash) == k:
    26                         hash[s[i]] -= 1
    27                         if hash[s[i]] == 0:
    28                             del hash[s[i]]
    29                         i += 1
    30                     hash[s[j + 1]] = 0
    31                 hash[s[j + 1]] += 1
    32             j += 1
    33         return result
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     1 class Solution:
     2     # @param strs: A list of strings
     3     # @return: A list of strings
     4     def anagrams(self, strs):
     5         # write your code here
     6         hash = {}
     7         for s in strs:
     8             hash.setdefault(''.join(sorted(s)), []).append(s)
     9         result = []    
    10         for key in hash:
    11             if len(hash[key]) > 1:
    12                 result.extend(hash[key])
    14         return result
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    Onsite III



     1 import java.util.*;
     2 public class Solution {
     3     /**
     4      * @param nums: An integer array.
     5      * @return: The second max number in the array.
     6      */
     7     public int secondMax(int[] nums) {
     8         Deque<Integer> dq = new LinkedList<>();
     9         dq.addLast(nums[0]);
    10         if (nums[1] > nums[0]){
    11             dq.addFirst(nums[1]);
    12         }
    13         else{
    14             dq.addLast(nums[1]);
    15         }
    16         for (int i = 2; i < nums.length; i++){
    17             if (nums[i] < dq.getLast()){
    18                 continue;
    19             }
    20             if (nums[i] > dq.getLast() && nums[i] <= dq.getFirst()){
    21                 dq.removeLast();
    22                 dq.addLast(nums[i]);
    23             }
    24             if (nums[i] > dq.getFirst()){
    25                 dq.removeLast();
    26                 dq.addFirst(nums[i]);
    27             }
    28         }  
    29         return dq.getLast();
    30     }
    31 }
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    Given n nodes in a graph labeled from 1 to n. There is no edges in the graph at beginning.

    You need to support the following method:
    1. connect(a, b), add an edge to connect node a and node b. 2.query(a, b)`, check if two nodes are connected


     1 class ConnectingGraph:
     3     # @param {int} n
     4     def __init__(self, n):
     5         # initialize your data structure here.
     6         self.father = [_ for _ in xrange(n)]
     7         self.size = [1 for _ in xrange(n)]
     9     def find(self, x):
    10         while self.father[x] != x:
    11             self.father[x] = self.father[self.father[x]]
    12             x = self.father[x]
    13         return x
    15     # @param {int} a, b
    16     # return nothing
    17     def connect(self, a, b):
    18         # Write your code here
    19         root_a = self.find(a - 1)
    20         root_b = self.find(b - 1)
    21         if root_a != root_b:
    22             if self.size[root_a] > self.size[root_b]:
    23                 self.father[root_b] = self.father[root_a]
    24                 self.size[root_a] += self.size[root_b]
    25             else:
    26                 self.father[root_a] = self.father[root_b]
    27                 self.size[root_b] += self.size[root_a]
    29     # @param {int} a, b
    30     # return {boolean} true if they are connected or false
    31     def query(self, a, b):
    32         # Write your code here
    33         root_a = self.find(a - 1)
    34         root_b = self.find(b - 1)
    35         return root_a == root_b
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    Onsite IV


    概括:如果a[i] > a[j] 且 i < j, a[i] 和 a[j] 构成一个逆序对。


     1 class Solution:
     2     # @param {int[]} A an array
     3     # @return {int} total of reverse pairs
     4     def reversePairs(self, A):
     5         # Write your code here
     6         merge = []
     7         result = 0
     8         for a in A:
     9             result += self.insert(merge, a)
    10         return result    
    12     def insert(self, merge, num):
    13         if not merge or merge[-1] <= num:
    14             merge.append(num)
    15             return 0
    16         if merge[0] > num:
    17             merge.insert(0, num)
    18             return len(merge) - 1
    19         left, right = 0, len(merge) - 1
    20         while left + 1 < right:
    21             mid = (right - left) / 2 + left
    22             if merge[mid] <= num:
    23                 left = mid
    24             else:
    25                 right = mid
    26         if merge[right] >= num:
    27             merge.insert(right, num)
    28             return len(merge) - right - 1
    29         if merge[left] >= num:
    30             merge.insert(left, num)
    31             return len(merge) - left - 1
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     1 class Node:
     2     def __init__(self, key, val):
     3         self.key = key
     4         self.val = val
     5         self.pre = None
     6         self.next = None
     8 class LRUCache:
    10     # @param capacity, an integer
    11     def __init__(self, capacity):
    12         # write your code here
    13         self.head = Node(0, 0)
    14         self.tail = self.head
    15         self.size = 0
    16         self.key2node = {}
    17         self.capacity = capacity
    19     # @return an integer
    20     def get(self, key):
    21         # write your code here
    22         if key not in self.key2node:
    23             return -1
    24         if self.tail == self.key2node[key]:
    25             self.tail = self.tail.pre
    26         self.key2node[key].pre.next = self.key2node[key].next
    27         if self.key2node[key].next:
    28             self.key2node[key].next.pre = self.key2node[key].pre
    29         self.tail.next = self.key2node[key]
    30         self.key2node[key].pre = self.tail
    31         self.key2node[key].next = None
    32         self.tail = self.tail.next
    33         return self.key2node[key].val
    35     # @param key, an integer
    36     # @param value, an integer
    37     # @return nothing
    38     def set(self, key, value):
    39         # write your code here
    40         if key not in self.key2node:
    41             if self.size < self.capacity:
    42                 self.tail.next = Node(key, value)
    43                 self.tail.next.pre = self.tail
    44                 self.tail = self.tail.next
    45                 self.key2node[key] = self.tail
    46                 self.size += 1
    47             else:
    48                 node = self.head.next
    49                 self.head.next = node.next
    50                 if node.next:
    51                     node.next.pre = self.head
    52                 del self.key2node[node.key]
    53                 self.tail.next = Node(key, value)
    54                 self.tail.next.pre = self.tail
    55                 self.tail = self.tail.next
    56                 self.key2node[key] = self.tail
    57         else:
    58             self.key2node[key].val = value
    59             self.get(key)
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    Head First 设计模式——与设计模式相处
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    Head First 设计模式-模板方法、迭代器
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    Head First 设计模式- 工厂与单件模式
    Head First 设计模式——观察者与装饰者模式
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zcy-backend/p/6894887.html
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