#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; const int unit = 12; int height,inch,foot; cout << "please input your height __ inch"; cin >> height; inch = height % unit; foot = height / unit; cin.get(); cout << "your height is " << foot << " foot " << inch << " inch"; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); const double inch_to_meter = 0.0254; const double kg_to_lb = 2.2; int inch, foot, lb; //float height, weight; cout << "please input your height! "; cout << "foot:_"; cin >> foot; cout << "inch:_"; cin >> inch; cout << "please input your weight " << "___ lb"; cin >> lb; cin.get(); cout << "your height is " << foot * 10 + inch << " inch "; cout << "your height is " << (foot * 10 + inch)*inch_to_meter << "m "; cout << "your weight is " << lb / 2.2 << "kg "; cout << "your BMI is " << pow((lb / 2.2) / ((foot * 10 + inch)*inch_to_meter), 2); //cout << pow(2, 3); cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; const int degree_to_minute = 60; const int minute_to_second = 60; int degree, minute, second; double latitude; cout << "Enter a latitude in degree,minutes,and seconds: "; cout << "First,enter the degrees: "; cin >> degree; cout << "Next,enter the minutes of arc: "; cin >> minute; cout << "Finally,enter the seconds of arc: "; cin >> second; cin.get(); latitude = degree + double(minute) / degree_to_minute + double(second) / degree_to_minute / minute_to_second; cout << degree << " degrees," << minute << " minutes," << second << " seconds = " << latitude << " degrees"; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; const int days_to_hours = 24; const int hours_to_minutes = 60; const int mintutes_to_seconds = 60; int days, hours, minutes, seconds,init_times; cout << "Enter the number of seconds: "; cin >> init_times; cin.get(); days = init_times / mintutes_to_seconds / hours_to_minutes / days_to_hours; hours = init_times / mintutes_to_seconds / hours_to_minutes % days_to_hours; minutes = init_times / mintutes_to_seconds % hours_to_minutes; seconds = init_times % mintutes_to_seconds; cout << init_times << " seconds = " << days << " days," << hours << " hours," << minutes << " minutes," << seconds << " seconds."; cin.get(); }
#include<iostream> int main() { using namespace std; long long world_num; long long us_num; cout << "Enter the world's population: "; cin >> world_num; cout << "Enter the population of the US: "; cin >> us_num; cin.get(); cout << "The population of the US is " << double(us_num) / double(world_num)*100 << "% of the world population"; cin.get(); }