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  • How to modify squashfs image

     *                  How to modify squashfs image
     * 说明:
     *     本文如何使用squashfs-tools对squashfs image进行解压及合成。
     *                                    2016-4-27 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋
        How to modify squashfs image
    You cannot modify squashfs image directly but you can uncompress it, apply changes and compress it again.
    Create temporary directory and enter it:
        $ mkdir squashfs-temp
        $ cd squashfs-temp
    To uncompress squashfs image (into squashfs-root directory) use unsquashfs command:
        $ unsquashfs /live/image/livefs.squashfs 
        Parallel unsquashfs: Using 4 processors
        79505 inodes (89340 blocks) to write
        [===========================================================-] 89340/89340 100%
        created 72260 files
        created 9630 directories
        created 7245 symlinks
        created 0 devices
        created 0 fifos
    After applying required changes you can compress it using mksquashfs command:
        $ mksquashfs squashfs-root/ livefs.squashfs -noappend -always-use-fragments
        Parallel mksquashfs: Using 4 processors
        Creating 4.0 filesystem on livefs.squashfs, block size 131072.
        [===========================================================|] 82095/82095 100%
        Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
              compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
              duplicates are removed
        Filesystem size 1191282.88 Kbytes (1163.36 Mbytes)
              46.01% of uncompressed filesystem size (2589278.95 Kbytes)
        Inode table size 905038 bytes (883.83 Kbytes)
              29.51% of uncompressed inode table size (3066958 bytes)
        Directory table size 917125 bytes (895.63 Kbytes)
              44.02% of uncompressed directory table size (2083295 bytes)
        Number of duplicate files found 9152
        Number of inodes 89135
        Number of files 72260
        Number of fragments 6406
        Number of symbolic links  7246
        Number of device nodes 0
        Number of fifo nodes 0
        Number of socket nodes 0
        Number of directories 9629
        Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 19
        Number of uids 6
              root (0)
              daemon (1)
              milosz (1000)
              kdm (106)
              libuuid (100)
              man (6)
        Number of gids 17
              root (0)
              daemon (1)
              fuse (105)
              shadow (42)
              milosz (1000)
              vboxsf (104)
              tty (5)
              crontab (102)
              mail (8)
              mlocate (107)
              ssh (108)
              messagebus (106)
              nogroup (65534)
              utmp (43)
              utempter (112)
              staff (50)
              libuuid (101)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zengjfgit/p/5438723.html
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