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  • 【bzoj4530】大融合(LCT的子树维护)




     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define N 100010
     3 typedef long long ll;
     4 using namespace std;
     5 int n,q,ans,tot,num;
     6 struct Link_Cut_Tree{
     7     int c[N][2],fa[N],size1[N],size2[N],q[N],top,rev[N];
     8     inline void pushup(int x){
     9         int l=c[x][0],r=c[x][1];
    10         size1[x]=size1[l]+size1[r]+size2[x];
    11     }
    12     inline bool isroot(int x){return c[fa[x]][1]!=x&&c[fa[x]][0]!=x;}
    13     inline void pushdown(int x){
    14         int l=c[x][0],r=c[x][1];
    15         if(rev[x]){
    16             rev[l]^=1;rev[r]^=1;rev[x]^=1;
    17             swap(c[x][0],c[x][1]);
    18         }
    19     }
    20     inline void rotate(int x){
    21         int y=fa[x],z=fa[y],l,r;
    22         if(c[y][0]==x)l=0;else l=1;r=l^1;
    23         if(!isroot(y)){if(c[z][0]==y)c[z][0]=x;else c[z][1]=x;}
    24         fa[x]=z;fa[y]=x;fa[c[x][r]]=y;
    25         c[y][l]=c[x][r];c[x][r]=y;
    26         pushup(y);pushup(x);
    27     }
    28     inline void splay(int x){
    29         top=1;q[top]=x;
    30         for(int i=x;!isroot(i);i=fa[i])q[++top]=fa[i];
    31         for(int i=top;i;i--)pushdown(q[i]);
    32         while(!isroot(x)){
    33             int y=fa[x],z=fa[y];
    34             if(!isroot(y)){
    35                 if((c[z][0]==y)^(c[y][0]==x))rotate(x);
    36                 else rotate(y);
    37             }rotate(x);
    38         }
    39         pushup(x);
    40     }
    41     void access(int x){
    42         for(int t=0;x;t=x,x=fa[x]){
    43             splay(x);size2[x]+=size1[c[x][1]];
    44             c[x][1]=t;size2[x]-=size1[t];pushup(x);
    45         }
    46     }
    47     void makeroot(int x){access(x);splay(x);rev[x]^=1;}
    48     int find(int x){access(x);splay(x);while(c[x][0])x=c[x][0];return x;}
    49     void split(int x,int y){makeroot(x);access(y);splay(y);}
    50     void link(int x,int y){
    51         makeroot(x);makeroot(y);fa[x]=y;size2[y]+=size1[x];
    52         pushup(y);
    53     }
    54     void cut(int x,int y){split(x,y);if(c[y][0]==x)c[y][0]=0,fa[x]=0;}
    55     void init(int n){
    56         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)size1[i]=size2[i]=1;
    57     }
    58 }T;
    59 inline int read(){
    60     int f=1,x=0;char ch;
    61     do{ch=getchar();if(ch=='-')f=-1;}while(ch<'0'||ch>'9');
    62     do{x=x*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();}while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9');
    63     return f*x;
    64 }
    65 int main(){
    66     n=read();q=read();
    67     T.init(n);char s[10];
    68     while(q--){
    69         scanf("%s",s);
    70         int x=read(),y=read();
    71         if(s[0]=='A')T.link(x,y);
    72         else{
    73             T.makeroot(x);T.access(y);T.splay(x);
    74             printf("%lld
    75         }
    76     }
    77     return 0;
    78 }
    zzq wc-ctsc-apio-NOI Au;yql精通多项式;zyz精通女装;由乃精通数据结构;孔老师是毒奶大师;我没有学上:我们都有光明的前途。
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