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  • 【数据库测试工具】认识Sysbench





















    ☁  ~  sysbench --help
      sysbench [options]... [testname] [command]
    Commands implemented by most tests: prepare run cleanup help
    General options:
      --threads=N                     number of threads to use [1]
      --events=N                      limit for total number of events [0]
      --time=N                        limit for total execution time in seconds [10]
      --forced-shutdown=STRING        number of seconds to wait after the --time limit before forcing shutdown, or 'off' to disable [off]
      --thread-stack-size=SIZE        size of stack per thread [64K]
      --rate=N                        average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate [0]
      --report-interval=N             periodically report intermediate statistics with a specified interval in seconds. 0 disables intermediate reports [0]
      --report-checkpoints=[LIST,...] dump full statistics and reset all counters at specified points in time. The argument is a list of comma-separated values representing the amount of time in seconds elapsed from start of test when report checkpoint(s) must be performed. Report checkpoints are off by default. []
      --debug[=on|off]                print more debugging info [off]
      --validate[=on|off]             perform validation checks where possible [off]
      --help[=on|off]                 print help and exit [off]
      --version[=on|off]              print version and exit [off]
      --config-file=FILENAME          File containing command line options
      --tx-rate=N                     deprecated alias for --rate [0]
      --max-requests=N                deprecated alias for --events [0]
      --max-time=N                    deprecated alias for --time [0]
      --num-threads=N                 deprecated alias for --threads [1]
    Pseudo-Random Numbers Generator options:
      --rand-type=STRING random numbers distribution {uniform,gaussian,special,pareto} [special]
      --rand-spec-iter=N number of iterations used for numbers generation [12]
      --rand-spec-pct=N  percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) [1]
      --rand-spec-res=N  percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) [75]
      --rand-seed=N      seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. [0]
      --rand-pareto-h=N  parameter h for pareto distribution [0.2]
    Log options:
      --verbosity=N verbosity level {5 - debug, 0 - only critical messages} [3]
      --percentile=N       percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations [95]
      --histogram[=on|off] print latency histogram in report [off]
    General database options:
      --db-driver=STRING  specifies database driver to use ('help' to get list of available drivers) [mysql]
      --db-ps-mode=STRING prepared statements usage mode {auto, disable} [auto]
      --db-debug[=on|off] print database-specific debug information [off]
    Compiled-in database drivers:
      mysql - MySQL driver
    mysql options:
      --mysql-host=[LIST,...]          MySQL server host [localhost]
      --mysql-port=[LIST,...]          MySQL server port [3306]
      --mysql-socket=[LIST,...]        MySQL socket
      --mysql-user=STRING              MySQL user [sbtest]
      --mysql-password=STRING          MySQL password []
      --mysql-db=STRING                MySQL database name [sbtest]
      --mysql-ssl[=on|off]             use SSL connections, if available in the client library [off]
      --mysql-ssl-cipher=STRING        use specific cipher for SSL connections []
      --mysql-compression[=on|off]     use compression, if available in the client library [off]
      --mysql-debug[=on|off]           trace all client library calls [off]
      --mysql-ignore-errors=[LIST,...] list of errors to ignore, or "all" [1213,1020,1205]
      --mysql-dry-run[=on|off]         Dry run, pretend that all MySQL client API calls are successful without executing them [off]
    Compiled-in tests:
      fileio - File I/O test
      cpu - CPU performance test
      memory - Memory functions speed test
      threads - Threads subsystem performance test
      mutex - Mutex performance test
    See 'sysbench <testname> help' for a list of options for each test.


    ☁  ~  brew install sysbench
    # 添加路径
    ☁  ~  export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/lib"
    ☁  ~  export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/include"
    # 查看版本
    ☁  ~  sysbench --version
    # 测试自带lua脚本
    ☁  ~  sysbench --test=/usr/local/Cellar/sysbench/1.0.19/share/sysbench/tests/include/oltp_legacy/oltp.lua
    WARNING: the --test option is deprecated. You can pass a script name or path on the command line without any options.
    sysbench 1.0.19 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    ☁  ~  sysbench /usr/local/Cellar/sysbench/1.0.19/share/sysbench/tests/include/oltp_legacy/oltp.lua
    sysbench 1.0.19 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    # 测试cpu
    ☁  ~  sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --threads=3 run
    # 测试file,run是执行正式的测试,prepare是为测试提前准备数据,cleanup是在测试完成后对数据库进行清理
    ☁  ~  sysbench fileio --threads=16 --file-total-size=1G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare
    ☁  ~  sysbench fileio --threads=16 --file-total-size=1G --file-test-mode=rndrw run
    ☁  ~  sysbench fileio --threads=16 --file-total-size=1G --file-test-mode=rndrw cleanup
    # 测试threads
    ☁  ~  sysbench threads --threads=64 --thread-yields=100 --thread-locks=2 run
    # 测试memory
    ☁  ~  sysbench memory --memory-block-size=8k --memory-total-size=40G run
    # OLTP测试
    ☁  ~  sysbench /usr/local/Cellar/sysbench/1.0.19/share/sysbench/tests/include/oltp_legacy/oltp.lua --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-tables-count=3 --oltp-table-size=100000 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=xxxxxxx --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql.sock prepare
    ☁  ~  sysbench /usr/local/Cellar/sysbench/1.0.19/share/sysbench/tests/include/oltp_legacy/oltp.lua --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-tables-count=3 --oltp-table-size=100000 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=xxxxxx --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql.sock --max-time=60 --max-requests=0 --num-threads=8 --report-interval=10 run
    WARNING: --num-threads is deprecated, use --threads instead
    WARNING: --max-time is deprecated, use --time instead
    sysbench 1.0.19 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    Running the test with following options:
    Number of threads: 8
    Report intermediate results every 10 second(s)
    Initializing random number generator from current time
    Initializing worker threads...
    Threads started!
    [ 10s ] thds: 8 tps: 658.76 qps: 13182.94 (r/w/o: 9229.30/2635.43/1318.21) lat (ms,95%): 26.68 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
    [ 20s ] thds: 8 tps: 717.41 qps: 14350.05 (r/w/o: 10045.00/2870.13/1434.91) lat (ms,95%): 22.69 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
    [ 30s ] thds: 8 tps: 745.71 qps: 14914.47 (r/w/o: 10439.89/2983.15/1491.43) lat (ms,95%): 21.11 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
    [ 40s ] thds: 8 tps: 754.39 qps: 15085.46 (r/w/o: 10560.23/3016.45/1508.78) lat (ms,95%): 21.11 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
    [ 50s ] thds: 8 tps: 687.47 qps: 13749.32 (r/w/o: 9624.39/2749.98/1374.94) lat (ms,95%): 24.83 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
    [ 60s ] thds: 8 tps: 620.78 qps: 12417.29 (r/w/o: 8692.61/2483.12/1241.56) lat (ms,95%): 27.17 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
    SQL statistics:
        queries performed:
            read:                            585984
            write:                           167424
            other:                           83712
            total:                           837120
        transactions:                        41856  (697.33 per sec.)
        queries:                             837120 (13946.58 per sec.)
        ignored errors:                      0      (0.00 per sec.)
        reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)
    General statistics:
        total time:                          60.0215s
        total number of events:              41856
    Latency (ms):
             min:                                    3.54
             avg:                                   11.47
             max:                                  138.32
             95th percentile:                       23.95
             sum:                               479897.13
    Threads fairness:
        events (avg/stddev):           5232.0000/18.17
        execution time (avg/stddev):   59.9871/0.01
    ☁  ~  sysbench /usr/local/Cellar/sysbench/1.0.19/share/sysbench/tests/include/oltp_legacy/oltp.lua --mysql-table-engine=innodb --oltp-tables-count=3 --oltp-table-size=100000 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=xxxxxxx --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql.sock --report-interval=10 cleanup



    # 下载源码
    ☁  tools git clone https://github.com/Percona-Lab/tpcc-mysql.git
    # 配置mysql_config
    ☁  ~  sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/mysql@5.7/bin/mysql_config /usr/local/bin/mysql_config
    # Bulid binaries
    ☁  tools  cd tpcc-mysql/src/
    ☁  src [master] ⚡  make
    # Load data
    ☁  ~  mysqladmin -uroot -p create tpcc1000
    ☁  ~  mysql -uroot -p  tpcc1000 < /home/tools/tpcc-mysql/create_table.sql
    ☁  ~  mysql -uroot -p  tpcc1000 < /home/tools/tpcc-mysql/add_fkey_idx.sql
    ☁  tpcc-mysql [master] ⚡  ./tpcc_load -h127.0.0.1 -d tpcc1000 -uroot -pxxxxxx -w 100
    # Start benchmark
    ☁  tpcc-mysql [master] ⚡  ./tpcc_start -h -p 3306 -d tpcc1000 -uroot -p "xxxxxxx" -w 100 -c 10 -r 100 -l 300 -i 20 -f /var/log/tpcc_mysql.log -t /var/log/tpcc_mysql.rtx
    <Constraint Check> (all must be [OK])
     [transaction percentage]
            Payment: 43.48% (>=43.0%) [OK]
       Order-Status: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK]
           Delivery: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK]
        Stock-Level: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK]
     [response time (at least 90% passed)]
          New-Order: 0.00%  [NG] *
            Payment: 30.49%  [NG] *
       Order-Status: 34.91%  [NG] *
           Delivery: 12.76%  [NG] *
        Stock-Level: 0.00%  [NG] *
                     4061.400 TpmC


    问题描述:ld: library not found for -lrt

    解决方案:在src/Makefile中去掉 lrt,产生的错误按照提示去解决即可。

    LIBS=       `mysql_config --libs_r` # -lrt
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangbc/p/12684483.html
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