# This file contains the syntax information for
# the entries to be put in any tnsnames.ora file
# The entries in this file are need based.
# There are no defaults for entries in this file
# that Sqlnet/Net3 use that need to be overridden
# Typically you could have two tnsnames.ora files
# in the system, one that is set for the entire system
# and is called the system tnsnames.ora file, and a
# second file that is used by each user locally so that
# he can override the definitions dictated by the system
# tnsnames.ora file.
# The entries in tnsnames.ora are an alternative to using
# the names server with the onames adapter.
# They are a collection of aliases for the addresses that
# the listener(s) is(are) listening for a database or
# several databases.
# The following is the general syntax for any entry in
# a tnsnames.ora file. There could be several such entries
# tailored to the user's needs.
<alias>= [ (DESCRIPTION_LIST = # Optional depending on whether u have
# one or more descriptions
# If there is just one description, unnecessary ]
[ (SDU=2048) ] # Optional, defaults to 2048
# Can take values between 512 and 32K
[ (ADDRESS_LIST= # Optional depending on whether u have
# one or more addresses
# If there is just one address, unnecessary ]
[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
(KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
... # More addresses
[ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST is used or not
[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
[ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
[ (SDU=2048) ] # Optional, defaults to 2048
# Can take values between 512 and 32K
[ (ADDRESS_LIST= ] # Optional depending on whether u have more
# than one address or not
# If there is just one address, unnecessary
[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
(KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
... # More addresses
[ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST
# is being used
[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
[ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
... # More descriptions
[ ) ] # Optional depending on whether DESCRIPTION_LIST is used or not
# Copyright (c) 1996, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
# sqlnet.ora
# Oracle Network Client startup parameter file example
# This file contains examples and instructions for defining all
# Oracle Network Client parameters. It should be possible to read
# this file and setup a Client by uncommenting parameter definitions
# and substituting values. The comments should provide enough
# explanation to enable a reasonable user to manage his TNS connections
# without having to resort to 'real' documentation.
# ONames Client
# Namesctl
# Native Naming Adpaters
# ...
# nwoo 04/26/07 - Add SDP.PF_INET_SDP parameter.
# rachacos 09/15/06 - Add BUCKET_SIZE parameter.
# rachacos 08/10/06 - Add ADR/DDE parameters.
# ajacobs 09/09/03 - Fix wallet_location parameter
# ajacobs 01/20/03 - CyberSafe desupport
# ajacobs 09/17/02 - remove crypto_seed
# cozhang 03/07/02 - Change connect_time to inbound_connect_time.
# mhho 01/15/02 - update sample with new parameter changes
# cozhang 12/04/01 - Add params for DoS timout handling
# ajacobs 10/23/00 - Remove identix, securid
# ajacobs 09/07/00 - Update for Oracle Advanced Security encryption/integ
# tclarke 05/26/00 - bug 515765
# jtran 03/24/98 - add radius configuration
# skanjila 06/06/97 - Correct default for Automatic_IPC
# eminer 05/15/97 - Add the relevant onrsd parameters.
# asriniva 04/23/97 - Merge with version from doc
# ggilchri 03/31/97 - mods
# bvasudev 02/07/97 - Change sqlnet.authentication_services documentation
# bvasudev 11/25/96 - Merge sqlnet.ora transport related parameters
# asriniva 11/12/96 - Revise with new OSS parameters.
# asriniva 11/05/96 - Add ANO parameters.
# ____________________________________________________________________
# - ONames Client ----------------------------------------------------
#names.default_domain = world
#Syntax: domain-name
#Default: NULL
# Indicates the domain from which the client most often requests names. When
# this parameter is set the default domain name (for example, US.ACME), the
# domain name will be automatically appended to any unqualified name in an
# ONAmes request (query, register, deregister, etc). Any name which contains
# an unescaped dot ('.') will not have the default domain appended. Simple
# names may be qualified with a trailing dot (for example 'rootserver.').
#names.initial_retry_timeout = 30
#Syntax: 1-600 seconds
#Default: 15 (OSD)
# Determines how long a client will wait for a response from a Names Server
# before reiterating the request to the next server in the preferred_servers
# list.
#names.max_open_connections = 3
#Syntax: 3-64
#Default: ADDRS in preferred_servers
# Determines how many connections an ONames client may have open at one time.
# Clients will ordinarily keep connections to servers open once they are
# established until the operation (or session in namesctl) is complete. A
# connection will be opened whenever needed, and if the maximum would be
# exceeded the least recently used connection will be closed.
#names.message_pool_start_size = 10
#Syntax: 3-256
#Default: 10
# Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the client's message
# pool. This pool provides the client with pre-allocated messages to be used
# for requests to ONames servers. Messages which are in the pool and unused
# may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are available in
# the pool more will be allocated.
#names.preferred_servers = (address_list =
# (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=n23))
# (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
# (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=cicada)(port=1575))
# )
#Syntax: ADDR_LIST
#Default: Well-Known (OSD)
# Specifies a list of ONames servers in the client's region; requests will be
# sent to each ADDRESS in the list until a response is recieved, or the list
# (and number of retries) is exhausted.
# Addresses of the following form specify that messages to the ONames server
# should use Oracle Remote Operations (RPC):
# (description =
# (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
# (connect_data=(rpc=on))
# )
#names.request_retries = 2
#Syntax: 1-5
#Default: 1
# Specifies the number of times the client should try each server in the list
# of preferred_servers before allowing the operation to fail.
#Syntax: <adapter-name>
# Sets the (ordered) list of naming adaptors to use in resolving a name.
# The default is as shown for 3.0.2 of sqlnet onwards. The default was
# (TNSNAMES, ONAMES) before that. The value can be presented without
# parentheses if only a single entry is being specified. The parameter is
# recognized from version 2.3.2 of sqlnet onward. Acceptable values include:
# TNSNAMES -- tnsnames.ora lookup
# ONAMES -- Oracle Names
# HOSTNAME -- use the hostname (or an alias of the hostname)
# NIS -- NIS (also known as "yp")
# CDS -- OSF DCE's Cell Directory Service
# NDS -- Novell's Netware Directory Service
# - Client Cache (ONRSD) ---------------------------------------------
#names.addresses = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ONAMES))
#Syntax: ADDR
# Address on which the client cache listens (is available to clients).
# Any valid TNS address is allowed. The default should be used if at
# all possible; clients have this entry hardwired as the first line
# of their server-list file (sdns.ora). If the address is set to a
# non-default value the client's preferred_servers parameter should
# be set to include the client-cache address first.
#names.authority_required = False
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# Determines whether system querys (for the root etc) require Authoritative
# answers.
#names.auto_refresh_expire = 259200
#Syntax: Number of seconds, 60-1209600
#Default: 259200
# This is the amount of time (in seconds) the server will cache the addresses
# of servers listed in server-list file (sdns.ora). When this time expires the
# server will issue another query to the servers in those regions to refresh
# the data.
#names.auto_refresh_retry = 180
#Syntax: Number of seconds, 60-3600
#Default: sec. 180
# This set how often the server will retry when the auto_refresh query fails.
#names.cache_checkpoint_file = cache.ckp
#Syntax: filename
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/names/ckpcch.ora
# Specifies the name of the operating system file to which the Names Server
# writes its foreign data cache.
#names.cache_checkpoint_interval = 7200
#Syntax: Number of seconds, 10-259200
#Default: 0 (off)
# Indicates the interval at which a Names Server writes a checkpoint of its
# data cache to the checkpoint file.
# (NAME= rootserv1.world)
# (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=42100)(HOST=roothost))))
#Syntax: Name-Value/address_list
#Default: NULL
# A list (in NV form) of the addresses of other servers which should be used to
# forward querys while in default_forwarder (slave) mode. NAME is the global
# names for the server to which forwards whould be directed, and ADDRESS is its
# address.
#names.default_forwarders_only = True
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# When set to true this server will use the servers listed in default_forwarders
# to forward all operations which involve data in foreign regions. Otherwise it
# will use the servers defined in the server-list file (sdns.ora) in addition
# to any defined in the default_forwarders parameter.
#names.log_directory = /oracle/network/log
#Syntax: directory
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log
# Indicates the name of the directory where the log file for Names Server
# operational events are written.
#names.log_file = names.log
#Syntax: filename
#Default: names.log
# The name of the output file to which Names Server operational events are
# written.
#names.log_stats_interval = 3600
#Syntax: Number of seconds, 10-ub4max
#Default: sec. 0 (off)
#Specifies the number of seconds between statistical entries in log file.
#names.log_unique = False
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# If set to true the server will guarantee that the log file will have a unique
# name which will not overwrite any existing files (note that log files are
# appended to, so log information will not be lost if log_unique is not true).
#names.max_open_connections = 10
#Syntax: 3-64
#Default: 10
# Specifies the number of connections that the Names Server can have open at any
# given time. The value is generated as the value 10 or the sum of one
# connection for listening, five for clients, plus one for each foreign domain
# defined in the local administrative region, whichever is greater. Any
# operation which requires the server to open a network connection will use
# an already open connection if it is available, or will open a connection
# if not. Higher settings will save time and cost network resources; lower
# settings save network resources, cost time.
#names.max_reforwards = 2
#Syntax: 1-15
#Default: 2
# The maximum number of times the server will attempt to forward a certain
# operation.
#names.message_pool_start_size = 24
#Syntax: 3-256
#Default: 10
# Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the server's message
# pool. This pool provides the server with pre-allocated messages to be used
# for incoming or outgoing messages (forwards). Messages which are in the pool
# and unused may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are
# available in the pool more will be allocated.
#names.no_modify_requests = False
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# If set to true, the server will refuse any operations which modify the
# data in its region (it will still save foreign info in the cache which is
# returned from foreign querys).
#names.password = 625926683431AA55
#Syntax: encrypted string
#Default: NULL
# If set the server will require that the user provide a password in his
# namesctl session (either with sqlnet.ora:namesctl.server_password or 'set
# password') in order to do 'sensitive' operations, like stop, restart, reload.
# This parameter is generally set in encrypted form, so it can not be set
# manually.
#names.reset_stats_interval = 3600
#Syntax: 10-ub4max
#Default: 0 (off)
# Specifies the number of seconds during which the statistics collected by the
# Names Servers should accumulate. At the frequency specified, they are reset
# to zero. The default value of 0 means never reset statistics.
#names.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
#Syntax: directory
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
# Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a Names Server
# trace session are written.
#names.trace_file = names.trc
#Syntax: filename
#Default: names.trc
# Indicates the name of the output file from a Names Server trace session.
#names.trace_func # NA
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
#names.trace_level = ADMIN
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
#Syntax: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
# Indicates the level at which the Names Server is to be traced.
# Available Values:
# 0 or OFF - No trace output
# 4 or USER - User trace information
# 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
# 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
#names.trace_mask = (200,201,202,203,205,206,207)
#Syntax: list of numbers
#Default: NULL
# Internal mechanism to control trace behavior.
#names.trace_unique = True
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
# files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
# to the name of each trace file generated.
# - Namesctl ---------------------------------------------------------
#namesctl.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
#Syntax: directory
#Default: $ON/trace
# Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a namesctl
# trace session are written.
#namesctl.trace_file = namesctl.trc
#Syntax: filename
#Default: namesctl.trc
# Indicates the name of the output file from a namesctl trace session.
#namesctl.trace_func # NA
#Syntax: word list
#Default: NULL
# Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
#namesctl.trace_level = ADMIN
#Syntax: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
# Indicates the level at which the namesctl is to be traced.
# Available Values:
# 0 or OFF - No trace output
# 4 or USER - User trace information
# 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
# 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
#namesctl.trace_mask # NA
#Syntax: number list
#Default: NULL
# Internal mechanism to control trace behavior.
#namesctl.trace_unique = True
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
# files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
# to the name of each trace file generated.
#namesctl.no_initial_server = False
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# If set to TRUE namesctl will suppress any error messages when namesctl is
# unable to connect to a default names server.
#namesctl.internal_use = True
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# If set to true namesctl will enable a set of internal undocumented commands.
# All internal commands are preceded by an underscore ('_') in order to
# distinguish them as internal. Without going into details, the commands
# enabled are:
# _add_data _create_name _delete_name
# _full_status _ireplace_data _newttl_name
# _pause _remove_data _rename_name
# _replace_data _start _walk*
# There are also a set of names server variables which may be set when
# namesctl is in internal mode:
# _authority_required _auto_refresh*
# _cache_checkpoint_interval _cache_dump
# _default_autorefresh_expire _default_autorefresh_retry
# _default_forwarders_only _forwarding_desired
# _max_reforwards _modify_ops_enabled
# _next_cache_checkpoint _next_cache_flush
# _next_stat_log _next_stat_reset
# _reload _request_delay
# _restart _shutdown
#namesctl.noconfirm = True
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: False
# When set to TRUE namesctl will suppress the confirmation prompt when
# sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload) are requested. This is
# quite helpful when using namesctl scripts.
#namesctl.server_password = mangler
#Syntax: string
#Default: NULL
# Automatically sets the password for the names server in order to perform
# sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload). The password may also be
# set manually during a namesctl session using 'set password'.
#namesctl.internal_encrypt_password = False
#Syntax: T/F
#Default: True
# When set to TRUE namesctl will not encrypt the password when it is sent to
# the names server. This would enable an unencrypted password to be set in
# names.ora:names.server_password
# - Native Naming Adpaters -------------------------------------------
#names.dce.prefix = /.:/subsys/oracle/names
#Syntax: DCE cell name
#Default: /.:/subsys/oracle/names
#Specifies the DCE cell (prefix) to use for name lookup.
#names.nds.name_context = personnel.acme
#Syntax: NDS name
#Default: (OSD?)
# Specifies the default NDS name context in which to look for the name to
# be resolved.
#names.nis.meta_map # NA
# Syntax: filename
# Default: sqlnet.maps
# Specifies the file to be used to map NIS attributes to an NIS mapname.
# Currently unused.
# - Oracle Advanced Security Authentication Adapters ----------------
# Syntax: A single value or a list from {beq, none, all, kerberos5,
# radius, nts}
# Default: NONE
# Enables one or more authentication services. If
# Oracle Advanced Security has been installed with Kerberos5
# support, using (beq, kerberos5) would enable authentication via
# Kerberos.
#sqlnet.authentication_services=(beq, kerberos5)
## Parmeters used with Kerberos adapter.
# Syntax: Any valid pathname.
# Default: /tmp/krb5cc_<uid>
# The Kerberos credential cache pathname.
# Syntax: Any positive integer.
# Default: 300
# The acceptable difference in the number of seconds between when a
# credential was sent and when it was received.
# Syntax: Any valid pathname.
# Default: /krb5/krb.conf
# The Kerberos configuration pathname.
# Syntax: Any valid pathname
# Default: /krb5/krb.realms
# The Kerberos host name to realm translation file.
# Syntax: Any valid pathname.
# Default: /etc/v5srvtab
# The Kerberos secret key file.
# Syntax: Any string.
# Default: A default is not provided.
# The Kerberos service name.
## Parameters used with Radius adapter
# Need to specify the location of the Radius server
#sqlnet.radius_authentication = localhost
# Need to specify the port address of the Radius server
#sqlnet.radius_authentication_port = 1654
# If your radius server support accounting, you can enable it
#sqlnet.radius_accounting = off
# Turn on/off challenge response
#sqlnet.radius_challenge_response = off
# Keyword to request a challenge from Radius server.
# If you use activcard, enter activcard
# If you use something else, enter challenge
#sqlnet.radius_challenge_keyword = challenge
# Enter the name of the client interface you want to use for challenge response
#sqlnet.radius_authentication_interface = DefaultRadiusInterface
# Where is the secret file locate
#sqlnet.radius_secret = $ORACLE_HOME/security/radius.key
# - Oracle Advanced Security Network Security -------------------------
# These four parameters are used to specify whether a service (e.g.
# crypto-checksumming or encryption) should be active:
# Each of the above parameters defaults to ACCEPTED.
# Each of the above parameters can have one of four possible values:
# value meaning
# ACCEPTED The service will be active if the other side of the
# connection specifies "REQUESTED" or REQUIRED" and
# there is a compatible algorithm available on the other
# side; it will be inactive otherwise.
# REJECTED The service must not be active, and the connection
# will fail if the other side specifies "REQUIRED".
# REQUESTED The service will be active if the other side specifies
# "ACCEPTED", "REQUESTED", or "REQUIRED" and there is a
# compatible algorithm available on the other side; it
# will be inactive otherwise.
# REQUIRED The service must be active, and the connection will
# fail if the other side specifies "REJECTED" or if there
# is no compatible algorithm on the other side.
# These parameters control which algorithms will be made available for
# each service on each end of a connection:
# The value of each of these parameters can be either a parenthesized
# list of algorithm names separated by commas or a single algorithm
# name.
# Encryption types can be: AES256, RC4_256, AES192, 3DES168, AES128,
# RC4_128,3DES112, RC4_56, DES, RC4_40, DES40
# Encryption defaults to all the algorithms.
# Crypto checksum types can be: SHA1, MD5
# Crypto checksum defaults to all the algorithms.
#sqlnet.crypto_checksum_server = required
#sqlnet.encryption_server = required
# Systax: ON/OFF
# Default: OFF
# The ssl_server_dn_match parameter determines SSL behavior when the
# server's distinguished name does not match the service name. When
# set to ON, the names must match for a connection to be established.
# Leaving the parameter on OFF allows connection to servers where
# the names do not match. However, this may potentially allow servers
# to fake their identity.
# Syntax: TRUE/FALSE
# Default: TRUE
# The ssl_client_authentication parameter controls whether the client
# is authenticated using SSL. This parameter should be set to FALSE if
# using a cipher suite that contains Diffie-Hellman anonymous
# authentication (DH_anon) or if using other non-SSL authentication
# methods.
# Default: All cipher suites enabled
# ssl_cipher_suites defines a list of cipher suites used to negotiate
# an SSL connection in order of priority. The cipher suites selected for
# a server must be compatible with those required by the client.
# Syntax: 0/2.0/3.0
# Default: 0 (impiles 3.0)
# The ssl_version parameter defines the version of SSL that must
# run on the systems with which the client communicates.
# - SSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
# Default: Platform specific. Unix: $HOME/oracle/oss
# The method for retrieving and storing my identity.
# =(source
# =(method=file)
# (method_data=/dve/asriniva/oss/wallet)
# )
# - Sqlnet(v2.x) and Net3.0 Client ------------------------------------------
# In the following descriptions, the term "client program" could mean
# either sqlplus, svrmgrl or any other OCI programs written by users
#trace_level_client = ADMIN
#Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
#Purpose: Indicates the level at which the client program
# is to be traced.
# Available Values:
# 0 or OFF - No Trace output
# 4 or USER - User trace information
# 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
# 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_directory_client = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
# site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
# the client execution are written.
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_file_client = /oracle/network/trace/cli.trc
#Possible values: Any valid file name
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/cli.trc ($ORACLE_HOME =
# /oracle at customer site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace
# of the client is written to.
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_unique_client = ON
#Possible values: {ON, OFF}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: Used to make each client trace file have a unique name to
# prevent each trace file from being overwritten by successive
# runs of the client program
#Supported since: v2.0
#log_directory_client = /oracle/network/log
#Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log ($ORACLE_HOME = /oracle at customer
# site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which the client log file
# is written to.
#Supported since: v2.0
#log_file_client = /oracle/network/log/sqlnet.log
#Possible values: This is a default value, u cannot change this
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/sqlnet.log ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle in
# customer site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the log file from a client program
#Supported since: v2.0
#log_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid diretcory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
# site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which log files from the
# server are written
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network_trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
# site)
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
# the server are written
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_file_server = /orace/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc
#Possible values: Any valid filename
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc where <pid? stands for
# the process id of the server on UNIX systems
#Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace of
# the server program is written to.
#Supported since: v2.0
#trace_level_server = ADMIN
#Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
#Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
# is to be traced.
# Available Values:
# 0 or OFF - No Trace output
# 4 or USER - User trace information
# 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
# 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
#Supported since: v2.0
#use_dedicated_server = ON
#Possible values: {OFF,ON}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: Forces the listener to spawn a dedicated server process for
# sessions from this client program.
#Supported since: v2.0
#use_cman = TRUE
#Possible values: {TRUE, FALSE}
#Default: FALSE
#Supported since: v3.0
#tnsping.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
# site)
#Purpose: Indicates the directory to which the execution trace from
# the tnsping program is to be written to.
#Supported since: v2.0
#tnsping.trace_level = ADMIN
#Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
#Default: OFF (0)
#Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
# is to be traced.
# Available Values:
# 0 or OFF - No Trace output
# 4 or USER - User trace information
# 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
# 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
#Supported since: v2.0
#sqlnet.expire_time = 10
#Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer! (in minutes)
#Default: 0 minutes
#Recommended value: 10 minutes
#Purpose: Indicates the time interval to send a probe to verify the
# client session is alive (this is used to reclaim watseful
# resources on a dead client)
#Supported since: v2.1
#sqlnet.client_registration = <unique_id>
#Possible values:
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: Sets a unique identifier for the client machine. This
# identifier is then passed to the listener with any connection
# request and will be included in the Audit Trail. The identifier
# can be any alphanumeric string up to 128 characters long.
#Supported since: v2.3.2
#bequeath_detach = YES
#Possible values: {YES,NO}
#Default: NO
#Purpose: Turns off signal handling on UNIX systems. If signal handling
# were not turned off and if client programs written by users make
# use of signal handling they could interfere with Sqlnet/Net3.
#Supported since: v2.3.3
#automatic_ipc = OFF
#Possible values: {ON,OFF}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: Force a session to use or not to use IPC addresses on the
# client's node.
#Supported since: v2.0
#disable_oob = ON
#Possible values: {ON,OFF}
#Default: OFF
#Purpose: If the underlying transport protocol (TCP, DECnet,...) does
# not support Out-of-band breaks, then disable out-of-band
# breaks
#Supported since: v2.0
#sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout = 3
#Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer (in seconds)
#Default: 0
#Recommended value: 3 seconds (note: this is highly application dependent)
#Purpose: Indicates the time interval within which database authentication
# for a client must be completed. If the client fails to complete
# authentication within the given time period, then the database
# server will drop the client connection. This can be used to
# counter Denial of Service attacks in which malicious clients may
# cause numerous servers to be spawn without fully establishing DB
# sessions.
# A value of 0 turns off the timeout feature. If a spurious
# timeout error occurs (e.g. due to a slow network/system),
# reconfigure this parameter to a larger value.
#Supported since: v9.2
#diag_adr_enabled = OFF
#Possible values: {OFF,ON}
#Default: ON
#Purpose: Indicates whether Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) tracing is
# to be enabled.
# Available Values:
# OFF - Use pre-11g file tracing
# ON - Use ADR tracing
#Supported since: 11.0
#adr_base = /oracle/network/trace
#Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
#Default: $ORACLE_HOME ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer site)
#Purpose: This is the ADR base directory into which tracing, logging, and
# DDE first failure incidents are stored.
#Supported since: 11.0
#diag_dde_enabled = OFF
#Possible values: {OFF,ON}
#Default: ON
#Purpose: Indicates whether Diagnostic Data Extractor (DDE) first failure is
# to be enabled.
# Available Values:
# OFF - No DDE incident dumping
# ON - Enable DDE incident dumping
#Supported since: 11.0
#diag_bucket_size = 8192
#Possible values: 8192 to UB4MAXVAL
#Default: 0
#Purpose: Unified Trace Service (UTS) in-memory default bucket size (in bytes)
#Supported since: 11.0
#sdp.pf_inet_sdp = 27
#Possible values: positive integer
#Default: 27
#Purpose: Use parameter SDP.PF_INET_SDP to specify the protocol family or
# address family constant for the SDP protocol on your system.
#Supported since: 11.0