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  • Linux系统及应用问题分析排查工具

    linux 阿里技术协会

    摘要: Linux服务器上经常遇到一些系统和应用上的问题,如何分析排查,需要利器,下面总结列表了一些常用工具、trace tool;最后也列举了最近hadoop社区在开发发展的分布式系统的trace tool。 概览: 引用linux-performance-analysis-and-tools中图片,

    Linux服务器上经常遇到一些系统和应用上的问题,如何分析排查,需要利器,下面总结列表了一些常用工具、trace tool;最后也列举了最近hadoop社区在开发发展的分布式系统的trace tool。






    • uname -a 或 cat /proc/version #print system information
      • Linux hadoopst2.cm6 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 15:51:48 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    • uptime
      • 15:42:46 up 674 days, 6 min, 35 users, load average: 1.30, 5.97, 11.53
    • cat /etc/redhat-release
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)
    • lsb_release
      • LSB Version:  :core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.1-amd64:graphics-3.1-ia32:graphics-3.1-noarch
    • cat /proc/cpuinfo
    • cat /proc/meminfo
    • lspci - list all PCI devices
    • lsusb - list USB devices
    • last, lastb - show listing of last logged in users
    • lsmod — show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
    • modprobe - add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel


    • ps
      • To print a process tree: ps -ejH / ps axjf
      • To get info about threads: ps -eLf / ps axms
    • ulimit -a
    • lsof - list open files, UNIX一切皆文件
      • lsof -p PID
    • rpm/yum
      • rpm -qf FILE #文件所属rpm包
      • rpm -ql RPM #rpm包含文件
      • /var/log/yum.log #yum 更新包日志
    • /etc/XXX #系统级程序配置目录, 如
      • /etc/yum.repos.d/ yum源配置
    • /var/log/XXX #日志目录, 如
      • /var/log/cron #crontab日志,可以查看调度执行情况
    • ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon,同步集群中机器时间
    • squid - proxy caching server,集群WebUI的代理


    • mpstat - Report processors related statistics. 注意%sys %iowait值
    • vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics
    • iostat - Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions.
    • netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships
      • netstat -atpn | grep PID
    • ganglia - a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids.
    • sar/tsar - Collect, report, or save system activity information; tsar是淘宝自己改进的版本
      • 定时采样(每分钟),可查历史记录(默认5分钟),可弥补ganglia显示更详细信息
    • iftop - the "top" bandwidth consumers shown. iftop wiki
    • iotop
    • vmtouch, Portable file system cache diagnostics and control


    • telnet/nc IP PORT - 确认目标端口是否可访问,只ping通不一定端口可访问,可能防火墙等禁止
    • ifconfig/ifup/ifdown - configure a network interface
    • traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
    • nslookup - query Internet name servers interactively
    • tcpdump - dump traffic on a network, 类似开源工具 wiresharknetsniff-ng更多工具比较
    • lynx - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
    • tcpcp - allows cooperating applications to pass ownership of TCP connection endpoints from one Linux host to another one.



    • ldconfig - configure dynamic linker run time bindings
      • ldconfig -p | grep SO 查看so是否在link cache中
    • ldd - print shared library dependencies, 查看exe或so依赖的so
    • nm - list symbols from object files,可grep查找是否存在相关的symbol,是否Undefined.
    • readelf - Displays information about ELF files. 可现实elf相关信息,如32/64位,适用的OS,处理器


    • gdb
    • cat /proc/$PID/[cmdline|environ|limits|status|...] - 进程相关信息
    • pstack - print a stack trace of a running process
    • pmap - report memory map of a process


    • JDK Tools and Utilities
    • Java Troubleshooting Tools
    • jinfo - print java process information, 如classpath,java.libary.path(jni so目录)
    • jstack - print a stack trace of a running java process,可查看死锁情况
    • jmap - report memory map of a java process
      • jmap -histo:live 可触发full gc
      • jmap -dump:live,file=$FILE 可dump heap内存,用于jhat等工具debug分析object在heap的占用情况
    • jhat - Heap Dump Browser - Starts a web server on a heap dump file (eg, produced by jmap -dump), allowing the heap to be browsed.
      • 起http服务,浏览器访问查看
      • -J-mxXXXm ,分析大文件时需要加大heap大小
      • 若有对象数据超大或内存占用过多,极有可能memory leak
    • Memory Analyzer (MAT) - eclipse plugin,Java heap analyzer
      • 可视化工具,但受到机器内存的限制,无法分析太大的heap dump file
    • jdb - 可起服务做server,eclipse等工具远程连接调试
    • jstat - Java Virtual Machine Statistics Monitoring Tool
    • jstatd - Virtual Machine jstat Daemon,可配合jvisualvm
    • jvisualvm - Java Virtual Machine Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Profiling Tool;可远程连接jstatd/jmx, 可视化展示工具:演示
    • jvmtop - In a top-like manner, displays JVM internal metrics (e.g. memory information) of running java processes.
    • JVM performance optimization JVM开发者写的优化文章
      1. Overview
      2. Compilers
      3. Garbage collection
      4. Concurrently compacting GC
      5. Scalability
    • HPROF - Heap Profiler: java -agentlib:hprof



    • 写log,但系统在线或无法源码时
    • strace - trace system calls and signals
    % time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
    ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
     67.90 3966.320849         496   7992161   3050250 futex
     25.80 1507.326693      127093     11860           epoll_wait
    • blktrace, generate traces of the i/o traffic on block devices
    • ltrace - A library call tracer
    • xtrace
    • gprof - a performance analysis tool, sampling and call-graph profiling
    • valgrind - an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail
    • systemtap - a simple command line interface and scripting language for writing instrumentation for a live running kernel plus user-space applications for complex tasks that may require live analysis, programmable on-line response, and whole-system symbolic access.
      • Linux版DTrace(SUN在Solaris上开发的)
      • 功能强大,kernel, user-space app,cross language(java perl python ruby),build-in markers(pg mysql)
      • can write and reuse simple scripts to deeply examine the activities of a live system
      • Data can be extracted, filtered, and summarized quickly and safely, to enable diagnoses of complex performance or functional problems
      • 丰富的 "tapset" script library

    java trace工具

    • btrace - dynamic tracing tool for the Java platform. UserGuide
    • byteman - simplifies tracing and testing of Java programs. Can modify a running application without needing to stop and restart it.
      • define rules specifying the side effects you want to inject 而 BTrace类java语法

    Distributed Tracing Tools

    • Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
    • x-trace, a network diagnostic tool designed to provide users and network operators with better visibility into increasingly complex Internet applications.
    • HTrace, a tracing framework intended for use with distributed systems written in java
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zengkefu/p/5642955.html
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