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  • Recover lost Confluence password


    1. 运行此sql 找到你的管理员帐户:

    1. select u.id, u.user_name, u.active from cwd_user u  
    2. join cwd_membership m on u.id=m.child_user_id join cwd_group g on m.parent_id=g.id join cwd_directory d on d.id=g.directory_id  
    3. where g.group_name = 'confluence-administrators' and d.directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory';  


    2.  运行此sql, 恢复管理员密码为 admin

    1. update cwd_user set credential =  
    2. 'x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A=='  
    3. where id=xxxxxx;  

     注意此处xxxxxx 为上一步的 id


    1. update cwd_user set credential =  
    2. '{PKCS5S2}ltrb9LlmZ0QDCJvktxd45WgYLOgPt2XTV8X7av2p0mhPvIwofs9bHYVz2OXQ6/kF'  
    3. where id=xxxxxx;  

     这个管理员密码为 Ab123456


    java -cp /opt/atlassian/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/hsqldb-2.3.0.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -user sa -url jdbc:hsqldb:/data/confluence/data/database/confluencedb
    java -cp hsqldb-2.3.0.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -user sa -url jdbc:hsqldb:confluencedb










    yum -y update  #更新所有套件 
    mkdir /usr/java        #在/usr下新建java文件夹,将安装包放在/usr/java目录下
    cd /usr/java
    #将 jre-7u67-linux-x64.rpm拷入该目录
    rpm -ivh jre-7u67-linux-x64.rpm     #安装JDK
    vi /etc/profile    #配置环境变量
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.7.0_67
    export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
    export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
    reboot     #重启机器配置生效
    yum install -y mysql-server mysql mysql-devel
    service mysqld start #初始化及相关配置
    chkconfig --list | grep mysqld #查看mysql服务是不是开机自动启动
    chkconfig mysqld on #设置成开机启动
    mysqladmin -u root password '123456'  #通过该命令给root账号设置密码为 123456
    mysql -u root -p #登录mysql数据库
    create database confluence character set UTF8;
    grant all on confluence.* to confluence@"%" identified by "confluence";
    grant all on confluence.* to confluence@"localhost" identified by "confluence";
    quit  #退出
    service mysqld stop  #关闭mysql服务
    cd /etc/
    vi my.cnf
    在[mysqld]下面加上character-set-server =utf8    #解决中文显示???的乱码问题
    service mysqld start   #启动mysql服务
    chmod +x atlassian-confluence-5.4.4-x64.bin   #赋予可执行权限
    ./atlassian-confluence-5.4.4-x64.bin  #执行安装
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客
    iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8090 -j ACCEPT
    service iptables save
    service iptables restart #打开防火墙8090端口
    #打开网页 http://服务器ip:8090,记下Server ID
    service confluence stop  #停掉Confluence 服务
    #将/opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/atlassian-extras-2.4.jar 复制出来。替换破解包中的atlassian-extras-2.4.jar,执行破解文件,输了Name,及之前记录下来的Server ID,按.patch!破解atlassian-extras-2.4.jar
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客
    #复制破解后的atlassian-extras-2.4.jar 到“/opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/”覆盖原文件。
    #复制mysql-connector-java-5.1.32-bin.jar 到“/opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/”。
    service confluence start    #启动Confluence 服务
    #重新打开网页 http://服务器ip:8090 
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客
    安装confluence-5.4.4-x64 - 王小乃 - 王小乃的博客

    Running SQL commands in a HSQL database


    Do not use an HSQL database for production. While this database is suitable for evaluation purposes, it is susceptible to data loss during system crashes.

    On rare occasions, you may wish to run raw SQL queries on a JIRA application internal database which is used for evaluation purposes. This page describes how to obtain a SQL console for HSQLDB databases, which are built into JIRA applications for evaluation purposes.

    How to obtain an HSQL Console

    Step 1: Locate HSQLDB directory

    HSQL stores its database as text files in the filesystem. Typically these files will be in a database subdirectory of your JIRA application Home Directory:


    Step 2: Locate HSQLDB jar

    The hsqldb jar file is located in the lib sub-directory of the JIRA application Installation directory:


    Step 3: Shut down your JIRA application

    If you haven't already, shut down any apps using the database.

    Step 4: Run The Console

    Use the following command to bring up the HSQLDB console (replacing the JIRA_HOME and JIRA_INSTALL with the absolute paths)


    java -cp "C:/Program Files/Atlassian/JIRA/lib/hsqldb-" org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -user sa -url "jdbc:hsqldb:C:/Program Files/Atlassian/Application Data/JIRA/database/jiradb;shutdown=true"


    java -cp JIRA_INSTALL/lib/hsqldb- org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -user sa -url 'jdbc:hsqldb:JIRA_HOME/database/jiradb;shutdown=true'

    (info) In versions of JIRA prior to JIRA 4.1 the jar file was in common/lib

    The hsqldb console should load, listing tables in the database in the left panel. You can run SQL commands in the top panel:

    Step 5: Shutdown The Console

    Once you have finished running SQL queries, shut down the console before starting your JIRA application.


    No tables are shown

    If you can successfully bring up the console, but no tables are shown, the jdbc:hsqldb: the usual reasons are

    • JIRA application/Confluence is still running. Ensure that the applications are shutdown before running the console.
    • Path of the database file may be incorrect.  You can update this by navigating to File > Connect and entering in the absolute path to JIRA_HOME/database/jiradb in the URL box and clicking Ok.

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    This article describes how to set the JIRA administrator account to a known password. I need this all the time when working with customer databases to get access to the JIRA administrator functions even when I am not a registered user.


    It is not possible to break into an arbitrary JIRA site using this information. You must have access to the JIRA database to get administrator privileges.

    In newer JIRA instances, the user information is stored in tables starting with cwd_. In older JIRA instances, other tables were used to store the user information. I have documented the SQL statements for both variants.

    Find username with administrator permission

    You probably need administrator permissions anyway. It is easier to use an existing account which already is in the jira-administrator group than to modify your own account to be in this group.

    For newer JIRA instances use this query:

    jira=# select * from cwd_membership where parent_name='jira-administrators';
     id    | parent_id | child_id | membership_type | parent_name         | lower_parent_name   | child_name  | lower_child_name | directory_id
     10421 | 10002     | 10200    | GROUP_USER      | jira-administrators | jira-administrators | schirmacher | schirmacher      |            1

    For older JIRA instances that do not have the cwd_membership table, use this query:

    mysql> select * from membershipbase where group_name='jira-administrators';
    | ID    | USER_NAME   | GROUP_NAME          |
    | 10000 | schirmacher | jira-administrators |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    In case you need to map usernames to actual persons, try this query:

    jira=# select user_name, display_name, email_address from cwd_user;
     user_name   |   display_name   |   email_address
     schirmacher | Arne Schirmacher | arne@schirmacher.de 

    Or - if the cwd_user table does not exist - try this one:

        username, propertyentry.property_key, propertystring.propertyvalue 
        userbase, propertyentry, propertystring 
        userbase.id=propertyentry.entity_id and 
    order by 
    | username            | property_key                | propertyvalue       |
    | schirmacher         | email                       | arne@schirmacher.de |
    | schirmacher         | fullName                    | Arne Schirmacher    |
    | schirmacher         | jira.user.locale            | de_DE               |
    | schirmacher         | login.count                 | 77                  |
    | schirmacher         | login.lastLoginMillis       | 1261244908672       |
    | schirmacher         | login.previousLoginMillis   | 1261135754821       |
    | schirmacher         | user.notifications.mimetype | text                |

    If there are too many rows you can add a and property_key='email' to the where clause.

    Note existing password

    Select the existing password for this user, so that it can be restored at a later time.

    jira=# select user_name, credential from cwd_user where user_name = 'schirmacher';
     user_name  |                               credential
    schirmacher | {PKCS5S2}Ah1Xm7aWkMKyMGE6GZsIeLG1rKA6LXy5dpgWGMPFEx6rL2RrwyH5T2d1v8OzWOQ==

    And for old JIRA instances without cwd_user:

    mysql> select * from userbase where username='schirmacher';
    | ID    | username    | PASSWORD_HASH                                                                            |
    | 10000 | schirmacher | rRU8enAt79v+s2IMeNDHFbTSf68Cl4gwmPdksIeLG1rMPFEx6r3H6qFudTNsGb5KA6LXy5dpgWGJCo4xbLqKgA== |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    Reset password

    Update the password hash of the selected user to a known password hash. The password hash below is from the password "admin".

    UPDATE 1

    And for old JIRA instances without cwd_user:

    mysql> update
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

    Log in

    Now log in using the chosen username with password "admin". If it doesn't work, you need to reboot the JIRA application server as the password was probably cached in the application.

    After finishing your administration tasks, remember to put back the original password.


    1. Anonymous

      Have You tested this?

      Seems that neither 

      update cwd_user set credential='x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A==' where user_name='jiraadmin';


      update cwd_user set credential='{PKCS5S2}x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A==' where user_name='jiraadmin';

      is working on my 4.4

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    Use this document if you are unable to log in to Confluence as administrator. The most common reason for using these instructions is if you have lost the administration password for your Confluence site.

    Before you Start

    Please note the following before you start:

    • The following instructions include example SQL that should work on MySQL and PostgreSQL. You may need to customise the queries for other databases or for your installation.
    • We strongly recommend testing the queries on a test database before modifying your production database.
    New user management in Confluence 3.5 and later
    • Confluence now uses the CWD_USER table in the database to store and refer to its users.
    • During an upgrade from Confluence 3.4.9 or earlier, the upgrade process copied the users from the OS_USER table (for upgrades from versions older than 2.7) or the USERS table (for versions 2.7 to 3.4) into the CWD_USER table.
    • The new user management framework also introduced user directories. Making modifications to users in the database will only fully work for users in Confluence's Internal Directory. The instructions below include extra steps for instances in which the user management has been delegated to external sources (via LDAP, Crowd or JIRA).

    Please refer to the older documentation if you are still usingOSUser or AtlassianUser.

    Using Crowd for SSO
    • If Confluence is configured for SSO through Crowd, you will only be able to authenticate as users from the Crowd server.
    • This document covers how to recover administration rights from the local 'Confluence Internal Directory' only. However, you will not be able to authenticate as a local Confluence administrator while Crowd SSO is enabled. Please refer toIntegrating Crowd with Atlassian Confluence for details on how to configure or disable Crowd SSO.

    Step 0. Get access to the database

    If you are using the embedded HSQL database, you can find the files containing your database in <confluence-home-directory>/database. When you shut down Confluence, the SQL will be written to a '.script' or '.log' file in that directory to which you can append the SQL described below.

    If you are using a proper production database, connect to the database with your normal tools. You will need to have permission to run queries and update data in the database.

    Step 1. Identify Administrator

    To find out which usernames have admin privileges, connect to your database using a database admin tool such as DBVisualiser. Please download a database admin tool now if you do not have one installed already. Then connect to your database and retrieve the list of administrator usernames and IDs with:

    select u.id, u.user_name, u.active from cwd_user u
    join cwd_membership m on u.id=m.child_user_id join cwd_group g on m.parent_id=g.id join cwd_directory d on d.id=g.directory_id
    where g.group_name = 'confluence-administrators' and d.directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory';

    If there are multiple results, choose one ID/username combination to use for the following steps.
    If there are no results, skip down to If No Local Administrator Exists.

    It is important to make sure that the "active" field contains a value of "T". Without this flag trying to authenticate with this user is a non starter.

    To set active to true run the following query replacing "<user_name>" with the user name from the previous query

    UPDATE cwd_user
    SET active = 'T'
    WHERE user_name ='<user_name>';

    If No Local Administrator Exists

    There may be no administrators in your Internal Directory. If this is the case, you need to add one:

    1. Add a new admin user by running:

      insert into cwd_user(id, user_name, lower_user_name, active, created_date, updated_date, first_name, lower_first_name, last_name, lower_last_name, display_name, lower_display_name, email_address, lower_email_address, directory_id, credential) values (1212121, 'admin''admin''T''2009-11-26 17:42:08''2009-11-26 17:42:08''A. D.''a. d.''Ministrator''ministrator''A. D. Ministrator''a. d. ministrator''admin@example.com''admin@example.com', (select id from cwd_directory where directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory'), 'x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A==');
    2. Add new groups by running:

      insert into cwd_group(id, group_name, lower_group_name, active, local, created_date, updated_date, description, group_type, directory_id)
      values '888888','confluence-administrators','confluence-administrators','T','F','2011-03-21 12:20:29','2011-03-21 12:20:29',NULL,'GROUP',(select id from cwd_directory where directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory'));
      insert into cwd_group(id, group_name, lower_group_name, active, local, created_date, updated_date, description, group_type, directory_id)
      values '999999','confluence-users','confluence-users','T','F','2011-03-21 12:20:29','2011-03-21 12:20:29',NULL,'GROUP',(select id from cwd_directory where directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory'));
    3. Add group memberships into cwd_membership:

      insert into cwd_membership (id, parent_id, child_user_id) values (888888, (select id from cwd_group where group_name='confluence-users' and directory_id=(select id from cwd_directory where directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory')), 1212121);
      insert into cwd_membership (id, parent_id, child_user_id) values (999999, (select id from cwd_group where group_name='confluence-administrators' and directory_id=(select id from cwd_directory where directory_name='Confluence Internal Directory')), 1212121);

    (warning) If using an Oracle database, use sysdate instead of a string for the created_date column.

    Step 2. Replace Administrator Password

    Confluence does not store passwords in plain text in the database, but uses hashes computed from the original password. You will need to insert a hash, rather than the plain password, over the existing password in the database. Below is the hash for the password admin


    For an External Database

    To change the password to admin for a given username:

    1. Shut down Confluence.
    2. Connect to your database.
    3. Run the following SQL:

      update cwd_user set credential =
      where id=<id from Stage 1>;

    For the Evaluation Embedded HSQL Database

    To change the password to admin for a given username:

    1. Shut down Confluence.
    2. Open <confluence-home>/database/confluencedb.script, or confluencedb.log if the .script file looks empty.
    3. Search for:

    4. Keep searching until you find the appropriate user, then replace their password with the hash value above.
    5. Save the file.
    6. Restart Confluence.

    Step 3. Put the Internal Directory in First Position

    Start Confluence, and try logging in with the username of the user you updated/created and the password 'admin'. If this works, skip to Step 4. Otherwise, your Internal Directory does not have high enough priority.

    To put your Internal Directory in first position:

    1. Find the directory names and their order:

      select d.id, d.directory_name, m.list_index from cwd_directory d join cwd_app_dir_mapping m on d.id=m.directory_id;
    2. Take note of the ID with list_index 0, and the list_index and ID of the Confluence Internal Directory.
    3. Switch the order of the directories:

      update cwd_app_dir_mapping set list_index = 0 where directory_id = <Internal Directory id>;
      update cwd_app_dir_mapping set list_index = <Noted Internal Directory list_index> where directory_id = <Directory id that had list_index 0>;
    4. Check to see if the directory is active (the 'active' column should be set to 'T'):

      select id, directory_name, active from cwd_directory where id = <Internal Directory id>;
    5. If necessary, activate the directory:

      update cwd_directory set active = 'T' where id = <Internal Directory id>;

    Step 4. Clean Up

    To tidy up:

    1. Start Confluence.
    2. Log in with your modified/created username and use password admin
    3. Change your password. Do not leave your password as admin, or your instance will not be secure.
    4. If you created a new user in Stage 2, create a new admin via the UI and delete the admin you created in Stage 2.
    5. If you followed Stage Three, go to Confluence Administration > User Directories and rearrange your directories so they are correctly configured again.
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    Occasionally it is necessary to log in into a Confluence System for which you do not have the password.

    This happens if you work in customer support and a customer sends you a Confluence dump for support or debugging purposes. Most likely the customer has set his Confluence instance to private mode, so that you can't create an account to log in. Even if not, you do not have admin privileges.

    The solution is to find an existing Confluence Administrator account and reset the password to a known one.

    To list all Confluence Administrators in a given Confluence 4.x instance, issue the SQL command below:

        cwd_user.id = cwd_membership.child_user_id and 
        cwd_membership.parent_id = cwd_group.id and 

    For previous Confluence releases, use this command instead:

        local_members.userid=users.id and
        local_members.groupid=groups.id and

    You should get a response similar to this:

    | id     | name                      | email                               |                                                              |
    | 393217 | admin                     | arne.schirmacher@softwaretesting.de | rRU7enAt79vrMPFEx6r3H6qFudTNsGb5KA6LXy5dpgWGJCo4xbLqKgA...== |
    1 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    If you have an old Confluence site (< v. 2.5), the user information might be stored in different tables. If the statement above does not return any rows, try the next one:

        os_group.groupname='confluence-administrators' and
        os_user_group.group_id=os_group.id and

    You should get a response similar to this:

    | id | username    | passwd                                      | id | groupname                 | group_id | user_id |
    |  1 | admin       | 5d7edTmEZWDz19dlpCnuF4eSXZx7ZD+2cVdi9w...== |  1 | confluence-administrators |        1 |       1 |
    |  3 | admin2      | AIemXIs3vSn1NnR/KMlnK+wcrndi0snza2AT8g...== |  1 | confluence-administrators |        1 |       3 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    The data in the password (or passwd) field is the hashed value of the user's password.
    To force it to a known password, enter the hash


    for the user. You can then login with this user name and the password 'admin'. If it does not work, restart the Tomcat server (Confluence caches data and will not see manual changes to the database).


    To update the passwd field in the os_user table in an old Confluence instance, use

    where id=1;


    This is not a hack to break in an arbitrary Confluence Site. You must have access to this site's database.

    It is also possible to edit the XML Backup File and insert the password hash string manually.


    For the Evaluation Embedded HSQL Database
    To change the password to admin for a given username:
    Shut down Confluence.
    Open <confluence-home>/database/confluencedb.script, or confluencedb.log if the .script file looks empty.
    Search for:
    Keep searching until you find the appropriate user, then replace their password with this hash value:
    Save the file.
    Restart Confluence.
    FYI, Confluence Home folder is defined in <Confluence install folder>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/confluence-init.properties file.

    If you are using HSQL then an alternative way of accessing the database is to use HSQL's Database Manager (http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Running+SQL+commands+in+a+HSQL+database) - those instructions are for JIRA, but the steps are the same for Confluence:
    1. Shutdown Confluence
    2. Locate the HSQL JAR file (in my Confluence 4.1.4 installation it's <confluence installation>/WEB-INF/lib/hsqldb-2.2.4.jar
    3. From a command line run java -cp ./hsqldb-2.2.4.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -user sa -url jdbc:hsqldb:<confluence home>/database/confluencedb;hsqldb.tx=MVCC
    4. Execute the relevant SQL in the HSQL Database Manager GUI
    5. Exit the Database Manager
    6. Start Confluence
    If none of the above works then you're probably looking at recovering from backup (if you have one) or uninstalling and re-installing from scratch. Depending on how much work you would lose if you had to re-install from scratch a re-install may be less effort than resetting the admin password?
    Does that help?

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    「CH2401」送礼物 解题报告
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zdxster/p/5345215.html
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