window下执行cmd,输入adb help就会打印adb都可以做的事情,包含 adb push 。。adb pull 。。 adb devices adb install。。。 等等。。而且一搜一大把。
当中有一个命令叫做 adb shell,android是基于linux的,shell模式下linux的命令但是很多的,android去掉了很多linux的命令,那么从这写命令里面又可以发现什么宝藏呢?寻宝之旅开启!!
首先linux的shell模式有很多命令,比如 ls cd mkdir su ps vim等等很多控制命令,这些在android上都是支持的。可是它是android的内核啊,应该有些特殊点的吧。
通过命令cd /system/bin 进入bin文件夹查看一下。
# cd /system/bin cd /system/bin # ls ls BlobCache_test InputChannel_test InputDispatcher_test InputEvent_test InputPublisherAndCons InputReader_test Looper_test ObbFile_test String8_test Unicode_test ZipFileRO_test adb am app_process applypatch applypatch_static ash audioloop bmgr bootanimation bu bugreport cat check_prereq chmod chown cmp dalvikvm date dd debuggerd decoder dexopt df dhcpcd dmesg dumpstate dumpsys flash_image fsck_msdos gdbjithelper gdbserver getevent getprop gzip hd id ifconfig iftop ime input insmod installd ioctl ionice ip6tables iptables keystore keystore_cli kill linker ln log logcat logwrapper ls lsmod lsof mediaserver mkdir monkey mount mtpd mv nandread ndc netcfg netd netstat newfs_msdos notify omx_tests ping ping6 pm pppd printenv ps qemu-props qemud r racoon radiooptions reboot record recordvideo recovery renice rild rm rmdir rmmod route run-as schedtest schedtop screencap screenshot sdcard sendevent sensorservice service servicemanager setconsole setprop sf2 sh showlease simg2img skia_test sleep smd stagefright start stop stream surfaceflinger svc sync system_server testid3 toolbox top touch umount updater uptime vdc vmstat vold watchprops wipe #
噢 my god 命令还是非常多的嘛!
我们一般能够通过 命令 -h 来查看介绍,比如:
# am -h am -h usage: am [subcommand] [options] usage: am start [-D] [-W] [-P <FILE>] [--start-profiler <FILE>] [--R COUNT] [-S] <INTENT> am startservice <INTENT> am force-stop <PACKAGE> am kill <PACKAGE> am kill-all am broadcast <INTENT> am instrument [-r] [-e <NAME> <VALUE>] [-p <FILE>] [-w] [--no-window-animation] <COMPONENT> am profile [looper] start <PROCESS> <FILE> am profile [looper] stop [<PROCESS>] am dumpheap [flags] <PROCESS> <FILE> am set-debug-app [-w] [--persistent] <PACKAGE> am clear-debug-app am monitor [--gdb <port>] am screen-compat [on|off] <PACKAGE> am display-size [reset|MxN] am to-uri [INTENT] am to-intent-uri [INTENT] am start: start an Activity. Options are: -D: enable debugging -W: wait for launch to complete --start-profiler <FILE>: start profiler and send results to <FILE> -P <FILE>: like above, but profiling stops when app goes idle -R: repeat the activity launch <COUNT> times. Prior to each repeat, the top activity will be finished. -S: force stop the target app before starting the activity am startservice: start a Service. am force-stop: force stop everything associated with <PACKAGE>. am kill: Kill all processes associated with <PACKAGE>. Only kills. processes that are safe to kill -- that is, will not impact the user experience. am kill-all: Kill all background processes. am broadcast: send a broadcast Intent. am instrument: start an Instrumentation. Typically this target <COMPONENT> is the form <TEST_PACKAGE>/<RUNNER_CLASS>. Options are: -r: print raw results (otherwise decode REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT). Use with [-e perf true] to generate raw output for performance measurements. -e <NAME> <VALUE>: set argument <NAME> to <VALUE>. For test runners a common form is [-e <testrunner_flag> <value>[,<value>...]]. -p <FILE>: write profiling data to <FILE> -w: wait for instrumentation to finish before returning. Required for test runners. --no-window-animation: turn off window animations will running. am profile: start and stop profiler on a process. am dumpheap: dump the heap of a process. Options are: -n: dump native heap instead of managed heap am set-debug-app: set application <PACKAGE> to debug. Options are: -w: wait for debugger when application starts --persistent: retain this value am clear-debug-app: clear the previously set-debug-app. am monitor: start monitoring for crashes or ANRs. --gdb: start gdbserv on the given port at crash/ANR am screen-compat: control screen compatibility mode of <PACKAGE>. am display-size: override display size. am to-uri: print the given Intent specification as a URI. am to-intent-uri: print the given Intent specification as an intent: URI. <INTENT> specifications include these flags and arguments: [-a <ACTION>] [-d <DATA_URI>] [-t <MIME_TYPE>] [-c <CATEGORY> [-c <CATEGORY>] ...] [-e|--es <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE> ...] [--esn <EXTRA_KEY> ...] [--ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE> ...] [--ei <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> ...] [--el <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE> ...] [--eu <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_URI_VALUE> ...] [--eia <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_INT_VALUE...]] [--ela <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_LONG_VALUE...]] [-n <COMPONENT>] [-f <FLAGS>] [--grant-read-uri-permission] [--grant-write-uri-permission] [--debug-log-resolution] [--exclude-stopped-packages] [--include-stopped-packages] [--activity-brought-to-front] [--activity-clear-top] [--activity-clear-when-task-reset] [--activity-exclude-from-recents] [--activity-launched-from-history] [--activity-multiple-task] [--activity-no-animation] [--activity-no-history] [--activity-no-user-action] [--activity-previous-is-top] [--activity-reorder-to-front] [--activity-reset-task-if-needed] [--activity-single-top] [--activity-clear-task] [--activity-task-on-home] [--receiver-registered-only] [--receiver-replace-pending] [--selector] [<URI> | <PACKAGE> | <COMPONENT>] Error: Unknown command: -h
am命令是很实用的一个命令,使用此命令能够启动 activity, services;发送 broadcast等等。
使用实例:如启动一个 Activity:
格式:adb shell am start -n 包名/包名+类名(-n 类名,-a action,-d date,-m MIME-TYPE,-c category,-e 扩展数据,等)。
实例1:C:UsersAdministrator>adb shell am start -n Intent { }
实例2:(带extra 的 intent)C:UsersAdministrator>adb shell am start -n -e abc helloStarting: Intent { (has extras) }当中 extra 的 key 为 abc ,value 为字串 "hello"
实例:adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED --ei "level" 3 --ei "scale" 100
# getprop
[]: [0]
[ro.allow.mock.location]: [1]
[ro.debuggable]: [1]
[persist.service.adb.enable]: [1]
[ro.kernel.qemu]: [1]
[ro.kernel.console]: [ttyS0]
[]: [1]
[]: [ttyS1]
[]: [1]
[ro.factorytest]: [0]
[ro.serialno]: []
# watchprops
1269420653 persist.sys.language = 'zh'
1269420653 persist.sys.language = 'CN'
4、 wipe <system|data|all>
system表示清除 /system下的数据
data表述清除 /data 下的数据
C:UsersAdministrator>adb shell shell@android:/ $ dumpsys | grep DUMP dumpsys | grep DUMP DUMP OF SERVICE Binder.Pged: DUMP OF SERVICE ProtocolParaManagerService: DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger: DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility: DUMP OF SERVICE account: DUMP OF SERVICE activity: DUMP OF SERVICE alarm: DUMP OF SERVICE appwidget: DUMP OF SERVICE audio: DUMP OF SERVICE DUMP OF SERVICE backup: DUMP OF SERVICE battery: DUMP OF SERVICE batteryinfo: DUMP OF SERVICE bluetooth_manager: DUMP OF SERVICE clipboard:
C:UsersAdministrator>adb shell dumpsys activity > e:activity.txt C:UsersAdministrator>因为activity的信息太多了,所以将信息输出到文件。
查看程序内存使用情况,dumpsys meminfo YoupackageName
C:UsersAdministrator>adb shell dumpsys meminfo Applications Memory Usage (kB): Uptime: 2341477 Realtime: 2341464 ** MEMINFO in pid 5851 [] ** Shared Private Heap Heap Heap Pss Dirty Dirty Size Alloc Free ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Native 72 12 72 9012 5361 3650 Dalvik 28915 5784 28768 28624 26812 1812 Cursor 0 0 0 Ashmem 0 0 0 Other dev 4 60 0 .so mmap 3334 864 1196 .jar mmap 20 0 0 .apk mmap 238 0 0 .ttf mmap 482 0 0 .dex mmap 4576 0 28 Other mmap 1151 4 40 Unknown 5480 36 5480 TOTAL 44272 6760 35584 37636 32173 5462 Objects Views: 552 ViewRootImpl: 1 AppContexts: 14 Activities: 11 Assets: 4 AssetManagers: 4 Local Binders: 33 Proxy Binders: 29 Death Recipients: 0 OpenSSL Sockets: 0 SQL MEMORY_USED: 352 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW: 182 MALLOC_SIZE: 62 DATABASES pgsz dbsz Lookaside(b) cache Dbname 4 268 477 539/60/25 /data/data/ Asset Allocations zip:/data/app/ 192K C:UsersAdministrator>
6、pm命令 (2014年9月26日更新)
usage: pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FIL TER] pm list permission-groups pm list permissions [-g] [-f] [-d] [-u] [GROUP] pm list instrumentation [-f] [TARGET-PACKAGE] pm list features pm list libraries pm list users pm path PACKAGE pm install [-l] [-r] [-t] [-i INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME] [-s] [-f] [--algo <algorithm name> --key <key-in-hex> --iv <IV-in-hex>] [--originating-uri <URI>] [--referrer <URI>] PATH pm uninstall [-k] PACKAGE pm clear [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE pm enable [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT pm disable [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT pm disable-user [--user USER_ID] PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT pm grant PACKAGE PERMISSION pm revoke PACKAGE PERMISSION pm set-install-location [0/auto] [1/internal] [2/external] pm get-install-location pm set-permission-enforced PERMISSION [true|false] pm trim-caches DESIRED_FREE_SPACE pm create-user USER_NAME pm remove-user USER_ID pm get-max-users pm list packages: prints all packages, optionally only those whose package name contains the text in FILTER. Options: -f: see their associated file. -d: filter to only show disbled packages. -e: filter to only show enabled packages. -s: filter to only show system packages. -3: filter to only show third party packages. -i: see the installer for the packages. -u: also include uninstalled packages. pm list permission-groups: prints all known permission groups. pm list permissions: prints all known permissions, optionally only those in GROUP. Options: -g: organize by group. -f: print all information. -s: short summary. -d: only list dangerous permissions. -u: list only the permissions users will see. pm list instrumentation: use to list all test packages; optionally supply <TARGET-PACKAGE> to list the test packages for a particular application. Options: -f: list the .apk file for the test package. pm list features: prints all features of the system. pm list users: prints all users on the system. pm path: print the path to the .apk of the given PACKAGE. pm install: installs a package to the system. Options: -l: install the package with FORWARD_LOCK. -r: reinstall an exisiting app, keeping its data. -t: allow test .apks to be installed. -i: specify the installer package name. -s: install package on sdcard. -f: install package on internal flash. -d: allow version code downgrade. pm uninstall: removes a package from the system. Options: -k: keep the data and cache directories around after package removal. pm clear: deletes all data associated with a package. pm enable, disable, disable-user: these commands change the enabled state of a given package or component (written as "package/class"). pm grant, revoke: these commands either grant or revoke permissions to applications. Only optional permissions the application has declared can be granted or revoked. pm get-install-location: returns the current install location. 0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location 1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage 2 [external]: Install on external media pm set-install-location: changes the default install location. NOTE: this is only intended for debugging; using this can cause applications to break and other undersireable behavior. 0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location 1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage 2 [external]: Install on external media pm trim-caches: trim cache files to reach the given free space. pm create-user: create a new user with the given USER_NAME, printing the new user identifier of the user. pm remove-user: remove the user with the given USER_IDENTIFIER, deleting all data associated with that user比如:打印全部已知的权限
shell@android:/ $ pm list permissions pm list permissions All Permissions: .......... shell@android:/ $