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  • GlusterFS源代码解析 —— GlusterFS 日志


      Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com>
      This file is part of GlusterFS.
      This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
      General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or
      later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all
      cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    #ifndef _CONFIG_H
    #define _CONFIG_H
    #include "config.h"
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <locale.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "xlator.h"
    #include "logging.h"
    #include "defaults.h"
    #include "glusterfs.h"
    #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS
    #include <syslog.h>
    #include <execinfo.h>
    /* Ideally this should get moved to logging.h */
    struct _msg_queue {
            struct list_head msgs;
    struct _log_msg {
            const char *msg;
            struct list_head queue;
    gf_log_logrotate (int signum)
            THIS->ctx->log.logrotate = 1;
    gf_log_enable_syslog (void)
            THIS->ctx->log.gf_log_syslog = 1;
    gf_log_disable_syslog (void)
            THIS->ctx->log.gf_log_syslog = 0;
    gf_log_get_loglevel (void)
            return THIS->ctx->log.loglevel;
    gf_log_set_loglevel (gf_loglevel_t level)
            THIS->ctx->log.loglevel = level;
    gf_log_get_xl_loglevel (void *this)
            xlator_t *xl = this;
            if (!xl)
                    return 0;
            return xl->loglevel;
    gf_log_set_xl_loglevel (void *this, gf_loglevel_t level)
            xlator_t *xl = this;
            if (!xl)
            xl->ctx->log.gf_log_xl_log_set = 1;
            xl->loglevel = level;
    gf_log_fini (void)
            pthread_mutex_destroy (&THIS->ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
    gf_log_globals_init (void *data)
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = data;
            pthread_mutex_init (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex, NULL);
            ctx->log.loglevel         = GF_LOG_INFO;
            ctx->log.gf_log_syslog    = 1;
            ctx->log.sys_log_level    = GF_LOG_CRITICAL;
    #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS
            /* For the 'syslog' output. one can grep 'GlusterFS' in syslog
               for serious logs */
            openlog ("GlusterFS", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
    gf_log_init (void *data, const char *file)
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
            int     fd = -1;
            ctx = data;
            if (!file){
                    fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: no filename specified
                    return -1;
            if (strcmp (file, "-") == 0) {
                    ctx->log.gf_log_logfile = stderr;
                    return 0;
            ctx->log.filename = gf_strdup (file);
            if (!ctx->log.filename) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: updating log-filename failed: %s
                             strerror (errno));
                    return -1;
            fd = open (file, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
            if (fd < 0) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: failed to create logfile "%s" (%s)
                             file, strerror (errno));
                    return -1;
            close (fd);
            ctx->log.logfile = fopen (file, "a");
            if (!ctx->log.logfile){
                    fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: failed to open logfile "%s" (%s)
                             file, strerror (errno));
                    return -1;
            ctx->log.gf_log_logfile = ctx->log.logfile;
            return 0;
    set_sys_log_level (gf_loglevel_t level)
            THIS->ctx->log.sys_log_level = level;
     * 内存申请失败日志打印.假设日志级别较高,打印到系统日志中"/var/log/message"
     * 不支持变參
     * 若定义了HAVE_BACKTRACE,则打出函数调用栈
     * @domain 模块名
     * 假设日志文件不存在,则打印到标准错误输出
    _gf_log_nomem (const char *domain, const char *file,
                   const char *function, int line, gf_loglevel_t level,
                   size_t size)
            const char     *basename        = NULL;
            xlator_t       *this            = NULL;
            struct timeval  tv              = {0,};
            int             ret             = 0;
            char            msg[8092]       = {0,};
            char            timestr[256]    = {0,};
            char            callstr[4096]   = {0,};
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
            this = THIS;
            ctx = this->ctx;
            if (ctx->log.gf_log_xl_log_set) {
                    if (this->loglevel && (level > this->loglevel))
                            goto out;
            if (level > ctx->log.loglevel)
                    goto out;
            static char *level_strings[] = {"",  /* NONE */
                                            "M", /* EMERGENCY */
                                            "A", /* ALERT */
                                            "C", /* CRITICAL */
                                            "E", /* ERROR */
                                            "W", /* WARNING */
                                            "N", /* NOTICE */
                                            "I", /* INFO */
                                            "D", /* DEBUG */
                                            "T", /* TRACE */
            if (!domain || !file || !function) {
                    fprintf (stderr,
                             "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument
                             __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
                    return -1;
            /* Print 'calling function' */
            do {
                    void *array[5];
                    char **callingfn = NULL;
                    size_t bt_size = 0;
                    bt_size = backtrace (array, 5);
                    if (bt_size)
                            callingfn = backtrace_symbols (&array[2], bt_size-2);
                    if (!callingfn)
                    if (bt_size == 5)
                            snprintf (callstr, 4096, "(-->%s (-->%s (-->%s)))",
                                      callingfn[2], callingfn[1], callingfn[0]);
                    if (bt_size == 4)
                            snprintf (callstr, 4096, "(-->%s (-->%s))",
                                      callingfn[1], callingfn[0]);
                    if (bt_size == 3)
                            snprintf (callstr, 4096, "(-->%s)", callingfn[0]);
                    free (callingfn);
            } while (0);
    #endif /* HAVE_BACKTRACE */
            ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
            if (-1 == ret)
                    goto out;
            gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT);
            snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr),
                      ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec);
            basename = strrchr (file, '/');
            if (basename)
                    basename = file;
            ret = sprintf (msg, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s] %s %s: no memory "
                           "available for size (%"GF_PRI_SIZET")",
                           timestr, level_strings[level],
                           basename, line, function, callstr,
                           domain, size);
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto out;
            pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
                    if (ctx->log.logfile) {
                            fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s
    ", msg);
                    } else {
                            fprintf (stderr, "%s
    ", msg);
    #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS
                    /* We want only serious log in 'syslog', not our debug
                       and trace logs */
                    if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level &&
                        (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level))
                            syslog ((level-1), "%s
    ", msg);
            pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
            return ret;
     * 函数调用參数无效日志打印.假设日志级别较高,打印到系统日志中"/var/log/message"
     * 支持变參
     * 若定义了HAVE_BACKTRACE,则打出函数调用栈
     * @domain 模块名
     * 假设日志文件不存在,则打印到标准输出
    _gf_log_callingfn (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function,
                       int line, gf_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, ...)
            const char     *basename        = NULL;
            xlator_t       *this            = NULL;
            char           *str1            = NULL;
            char           *str2            = NULL;
            char           *msg             = NULL;
            char            timestr[256]    = {0,};
            char            callstr[4096]   = {0,};
            struct timeval  tv              = {0,};
            size_t          len             = 0;
            int             ret             = 0;
            va_list         ap;
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
            this = THIS;
            ctx = this->ctx;
            if (ctx->log.gf_log_xl_log_set) {
                    if (this->loglevel && (level > this->loglevel))
                            goto out;
            if (level > ctx->log.loglevel)
                    goto out;
            static char *level_strings[] = {"",  /* NONE */
                                            "M", /* EMERGENCY */
                                            "A", /* ALERT */
                                            "C", /* CRITICAL */
                                            "E", /* ERROR */
                                            "W", /* WARNING */
                                            "N", /* NOTICE */
                                            "I", /* INFO */
                                            "D", /* DEBUG */
                                            "T", /* TRACE */
            if (!domain || !file || !function || !fmt) {
                    fprintf (stderr,
                             "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument
                             __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
                    return -1;
            /* Print 'calling function' */
            do {
                    void *array[5];
                    char **callingfn = NULL;
                    size_t size = 0;
                    size = backtrace (array, 5);
                    if (size)
                            callingfn = backtrace_symbols (&array[2], size-2);
                    if (!callingfn)
                    if (size == 5)
                            snprintf (callstr, 4096, "(-->%s (-->%s (-->%s)))",
                                      callingfn[2], callingfn[1], callingfn[0]);
                    if (size == 4)
                            snprintf (callstr, 4096, "(-->%s (-->%s))",
                                      callingfn[1], callingfn[0]);
                    if (size == 3)
                            snprintf (callstr, 4096, "(-->%s)", callingfn[0]);
                    free (callingfn);
            } while (0);
    #endif /* HAVE_BACKTRACE */
            ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
            if (-1 == ret)
                    goto out;
            va_start (ap, fmt);
            gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT);
            snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr),
                      ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec);
            basename = strrchr (file, '/');
            if (basename)
                    basename = file;
            ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s] %s %d-%s: ",
                               timestr, level_strings[level],
                               basename, line, function, callstr,
                               ((this->graph) ? this->graph->id:0), domain);
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto out;
            ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap);
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto out;
            va_end (ap);
            len = strlen (str1);
            msg = GF_MALLOC (len + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char);
            strcpy (msg, str1);
            strcpy (msg + len, str2);
            pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
                    if (ctx->log.logfile) {
                            fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s
    ", msg);
                    } else {
                            fprintf (stderr, "%s
    ", msg);
    #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS
                    /* We want only serious log in 'syslog', not our debug
                       and trace logs */
                    if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level &&
                        (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level))
                            syslog ((level-1), "%s
    ", msg);
            pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
            GF_FREE (msg);
            GF_FREE (str1);
            FREE (str2);
            return ret;
     * 记录系统执行日志到文件
     * 假设日志文件不存在,则打印到标准输出
    _gf_log (const char *domain, const char *file, const char *function, int line,
             gf_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, ...)
            const char    *basename = NULL;
            FILE          *new_logfile = NULL;
            va_list        ap;
            char           timestr[256] = {0,};
            struct timeval tv = {0,};
            char          *str1 = NULL;
            char          *str2 = NULL;
            char          *msg  = NULL;
            size_t         len  = 0;
            int            ret  = 0;
            int            fd   = -1;
            xlator_t      *this = NULL;
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
            this = THIS;
            ctx = this->ctx;
            if (ctx->log.gf_log_xl_log_set) {
                    if (this->loglevel && (level > this->loglevel))
                            goto out;
            if (level > ctx->log.loglevel)
                    goto out;
            static char *level_strings[] = {"",  /* NONE */
                                            "M", /* EMERGENCY */
                                            "A", /* ALERT */
                                            "C", /* CRITICAL */
                                            "E", /* ERROR */
                                            "W", /* WARNING */
                                            "N", /* NOTICE */
                                            "I", /* INFO */
                                            "D", /* DEBUG */
                                            "T", /* TRACE */
            if (!domain || !file || !function || !fmt) {
                    fprintf (stderr,
                             "logging: %s:%s():%d: invalid argument
                             __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
                    return -1;
            if (ctx->log.logrotate) {
                    ctx->log.logrotate = 0;
                    fd = open (ctx->log.filename,
                               O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
                    if (fd < 0) {
                            gf_log ("logrotate", GF_LOG_ERROR,
                                    "%s", strerror (errno));
                            return -1;
                    close (fd);
                    new_logfile = fopen (ctx->log.filename, "a");
                    if (!new_logfile) {
                            gf_log ("logrotate", GF_LOG_CRITICAL,
                                    "failed to open logfile %s (%s)",
                                    ctx->log.filename, strerror (errno));
                            goto log;
                    pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
                            if (ctx->log.logfile)
                                    fclose (ctx->log.logfile);
                            ctx->log.gf_log_logfile = ctx->log.logfile = new_logfile;
                    pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
            ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
            if (-1 == ret)
                    goto out;
            va_start (ap, fmt);
            gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT);
            snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), sizeof timestr - strlen (timestr),
                      ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec);
            basename = strrchr (file, '/');
            if (basename)
                    basename = file;
            ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%s] %s [%s:%d:%s] %d-%s: ",
                               timestr, level_strings[level],
                               basename, line, function,
                               ((this->graph)?this->graph->id:0), domain);
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto err;
            ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap);
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto err;
            va_end (ap);
            len = strlen (str1);
            msg = GF_MALLOC (len + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char);
            strcpy (msg, str1);
            strcpy (msg + len, str2);
            pthread_mutex_lock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
                    if (ctx->log.logfile) {
                            fprintf (ctx->log.logfile, "%s
    ", msg);
                            fflush (ctx->log.logfile);
                    } else {
                            fprintf (stderr, "%s
    ", msg);
                            fflush (stderr);
    #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS
                    /* We want only serious log in 'syslog', not our debug
                       and trace logs */
                    if (ctx->log.gf_log_syslog && level &&
                        (level <= ctx->log.sys_log_level))
                            syslog ((level-1), "%s
    ", msg);
            pthread_mutex_unlock (&ctx->log.logfile_mutex);
            GF_FREE (msg);
            GF_FREE (str1);
            FREE (str2);
            return (0);
    _gf_log_eh (const char *function, const char *fmt, ...)
            int          ret   = -1;
            va_list      ap;
            char         *str1 = NULL;
            char         *str2 = NULL;
            char         *msg  = NULL;
            xlator_t     *this = NULL;
            this = THIS;
            ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%d] %s: ",
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto out;
            va_start (ap, fmt);
            ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap);
            if (-1 == ret) {
                    goto out;
            va_end (ap);
            msg = GF_MALLOC (strlen (str1) + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char);
            if (!msg) {
                    ret = -1;
                    goto out;
            strcpy (msg, str1);
            strcat (msg, str2);
            ret = eh_save_history (this->history, msg);
            GF_FREE (str1);
            /* Use FREE instead of GF_FREE since str2 was allocated by vasprintf */
            if (str2)
                    FREE (str2);
             return ret;
     * 初始化"命令记录"日志
    gf_cmd_log_init (const char *filename)
            int         fd   = -1;
            xlator_t   *this = NULL;
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
            this = THIS;
            ctx  = this->ctx;
            if (!filename){
                    gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "gf_cmd_log_init: no "
                            "filename specified
                    return -1;
            ctx->log.cmd_log_filename = gf_strdup (filename);
            if (!ctx->log.cmd_log_filename) {
                    gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL,
                            "gf_cmd_log_init: strdup error
                    return -1;
            /* close and reopen cmdlogfile for log rotate*/
            if (ctx->log.cmdlogfile) {
                    fclose (ctx->log.cmdlogfile);
                    ctx->log.cmdlogfile = NULL;
            fd = open (ctx->log.cmd_log_filename,
                       O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
            if (fd < 0) {
                    gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL,
                            "%s", strerror (errno));
                    return -1;
            close (fd);
            ctx->log.cmdlogfile = fopen (ctx->log.cmd_log_filename, "a");
            if (!ctx->log.cmdlogfile){
                    gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL,
                            "gf_cmd_log_init: failed to open logfile "%s" "
    ", ctx->log.cmd_log_filename, strerror (errno));
                    return -1;
            return 0;
     * 记录命令日志到文件
    gf_cmd_log (const char *domain, const char *fmt, ...)
            va_list        ap;
            char           timestr[64];
            struct timeval tv = {0,};
            char          *str1 = NULL;
            char          *str2 = NULL;
            char          *msg  = NULL;
            size_t         len  = 0;
            int            ret  = 0;
            glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx = NULL;
            ctx = THIS->ctx;
            if (!ctx->log.cmdlogfile)
                    return -1;
            if (!domain || !fmt) {
                    gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_TRACE,
                            "logging: invalid argument
                    return -1;
            ret = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
            if (ret == -1)
                    goto out;
            va_start (ap, fmt);
            gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, tv.tv_sec, gf_timefmt_FT);
            snprintf (timestr + strlen (timestr), 256 - strlen (timestr),
                      ".%"GF_PRI_SUSECONDS, tv.tv_usec);
            ret = gf_asprintf (&str1, "[%s] %s : ",
                               timestr, domain);
            if (ret == -1) {
                    goto out;
            ret = vasprintf (&str2, fmt, ap);
            if (ret == -1) {
                    goto out;
            va_end (ap);
            len = strlen (str1);
            msg = GF_MALLOC (len + strlen (str2) + 1, gf_common_mt_char);
            strcpy (msg, str1);
            strcpy (msg + len, str2);
            fprintf (ctx->log.cmdlogfile, "%s
    ", msg);
            fflush (ctx->log.cmdlogfile);
            GF_FREE (msg);
            GF_FREE (str1);
            FREE (str2);
            return (0);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zfyouxi/p/3876097.html
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