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  • 列选主元的高斯消元法的Fortran程序



      1 module lina_gauss
      2 !---------------------------------------------module comment
      3 !  Author  :  Huang zc
      4 !  Date    :  2017-6-27
      5 !-----------------------------------------------------------
      6 !  Description:
      7 !    Solve matrix equations by variable gauss methods
      8 !-----------------------------------------------------------
      9 !  
     10 use tri_eq
     11 contains
     13 subroutine gauss(A,b)
     14 !---------------------------------------- subroutine comment
     15 !  Purpose  :  Solve Ax=b by gauss method
     16 !              column pivoting is used
     17 !              solution is stored in b
     18 !-----------------------------------------------------------
     19 !  Input:
     20 !       1.A(N,N) : coefficient matrix
     21 !       2.b(N)   : right-hand side vector
     22 !  Output:
     23 !       1.b(N)      : solution of matrix equation
     24 !---------------------------------------------define variable
     25 implicit none
     26 integer,parameter::iwp = selected_real_kind(15)
     27 real(iwp),parameter::eps = 3.0d-15
     28 real(iwp),intent(inout),allocatable::A(:,:)
     29 real(iwp),intent(inout),allocatable::b(:)
     30 real(iwp),allocatable::vtemp(:)
     31 real(iwp)::tmp
     32 integer::i,j,k(1),N
     33 !-------------------------------------------------------------
     34 N = size(b)
     35 allocate(vtemp(N))
     36 !--------------------------------------------print information
     37 print*,"   Subroutine gauss is being called......"
     38 print*,"   Input coefficient matrix and rhs vector:..."
     39 do i = 1,N
     40     do j = 1,N
     41         write(*,"(f10.4)",advance="no")A(i,j)
     42     enddo
     43     write(*,"(a3)",advance="no")"|"
     44     write(*,"(f10.4)")b(i)
     45 enddo
     46 !---------------------------------------------------main body
     47 do j = 1,N-1
     48     !---------------------------------pivoting within columns
     49     k = maxloc(dabs(A(j:N,j)))
     50     k(1) = k(1)+j-1
     51     if (k(1) /= j) then
     52         vtemp = A(j,:);A(j,:) = A(k(1),:);A(k(1),:) = vtemp
     53         tmp = b(j);b(j) = b(k(1));b(k(1)) = tmp
     54         print*,"   Pivoting has been used......"
     55     endif
     56     !----------------------------------------check if singular
     57     if (abs(A(j,j)) < eps) then
     58         print*,"The input coefficient matrix seems to be singular!"
     59         write(*,110)j
     60         stop "Program stop at gauss subroutine!"
     61     endif
     62     !-----------------------------------eliminate to upper tri
     63     do i = j+1,N
     64         tmp = -A(i,j)/A(j,j)
     65         A(i,j:) = A(i,j:) + tmp*A(j,j:)
     66         b(i) = b(i) + tmp*b(j)
     67     enddo
     68 enddo
     69 print*,"   The coefficient matrix has been changed to upper tri..."
     70 call uptri(A,b)
     71 !-------------------------------------------------print result
     72 print*,"   Subroutine gauss end......"
     73 110 format(t2,'The',i3,'  th pivot element is close to zero!')
     74 !-------------------------------------------------------------
     75 end subroutine gauss
     77 subroutine gauss2(A,b,x)
     78 !---------------------------------------- subroutine comment
     79 !  Purpose  :  Solve Ax=b by gauss method with augment matix
     80 !              column pivoting is used
     81 !              solution is stored in x
     82 !-----------------------------------------------------------
     83 !  Input:
     84 !       1.A(N,N) : coefficient matrix
     85 !       2.b(N)   : right-hand side vector
     86 !  Output:
     87 !       1.x(N)      : solution of matrix equation
     88 !---------------------------------------------define variable
     89 implicit none
     90 integer,parameter::iwp = selected_real_kind(15)
     91 real(iwp),parameter::eps = 3.0d-15
     92 real(iwp),intent(in),allocatable::A(:,:)
     93 real(iwp),intent(in),allocatable::b(:)
     94 real(iwp),intent(inout),allocatable::x(:)
     95 real(iwp),allocatable::Ab(:,:),Aup(:,:),bup(:),vtemp(:)
     96 integer::i,j,k(1),N
     97 real(iwp)::tmp
     98 !-------------------------------------------------------------
     99 N = size(b)
    100 allocate(Ab(N,N+1),Aup(N,N),bup(N),vtemp(N+1))
    101 Ab(:,1:N) = A;Ab(:,N+1) = b
    102 !--------------------------------------------print information
    103 print*,"   Subroutine gauss2 is being called......"
    104 print*,"   Input coefficient matrix and rhs vector:..."
    105 do i = 1,N
    106     do j = 1,N
    107         write(*,"(f10.4)",advance="no")A(i,j)
    108     enddo
    109     write(*,"(a3)",advance="no")"|"
    110     write(*,"(f10.4)")b(i)
    111 enddo
    112 !---------------------------------------------------main body
    113 do j = 1,N-1
    114     !---------------------------------pivoting within columns
    115     k = maxloc(dabs(Ab(j:N,j)))
    116     k(1) = k(1)+j-1
    117     if (k(1) /= j) then
    118         vtemp = Ab(j,:);Ab(j,:) = Ab(k(1),:);Ab(k(1),:) = vtemp
    119         print*,"   Pivoting has been used......"
    120     endif
    121     !----------------------------------------check if singular
    122     if (abs(Ab(j,j)) < eps) then
    123         print*,"The input coefficient matrix seems to be singular!"
    124         write(*,110)j
    125         stop "Program stop at gauss2 subroutine!"
    126     endif
    127     !-----------------------------------eliminate to upper tri
    128     do i = j+1,N
    129         tmp = -Ab(i,j)/Ab(j,j)
    130         Ab(i,j:) = Ab(i,j:) + tmp*Ab(j,j:)
    131     enddo
    132 enddo
    133 Aup = Ab(:,1:N);bup = Ab(:,N+1)
    134 call uptri(Aup,bup)
    135 x = bup
    136 !-------------------------------------------------print result
    137 print*,"   Subroutine gauss2 end......"
    138 110 format(t2,'The',i3,'  th pivot element is close to zero!')
    139 !-------------------------------------------------------------
    140 end subroutine gauss2
    142 subroutine iter_solu(A,b,x)
    143 !---------------------------------------- subroutine comment
    144 !  Purpose  :  Solve Ax=b by gauss2 method and advance the accuracy
    145 !              by iteration of residual equation
    146 !              column pivoting is used
    147 !              solution is stored in b
    148 !-----------------------------------------------------------
    149 !  Input:
    150 !       1.A(N,N) : coefficient matrix
    151 !       2.b(N)   : right-hand side vector
    152 !  Output:
    153 !       1.b(N)      : solution of matrix equation
    154 !---------------------------------------------define variable
    155 implicit none
    156 integer,parameter::iwp = selected_real_kind(15)
    157 integer,parameter::itmax = 6
    158 real(iwp),parameter::eps = 3.0d-15
    159 real(iwp),intent(in),allocatable::A(:,:)
    160 real(iwp),intent(in),allocatable::b(:)
    161 real(iwp),intent(inout),allocatable::x(:)
    162 real(iwp),allocatable::x1(:),dx(:),x2(:),db(:)
    163 integer::i,N
    164 !-------------------------------------------------------------
    165 N = size(b)
    166 allocate(dx(N),x2(N),db(N))
    167 !--------------------------------------------print information
    168 print*,"   Subroutine iter_solu is being called......"
    169 !---------------------------------------------------main body
    170 call gauss2(A,b,x1)
    171 do i = 1,itmax
    172     db = matmul(A,x1) - b
    173     call gauss2(A,db,dx)
    174     x2 = x1-dx
    175     x1 = x2
    176 enddo
    177 x = x1
    178 !-------------------------------------------------print result
    179 print*,"   Solution of the final iteration:"
    180 do i = 1,N
    181     write(*,"(f15.8)")x(i)
    182 enddo
    183 print*,"   Subroutine iter_solu end......"
    184 !-------------------------------------------------------------
    185 end subroutine iter_solu
    187 end module lina_gauss
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhanchao/p/7093651.html
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