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  • Linux磁盘分区MBR分区




    1、  MBR特点

    ①   最多支持4个主分区

    ②   最大支持2.1tb硬盘

    ③   扩展分区一个硬盘只能有一个

    2、  mbr结构:


    3、  mbr分区实战:


    语法:fdisk [选项] [参数]

    选项:-b 指定每个分区大小

                -l     列出分区表信息

                -v    显示fdisk版本

    添加硬盘后,首先使用ll /dev/sd*查看设备是否识别,使用fdisk -l命令列出磁盘信息。


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb
    Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).
    Command (m for help): m        #查看帮助
    Command action
       a   toggle a bootable flag
       b   edit bsd disklabel
       c   toggle the dos compatibility flag
       d   delete a partition
       g   create a new empty GPT partition table
       G   create an IRIX (SGI) partition table
       l   list known partition types
       m   print this menu
       n   add a new partition
       o   create a new empty DOS partition table
       p   print the partition table
       q   quit without saving changes
       s   create a new empty Sun disklabel
       t   change a partition's system id
       u   change display/entry units
       v   verify the partition table
       w   write table to disk and exit
       x   extra functionality (experts only)
    Command (m for help): n                   #新建分区
    Partition type:
       p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)     #主分区
       e   extended              #扩展分区
    Select (default p): p           #选择新建主分区
    Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1          #主分区表示,会生成/dev/sdb1
    First sector (2048-6291455, default 2048):               #开始扇区,回车默认从2048
    Using default value 2048
    Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-6291455, default 6291455): +100M
    Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 100 MiB is set
    Command (m for help): n          #新建分区
    Partition type:
       p   primary (1 primary, 0 extended, 3 free)
       e   extended
    Select (default p): e           #选择扩展分区
    Partition number (2-4, default 2): 3          #扩展分区编号/dev/sdb3
    First sector (206848-6291455, default 206848):              #默认回车,从当前扇区开始
    Using default value 206848
    Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (206848-6291455, default 6291455): #默认回车分配所有剩余空间
    Using default value 6291455
    Partition 3 of type Extended and of size 2.9 GiB is set
    Command (m for help): n
    Partition type:
       p   primary (1 primary, 1 extended, 2 free)
       l   logical (numbered from 5)
    Select (default p): l             #新建逻辑分区
    Adding logical partition 5          #默认逻辑分区编号为5
    First sector (208896-6291455, default 208896):     #逻辑分区起始位置
    Using default value 208896
    Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (208896-6291455, default 6291455): +500M
    Partition 5 of type Linux and of size 500 MiB is set
    Command (m for help): n          #新建第二个逻辑分区,分配剩余空间
    Partition type:
       p   primary (1 primary, 1 extended, 2 free)
       l   logical (numbered from 5)
    Select (default p): l
    Adding logical partition 6
    First sector (1234944-6291455, default 1234944):
    Using default value 1234944
    Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (1234944-6291455, default 6291455):
    Using default value 6291455
    Partition 6 of type Linux and of size 2.4 GiB is set
    Command (m for help): w         保存退出
    The partition table has been altered!
    Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
    Syncing disks.


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# lsblk


    sda             8:0    0   20G  0 disk

    ├─sda1          8:1    0  500M  0 part /boot

    └─sda2          8:2    0 19.5G  0 part

      ├─rhel-root 253:0    0 17.5G  0 lvm  /

      └─rhel-swap 253:1    0    2G  0 lvm  [SWAP]

    sdb             8:16   0    3G  0 disk

    ├─sdb1          8:17   0  100M  0 part

    ├─sdb3          8:19   0    1K  0 part

    ├─sdb5          8:21   0  500M  0 part

    └─sdb6          8:22   0  2.4G  0 part


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# mkdir /datasdb1

    [root@linux-node2 ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /datasdb1/


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# echo "/dev/sdb1  /datasdb1 ext4 defaults 0 0 " >> /etc/fstab


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# df -h


    [root@linux-node2 ~]# parted /dev/sdb 
    GNU Parted 3.1
    Using /dev/sdb
    Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
    (parted) mklabel msdos                                                    
    Warning: The existing disk label on /dev/sdb will be destroyed and all data on this disk will be lost. Do you want to continue?
    Yes/No? y                                                                                 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhanbing/p/10319856.html
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