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  • 缓存管理


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Data;
     4 using System.Linq;
     5 using System.Text;
     7 namespace WQB.Caching
     8 {
     9     /// <summary>
    10     /// 全局缓存基类。
    11     /// </summary>
    12     public interface ICacheBase<T>
    13     {
    15         /// <summary>
    16         /// 获取或设置缓存过期时间,单位秒。
    17         /// </summary>
    18         uint ExpiredSeconds { get; set; }
    19         /// <summary>
    20         /// 获取或设置缓存键
    21         /// </summary>
    22         string CacheKey { get;}
    24         /// <summary>
    25         /// 设置缓存数据
    26         /// </summary>
    27         /// <returns></returns>
    28         bool InsertCache();
    30         /// <summary>
    31         /// 获取数据缓存
    32         /// </summary>
    33         /// <returns></returns>
    34         T GetCacheData();
    36         /// <summary>
    37         /// 清除缓存
    38         /// </summary>
    39         /// <returns></returns>
    40         bool RemoveCache();
    42     }
    43 }
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     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace WQB.Caching
     7 {
     8     /// <summary>
     9     /// 系统缓存接口
    10     /// </summary>
    11     public interface ICaching
    12     {
    13         /// <summary>
    14         /// 删除所有的缓存
    15         /// </summary>        
    16         /// <returns></returns>
    17         bool Clear();
    18         /// <summary>
    19         /// 根据key值获取缓存
    20         /// </summary>
    21         /// <param name="key"></param>
    22         /// <returns></returns>
    23         object Get(string key);
    24         /// <summary>
    25         /// 根据key值和类型获取具体类型的缓存
    26         /// </summary>
    27         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    28         /// <param name="key"></param>
    29         /// <returns></returns>
    30         T Get<T>(string key);
    31         /// <summary>
    32         /// 添加缓存,过期时间默认为5个小时
    33         /// </summary>
    34         /// <param name="key"></param>
    35         /// <param name="obj"></param>
    36         /// <returns></returns>
    37         bool Insert(string key, object obj);
    39         /// <summary>
    40         /// 添加缓存,同时设置缓存过期时间
    41         /// </summary>
    42         /// <param name="key"></param>
    43         /// <param name="obj"></param>
    44         /// <param name="expiredSeconds">缓存过期时间,单位秒</param>
    45         /// <returns></returns>
    46         bool Insert(string key, object obj, int expiredSeconds);
    47         /// <summary>
    48         /// 
    49         /// </summary>
    50         /// <param name="key"></param>
    51         /// <returns></returns>
    52         bool Remove(string key);
    53     }
    54 }
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      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Linq;
      4 using System.Text;
      6 namespace WQB.Caching
      7 {
      8     /// <summary>
      9     /// 全局缓存基类。
     10     /// 为了更好的管理所有的全局缓存缓存数据,避免缓存键冲突和重复缓存,所有的全局缓存键统一放在这边。
     11     /// </summary>
     12     public class CacheBase<T> : ICacheBase<T>
     13     {
     14         internal WQB.Caching.ICaching cachinger = WQB.Caching.CachingManager.GetCachingger();
     16         /// <summary>
     17         /// 缓存键
     18         /// </summary>
     19         string _cachekey;
     21         /// <summary>
     22         /// 缓存过期时间,单位秒。
     23         /// </summary>
     24         uint _expiredSeconds;
     26         public CacheBase()
     27         {
     28             ExpiredSeconds = 60 * 10;
     29         }
     30         /// <summary>
     31         /// 获取或设置缓存名称
     32         /// </summary>
     33         public string CacheKey { get { return _cachekey; }  set { _cachekey = value; } }
     35         /// <summary>
     36         /// 获取或设置缓存过期时间,单位秒。最小值为3秒。
     37         /// </summary>
     38         public uint ExpiredSeconds { get { return _expiredSeconds; } set { _expiredSeconds = Math.Max(value,3); } }
     40         /// <summary>
     41         /// 获取缓存数据源
     42         /// </summary>
     43         /// <returns></returns>
     44         public virtual T GetCacheSource()
     45         {
     46             return (T)(new object());
     47         }
     49        /// <summary>
     50        /// 设置缓存数据
     51        /// </summary>
     52        /// <returns></returns>
     53        public bool InsertCache()
     54        {
     55            T data = GetCacheSource();
     56            return cachinger.Insert(CacheKey, data,(int)ExpiredSeconds);
     57        }
     59         /// <summary>
     60         /// 获取数据缓存
     61         /// </summary>
     62         /// <returns></returns>
     63        public virtual T GetCacheData()
     64        {
     65            object obj = cachinger.Get(CacheKey);
     66            if(obj == null)
     67            {
     68                T data = GetCacheSource();
     69                cachinger.Insert(CacheKey, data, (int)ExpiredSeconds); 
     70                return data;
     71            }
     72            return (T)obj;
     73        }
     75        /// <summary>
     76        /// 清除缓存
     77        /// </summary>
     78        /// <returns></returns>
     79        public bool RemoveCache()
     80        {
     81            return cachinger.Remove(CacheKey);
     82        }
     84         /// <summary>
     85         /// 缓存键
     86         /// </summary>
     87         public struct CacheKeys
     88         {
     89             /// <summary>
     90             /// Sys_User_List表的缓键名
     91             /// </summary>
     92             public const string KEY_DataTable_Sys_User_List = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Sys_User_List";
     93             /// <summary>
     94             /// SysDataArchive表的缓键名
     95             /// </summary>
     96             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_SysDataArchive = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_SysDataArchive";
     97             /// <summary>
     98             /// Sys_Area表的缓键名
     99             /// </summary>
    100             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Sys_Area = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Sys_Area";
    101             /// <summary>
    102             /// ProductSku表的缓键名
    103             /// </summary>
    104             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_ProductSku = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_ProductSku";
    105             /// <summary>
    106             /// Pro_Shux表的缓键名
    107             /// </summary>
    108             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Pro_Shux = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Pro_Shux";
    109             /// <summary>
    110             /// Pro_Class表的缓键名
    111             /// </summary>
    112             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Pro_Class = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Pro_Class";
    113             /// <summary>
    114             /// Pro_Brand表的缓键名
    115             /// </summary>
    116             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Pro_Brand = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Pro_Brand";
    117             /// <summary>
    118             /// Fxs_eShop_List表的缓键名
    119             /// </summary>
    120             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Fxs_eShop_List = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Fxs_eShop_List";
    121             /// <summary>
    122             /// Express_Type_Area表的缓键名
    123             /// </summary>
    124             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Express_Type_Area = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Express_Type_Area";
    125             /// <summary>
    126             /// Cux_Package_Pro_List表的缓键名
    127             /// </summary>
    128             public static readonly string KEY_DataTable_Cux_Package_Pro_List = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Cux_Package_Pro_List";
    129             /// <summary>
    130             /// Express_List表的缓键名
    131             /// </summary>
    132             public const string KEY_DataTable_Express_List = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Express_List";
    133             /// <summary>
    134             /// Express_Type表的缓键名
    135             /// </summary>
    136             public const string KEY_DataTable_Express_Type = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Express_Type";
    137             /// <summary>
    138             /// Sys_Para_Set表的缓键名
    139             /// </summary>
    140             public const string KEY_DataTable_Sys_Para_Set = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Sys_Para_Set";
    141             /// <summary>
    142             /// Sys_Para_Set表的缓键名
    143             /// </summary>
    144             public const string KEY_DataTable_Sys_Para_Set_OuterSystem = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Sys_Para_Set_OuterSystem";
    145             /// <summary>
    146             /// 商品原产地的缓键名
    147             /// </summary>
    148             public const string KEY_DataTable_Pro_Origin = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Pro_Origin";
    149             /// <summary>
    150             /// Sys_Para_Set表的缓键名
    151             /// </summary>
    152             public const string KEY_DataTable_Sys_Para_Set_ZyFxsOrderFenPeiCkSet = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Sys_Para_Set_ZyFxsOrderFenPeiCkSet";
    153             /// <summary>
    154             /// 库存隐藏设置详细
    155             /// </summary>
    156             public const string KEY_DataTable_Pro_Kuc_Set = "Cache_WQB2_Key_Pro_Kuc_Set";
    157             /// <summary>
    158             /// 库存隐藏设置是否开启
    159             /// </summary>
    160             public const string KEY_DataTable_Sys_Para_Set_Pro_Kuc_Set_On = "Cache_WQB2_KEY_Sys_Para_Set_Pro_Kuc_Set_On";
    161         }
    162     }
    163 }
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     1 using System;
     2 using System.Configuration;
     3 using System.IO;
     4 using System.Net.Mime;
     5 using System.Web;
     6 using WQB.AppConfig;
     8 namespace WQB.Caching
     9 {
    10     /// <summary>
    11     /// Creates cachinger based on the current configuration.
    12     /// </summary>
    13     public static class CachingManager
    14     {
    15         private static ICachingFactory factory;
    17         static CachingManager()
    18         {
    19             bool isMemcached = SiteConfig.IsMemcached();
    20             if (isMemcached)
    21             {
    22                 factory = new MemcachingFactory();
    23             }
    24             else
    25             {
    26                 factory = new WebCachingFactory();
    27             }
    28         }
    30         /// <summary>
    31         /// Assigns a new cacher factory programmatically.
    32         /// </summary>
    33         /// <param name="factory"></param>
    34         public static void AssignFactory(ICachingFactory factory)
    35         {
    36             if (factory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
    37             CachingManager.factory = factory;
    38         }
    40         /// <summary>
    41         /// Returns a Cachingger with the specified name.
    42         /// </summary>
    43         /// <param name="name"></param>
    44         /// <returns></returns>
    45         public static ICaching GetCachingger()
    46         {
    47             return factory.GetCachingger();
    48         }
    49     }
    50 }
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     1 using System;
     3 namespace WQB.Caching
     4 {
     5     /// <summary>
     6     /// Implement this interface to instantiate your custom ICaching implementation
     7     /// </summary>
     8     public interface ICachingFactory
     9     {
    10         ICaching GetCachingger();
    11     }
    12 }
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     1 using System;
     2 using Enyim.Caching;
     4 namespace WQB.Caching
     5 {
     6     /// <summary>
     7     /// Memcached Caching factory
     8     /// </summary>
     9     public class MemcachingFactory : ICachingFactory
    10     {
    11         ICaching ICachingFactory.GetCachingger()
    12         {
    13             return new MemcachingWrapper();
    14         }
    15     }
    16 }
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     1 using System;
     3 namespace WQB.Caching
     4 {
     5     /// <summary>
     6     /// Caching factory
     7     /// </summary>
     8     public class WebCachingFactory : ICachingFactory
     9     {
    10         ICaching ICachingFactory.GetCachingger()
    11         {
    12             return new WebCachingWrapper();
    13         }
    14     }
    15 }
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      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections;
      3 using System.Collections.Generic;
      4 using System.Net;
      5 using System.Web.Configuration;
      6 using Enyim.Caching;
      7 using Enyim.Caching.Configuration;
      8 using Enyim.Caching.Memcached;
      9 using WQB.AppConfig;
     11 namespace WQB.Caching
     12 {
     13     public class MemcachingWrapper : ICaching
     14     {
     15         private static MemcachedClient MemClient;
     16         static readonly object padlock = new object();
     17         private static string CachePrefix = "";//本系统缓存前缀 用于保证多个系统的缓存唯一,可以用域名做为前缀
     19         //线程安全的单例模式
     20         public MemcachingWrapper()
     21         {
     22             lock (padlock)
     23             {
     24                 if (MemClient == null)
     25                 {
     26                     MemcachedClientConfiguration memConfig = GetMemcachedClientConfiguration();
     27                     MemClient = new MemcachedClient(memConfig);
     28                 }
     29             }
     30         }
     32         public static MemcachedClientConfiguration GetMemcachedClientConfiguration()
     33         {
     34             MemcachedClientConfiguration memConfig = new MemcachedClientConfiguration();
     35             MemcachedConfig.MemcachedConfigInfo info = MemcachedConfig.GetMemcachedConfigInfo();
     36             memConfig.Servers.Clear();
     37             //m.ocs.aliyuncs.com是OCS控制台上的“内网地址”,OCS只有阿里云内网IP才能访问,所以需要先去获取内网IP
     38             foreach (var item in info.Servers)
     39             {
     40                 string ip = DataValidate.IsIP(item.Address) ? item.Address : Dns.GetHostEntry(item.Address).AddressList[0].ToString();
     41                 IPAddress newaddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
     42                 IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(newaddress, item.Port);
     43                 // 配置文件 - ip
     44                 memConfig.Servers.Add(ipEndPoint);
     45             }
     46             // 配置文件 - 协议
     47             memConfig.Protocol = (MemcachedProtocol)info.Protocol;
     48             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PassWord))
     49             {
     50                 // 配置文件 - 权限
     51                 memConfig.Authentication.Type = typeof(PlainTextAuthenticator);
     52                 memConfig.Authentication.Parameters["zone"] = info.Zone;
     53                 memConfig.Authentication.Parameters["userName"] = info.UserName;
     54                 memConfig.Authentication.Parameters["password"] = info.PassWord;
     55             }
     56             //配置文件 - 最大和最小连接数
     57             memConfig.SocketPool.MinPoolSize = info.MinPoolSize;
     58             memConfig.SocketPool.MaxPoolSize = info.MaxPoolSize;
     59             //配置文件 - 连接超时时间和连接过期时间
     60             memConfig.SocketPool.ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse(info.ConnectionTimeout);
     61             memConfig.SocketPool.DeadTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse(info.DeadTimeout);
     62             CachePrefix = info.CachePrefix;
     63             return memConfig;
     64         }
     66         /// <summary>
     67         /// 删除缓存中所有的数据(会让Memcached服务端缓存池中的数据失效)
     68         /// </summary>
     69         /// <returns></returns>
     70         public bool Clear()
     71         {
     72             //FlushAll方法只是让缓存失效,无法通过Get方法去获取了,但是不会从缓存中清除
     73             MemClient.FlushAll();
     74             return true;
     75         }
     77         /// <summary>
     78         /// 根据key值获取缓存
     79         /// </summary>
     80         /// <returns></returns>
     81         public object Get(string key)
     82         {
     83             return MemClient.Get(CachePrefix + key);
     84         }
     86         /// <summary>
     87         /// 根据key值和类型获取具体类型的缓存,Key不存在返回default(T)
     88         /// </summary>
     89         /// <returns></returns>
     90         public T Get<T>(string key)
     91         {
     92             return MemClient.Get<T>(CachePrefix + key);
     93         }
     95         /// <summary>
     96         /// 添加缓存,过期时间默认为5个小时
     97         /// </summary>
     98         /// <returns></returns>
     99         public bool Insert(string key, object obj)
    100         {
    101             return MemClient.Store(StoreMode.Set, CachePrefix + key, obj);
    102         }
    103         /// <summary>
    104         /// 添加缓存,同时设置缓存过期时间 
    105         /// 使用过期时间后无效,暂时先用永久有效的方法
    106         /// </summary>
    107         /// <param name="key"></param>
    108         /// <param name="obj"></param>
    109         /// <param name="expiredSeconds">缓存过期时间,单位秒</param>
    110         /// <returns></returns>
    111         public bool Insert(string key, object obj, int expiredSeconds)
    112         {
    113             bool re = MemClient.Store(StoreMode.Set, CachePrefix + key, obj, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(expiredSeconds));
    114             if (!re)//使用过期时间后无效,再用永久有效的方法;有些服务器可能不支持缓存过期
    115             {
    116                 re = MemClient.Store(StoreMode.Set, CachePrefix + key, obj);
    117             }
    118             return re;
    119         }
    121         /// <summary>
    122         /// 根据key值删除缓存,Key不存在返回false
    123         /// </summary>
    124         /// <returns></returns>
    125         public bool Remove(string key)
    126         {
    127             return MemClient.Remove(CachePrefix + key);
    128         }
    129     }
    130 }
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      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections;
      3 using System.Web;
      4 using System.Web.Caching;
      6 namespace WQB.Caching
      7 {
      8     internal class WebCachingWrapper : ICaching
      9     {
     10         private static readonly Cache _Cache = InitSysCache();
     12         /// <summary>
     13         /// 从HttpContext中获取缓存
     14         /// </summary>
     15         private static Cache InitSysCache()
     16         {
     17             HttpContext current = HttpContext.Current;
     18             if (current != null)
     19             {
     20                 return current.Cache;
     21             }
     22             return HttpRuntime.Cache;
     23         }
     25         /// <summary>
     26         /// 删除所有的缓存
     27         /// </summary>        
     28         /// <returns></returns>
     29         public bool Clear()
     30         {
     31             IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = _Cache.GetEnumerator();
     32             ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     33             while (enumerator.MoveNext())
     34             {
     35                 list.Add(enumerator.Key);
     36             }
     37             foreach (string str in list)
     38             {
     39                 _Cache.Remove(str);
     40             }
     41             return true;
     42         }
     44         /// <summary>
     45         /// 根据key值获取缓存
     46         /// </summary>
     47         /// <returns></returns>
     48         public object Get(string key)
     49         {
     50             return _Cache[key];
     51         }
     53         /// <summary>
     54         /// 根据key值和类型获取具体类型的缓存
     55         /// </summary>
     56         /// <returns></returns>
     57         public T Get<T>(string key)
     58         {
     59             try
     60             {
     61                 return (T)_Cache[key];
     62             }
     63             catch
     64             {
     65                 return default(T);
     66             }
     67         }
     69         /// <summary>
     70         /// 添加缓存,过期时间默认为5个小时
     71         /// </summary>
     72         /// <returns></returns>
     73         public bool Insert(string key, object obj)
     74         {
     75             Insert(key, obj, 3600 * 5);
     76             return true;
     77         }
     79         /// <summary>
     80         /// 添加缓存,同时设置缓存过期时间
     81         /// </summary>
     82         /// <param name="key"></param>
     83         /// <param name="obj"></param>
     84         /// <param name="expiredSeconds">缓存过期时间,单位秒</param>
     85         /// <returns></returns>
     86         public bool Insert(string key, object obj, int expiredSeconds)
     87         {
     88             try
     89             {
     90                 if (obj != null)
     91                 {
     92                     _Cache.Insert(key, obj, null, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(expiredSeconds), TimeSpan.Zero, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null);
     93                 }
     94                 return true;
     96             }
     97             catch (Exception)
     98             {
    100                 return false;
    101             }
    102         }
    104         /// <summary>
    105         /// 根据key值删除缓存
    106         /// </summary>
    107         /// <returns></returns>
    108         public bool Remove(string key)
    109         {
    110             object obj = _Cache.Remove(key);
    111             return obj != null;
    112         }
    113     }
    114 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zfylzl/p/6625363.html
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