QWeb is the primary templating engine used by Odoo2. It is an XML templating engine1 and used mostly to generate HTMLfragments and pages.
Template directives are specified as XML attributes prefixed with t-
, for instance t-if
for conditionals, with elements and other attributes being rendered directly.
To avoid element rendering, a placeholder element <t>
is also available, which executes its directive but doesn't generate any output in and of itself:
<t t-if="condition">
will result in:
if condition
is true, but:
<div t-if="condition">
will result in:
data output
QWeb has a primary output directive which automatically HTML-escape its content limiting XSS risks when displaying user-provided content: esc
takes an expression, evaluates it and prints the content:
<p><t t-esc="value"/></p>
rendered with the value value
set to 42
There is one other output directive raw
which behaves the same as respectively esc
but does not HTML-escape its output. It can be useful to display separately constructed markup (e.g. from functions) or already sanitized user-provided markup.
QWeb has a conditional directive if
, which evaluates an expression given as attribute value:
<t t-if="condition">
The element is rendered if the condition is true:
but if the condition is false it is removed from the result:
The conditional rendering applies to the bearer of the directive, which does not have to be <t>
<p t-if="condition">ok</p>
will give the same results as the previous example.
QWeb has an iteration directive foreach
which take an expression returning the collection to iterate on, and a second parameter t-as
providing the name to use for the "current item" of the iteration:
<t t-foreach="[1, 2, 3]" t-as="i">
<p><t t-esc="i"/></p>
will be rendered as:
Like conditions, foreach
applies to the element bearing the directive's attribute, and
<p t-foreach="[1, 2, 3]" t-as="i">
<t t-esc="i"/>
is equivalent to the previous example.
can iterate on an array (the current item will be the current value), a mapping (the current item will be the current key) or an integer (equivalent to iterating on an array between 0 inclusive and the provided integer exclusive).
In addition to the name passed via t-as
, foreach
provides a few other variables for various data points:
will be replaced by the name passed to t-as
- the object being iterated over
- the current iteration value, identical to
for lists and integers, but for mappings it provides the value (where$as
provides the key) $as_index
- the current iteration index (the first item of the iteration has index 0)
- the size of the collection if it is available
- whether the current item is the first of the iteration (equivalent to
$as_index == 0
) $as_last
- whether the current item is the last of the iteration (equivalent to
$as_index + 1 == $as_size
), requires the iteratee's size be available $as_parity
- either
, the parity of the current iteration round $as_even
- a boolean flag indicating that the current iteration round is on an even index
- a boolean flag indicating that the current iteration round is on an odd index
These extra variables provided and all new variables created into the foreach
are only available in the scope of the``foreach``. If the variable exists outside the context of the foreach
, the value is copied at the end of the foreach into the global context.
<t t-set="existing_variable" t-value="False"/>
<!-- existing_variable now False -->
<p t-foreach="[1, 2, 3]" t-as="i">
<t t-set="existing_variable" t-value="True"/>
<t t-set="new_variable" t-value="True"/>
<!-- existing_variable and new_variable now True -->
<!-- existing_variable always True -->
<!-- new_variable undefined -->
QWeb can compute attributes on-the-fly and set the result of the computation on the output node. This is done via the t-att
(attribute) directive which exists in 3 different forms:
an attribute called
is created, the attribute value is evaluated and the result is set as the attribute's value:<div t-att-a="42"/>
will be rendered as:
<div a="42"></div>
same as previous, but the parameter is a format string instead of just an expression, often useful to mix literal and non-literal string (e.g. classes):
<t t-foreach="[1, 2, 3]" t-as="item"> <li t-attf-class="row {{ item_parity }}"><t t-esc="item"/></li> </t>
will be rendered as:
<li class="row even">1</li> <li class="row odd">2</li> <li class="row even">3</li>
if the parameter is a mapping, each (key, value) pair generates a new attribute and its value:
<div t-att="{'a': 1, 'b': 2}"/>
will be rendered as:
<div a="1" b="2"></div>
if the parameter is a pair (tuple or array of 2 element), the first item of the pair is the name of the attribute and the second item is the value:
<div t-att="['a', 'b']"/>
will be rendered as:
<div a="b"></div>
setting variables
QWeb allows creating variables from within the template, to memoize a computation (to use it multiple times), give a piece of data a clearer name, ...
This is done via the set
directive, which takes the name of the variable to create. The value to set can be provided in two ways:
attribute containing an expression, and the result of its evaluation will be set:<t t-set="foo" t-value="2 + 1"/> <t t-esc="foo"/>
will print
if there is no
attribute, the node's body is rendered and set as the variable's value:<t t-set="foo"> <li>ok</li> </t> <t t-esc="foo"/>
will generate
(the content is escaped as we used theesc
using the result of this operation is a significant use-case for the
calling sub-templates
QWeb templates can be used for top-level rendering, but they can also be used from within another template (to avoid duplication or give names to parts of templates) using the t-call
<t t-call="other-template"/>
This calls the named template with the execution context of the parent, if other_template
is defined as:
<p><t t-value="var"/></p>
the call above will be rendered as <p/>
(no content), but:
<t t-set="var" t-value="1"/>
<t t-call="other-template"/>
will be rendered as <p>1</p>
However this has the problem of being visible from outside the t-call
. Alternatively, content set in the body of the call
directive will be evaluated before calling the sub-template, and can alter a local context:
<t t-call="other-template">
<t t-set="var" t-value="1"/>
<!-- "var" does not exist here -->
The body of the call
directive can be arbitrarily complex (not just set
directives), and its rendered form will be available within the called template as a magical 0
This template was called with content:
<t t-raw="0"/>
being called thus:
<t t-call="other-template">
will result in:
This template was called with content:
Exclusive directives
asset bundles
"smart records" fields formatting
The t-field
directive can only be used when performing field access (a.b
) on a "smart" record (result of the browse
method). It is able to automatically format based on field type, and is integrated in the website's rich text edition.
can be used to customize fields, the most common option is widget
, other options are field- or widget-dependent.
invokes a debugger using PDB's
API. The parameter should be the name of a module, on which aset_trace
method is called:<t t-debug="pdb"/>
is equivalent to
Most Python-side uses of QWeb are in controllers (and during HTTP requests), in which case templates stored in the database (asviews) can be trivially rendered by calling openerp.http.HttpRequest.render()
response = http.request.render('my-template', {
'context_value': 42
This automatically creates a Response
object which can be returned from the controller (or further customized to suit).
At a deeper level than the previous helper is the render
method on ir.ui.view
render(cr, uid, id[, values][, engine='ir.qweb][, context])
Renders a QWeb view/template by database id or external id. Templates are automatically loaded from ir.ui.view
Sets up a number of default values in the rendering context:
- the current
object, if any debug
- whether the current request (if any) is in
mode quote_plus
- url-encoding utility function
- the corresponding standard library module
- the corresponding standard library module
- the corresponding standard library module
- relativedelta
- see module
- the
helper function
- values -- context values to pass to QWeb for rendering
- engine (
) -- name of the Odoo model to use for rendering, can be used to expand or customize QWeb locally (by creating a "new" qweb based onir.qweb
with alterations)
It is also possible to use the ir.qweb
model directly (and extend it, and inherit from it):
class openerp.addons.base.ir.ir_qweb.QWeb(pool, cr)
Base QWeb rendering engine
- to customize
rendering, subclassir.qweb.field
and create new models calledir.qweb.field.widget
- alternatively, override
and return an arbitrary model to use as field converter
Beware that if you need extensions or alterations which could be incompatible with other subsystems, you should create a local object inheriting from ir.qweb
and customize that.
add_template(qwebcontext, name, node)
Add a parsed template in the context. Used to preprocess templates.
returns a Model
used to render a t-field
By default, tries to get the model named ir.qweb.field.field_type
, falling back on ir.qweb.field
) -- type or widget of field to renderget_template(name, qwebcontext)
Tries to fetch the template name
, either gets it from the context's template cache or loads one with the context's loader (if any).
returns a Model
used to render a t-esc
) -- name of the widget to use, or None
load_document(document, res_id, qwebcontext)
Loads an XML document and installs any contained template in the engine
Extracts all methods prefixed by prefix
, and returns a mapping of (t-name, method) where the t-name is the method name with prefix removed and underscore converted to dashes
) --render(cr, uid, id_or_xml_id, qwebcontext=None, loader=None, context=None)
Renders the template specified by the provided template name
- qwebcontext (dict or
instance) -- context for rendering the template - loader -- if
is a dict, loader set into the context instantiated for rendering
render_tag_call_assets(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext)
This special 't-call' tag can be used in order to aggregate/minify javascript and css assets
render_tag_field(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext)
eg: <span t-record="browse_record(res.partner, 1)" t-field="phone">+1 555 555 8069</span>
class openerp.addons.base.ir.ir_qweb.FieldConverter(pool, cr)
Used to convert a t-field specification into an output HTML field.
is the entry point of this conversion from QWeb, it:
- converts the record value to html using
- generates the metadata attributes (
) to set on the root result node - generates the root result node itself through
attributes(cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, g_att, t_att, qweb_context,context=None)
Generates the metadata attributes (prefixed by data-oe-
for the root node of the field conversion. Attribute values are escaped by the parent.
The default attributes are:
, the name of the record's modelid
the id of the record to which the field belongsfield
the name of the converted fieldtype
the logical field type (widget, may not match the field'stype
, may not be any Field subclass name)translate
, a boolean flag (0
) denoting whether the field is translatableexpression
, the original expression
record_to_html(cr, uid, field_name, record, options=None, context=None)
Converts the specified field of the browse_record record
render_element(cr, uid, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content)
Final rendering hook, by default just calls ir.qweb's render_element
to_html(cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=None)
Converts a t-field
to its HTML output. A t-field
may be extended by a t-field-options
, which is a JSON-serialized mapping of configuration values.
A default configuration key is widget
which can override the field's own _type
user_lang(cr, uid, context)
Fetches the res.lang object corresponding to the language code stored in the user's context. Fallbacks to en_US if no lang is present in the context or the language code is not valid.
value_to_html(cr, uid, value, field, options=None, context=None)
Converts a single value to its HTML version/output
Exclusive directives
defining templates
The t-name
directive can only be placed at the top-level of a template file (direct children to the document root):
<t t-name="template-name">
<!-- template code -->
It takes no other parameter, but can be used with a <t>
element or any other. With a <t>
element, the <t>
should have a single child.
The template name is an arbitrary string, although when multiple templates are related (e.g. called sub-templates) it is customary to use dot-separated names to indicate hierarchical relationships.
template inheritance
Template inheritance is used to alter existing templates in-place, e.g. to add information to templates created by an other modules.
Template inheritance is performed via the t-extend
directive which takes the name of the template to alter as parameter.
The alteration is then performed with any number of t-jquery
<t t-extend="base.template">
<t t-jquery="ul" t-operation="append">
<li>new element</li>
The t-jquery
directives takes a CSS selector. This selector is used on the extended template to select context nodes to which the specified t-operation
is applied:
- the node's body is appended at the end of the context node (after the context node's last child)
- the node's body is prepended to the context node (inserted before the context node's first child)
- the node's body is inserted right before the context node
- the node's body is inserted right after the context node
- the node's body replaces the context node's children
- the node's body is used to replace the context node itself
- No operation
if no
is specified, the template body is interpreted as javascript code and executed with the context node asthis
while much more powerful than other operations, this mode is also much harder to debug and maintain, it is recommended to avoid it
The javascript QWeb implementation provides a few debugging hooks:
takes an expression parameter, evaluates the expression during rendering and logs its result with
:<t t-set="foo" t-value="42"/> <t t-log="foo"/>
will print
to the console t-debug
triggers a debugger breakpoint during template rendering:
<t t-if="a_test"> <t t-debug=""> </t>
will stop execution if debugging is active (exact condition depend on the browser and its development tools)
the node's body is javascript code executed during template rendering. Takes a
parameter, which is the name under which the rendering context will be available in thet-js
's body:<t t-set="foo" t-value="42"/> <t t-js="ctx"> console.log("Foo is", ctx.foo); </t>
An instance of QWeb2.Engine()
with all module-defined template files loaded, and references to standard helper objects _
(underscore), _t
(translation function) and JSON.
can be used to easily render basic module templates
class QWeb2.Engine()
The QWeb "renderer", handles most of QWeb's logic (loading, parsing, compiling and rendering templates).
OpenERP Web instantiates one for the user, and sets it to instance.web.qweb
. It also loads all the template files of the various modules into that QWeb instance.
A QWeb2.Engine()
also serves as a "template namespace".
QWeb2.Engine.render(template[, context])
Renders a previously loaded template to a String, using context
(if provided) to find the variables accessed during template rendering (e.g. strings to display).
- template (
) -- the name of the template to render - context (
) -- the basic namespace to use for template rendering
The engine exposes an other method which may be useful in some cases (e.g. if you need a separate template namespace with, in OpenERP Web, Kanban views get their own QWeb2.Engine()
instance so their templates don't collide with more general "module" templates):
Loads a template file (a collection of templates) in the QWeb instance. The templates can be specified as:
- An XML string
- QWeb will attempt to parse it to an XML document then load it.
- QWeb will attempt to download the URL content, then load the resulting XML string.
- A
- QWeb will traverse the first level of the document (the child nodes of the provided root) and load any named template or template override.
A QWeb2.Engine()
also exposes various attributes for behavior customization:
Prefix used to recognize directives during parsing. A string. By default, t
Boolean flag putting the engine in "debug mode". Normally, QWeb intercepts any error raised during template execution. In debug mode, it leaves all exceptions go through without intercepting them.
The jQuery instance used during template inheritance processing. Defaults to window.jQuery
A Function
. If present, called before compiling each DOM node to template code. In OpenERP Web, this is used to automatically translate text content and some attributes in templates. Defaults to null