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  • level.go

    package blog4go

    import (

    // LevelType type defined for logging level
    // just use int
    type LevelType int

    const (
    // level enum  日志枚举

    // TRACE trace level
    TRACE LevelType = iota
    // DEBUG debug level
    // INFO info level
    // WARNING warn level
    // ERROR error level
    // CRITICAL critical level
    // UNKNOWN unknown level

    // DefaultLevel default level for writers
    DefaultLevel = TRACE

    // PrefixFormat每个消息头前缀
    PrefixFormat = " [%s] " //约定格式
    // ColoredPrefixFormat 不同日志级别对应不同的颜色消息
    ColoredPrefixFormat = " [x1b[%dm%sx1b[0m] " //格式化的颜色

    // color enum used in formating color bytes

    // NOCOLOR no color
    NOCOLOR = 0
    // RED red color
    RED = 31
    // GREEN green color
    GREEN = 32
    // YELLOW yellow color
    YELLOW = 33
    // BLUE blue color
    BLUE = 34
    // GRAY gray color
    GRAY = 37

    var (
    // LevelStrings is string present for each level
    LevelStrings = [...]string{"TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"}

    // StringLevels is map, level strings to levels
    StringLevels = map[string]LevelType{"TRACE": TRACE, "DEBUG": DEBUG, "INFO": INFO, "WARN": WARNING, "ERROR": ERROR, "CRITICAL": CRITICAL}

    // Levels is a slice consist of all levels

    // Prefix is preformatted level prefix string
    // help reduce string formatted burden in realtime logging
    Prefix = make(map[LevelType]string)

    func init() {
    initPrefix(false) // preformat level prefix string

    // initPrefix is designed to preformat level prefix string for each level.
    // colored decide whether preformat in colored format or not.
    // if colored is true, preformat level prefix string in colored format
    func initPrefix(colored bool) {
    if colored {
    Prefix[TRACE] = fmt.Sprintf(ColoredPrefixFormat, GRAY, TRACE.String())
    Prefix[DEBUG] = fmt.Sprintf(ColoredPrefixFormat, GREEN, DEBUG.String())
    Prefix[INFO] = fmt.Sprintf(ColoredPrefixFormat, BLUE, INFO.String())
    Prefix[WARNING] = fmt.Sprintf(ColoredPrefixFormat, YELLOW, WARNING.String())
    Prefix[ERROR] = fmt.Sprintf(ColoredPrefixFormat, RED, ERROR.String())
    Prefix[CRITICAL] = fmt.Sprintf(ColoredPrefixFormat, RED, CRITICAL.String())
    } else {
    Prefix[TRACE] = fmt.Sprintf(PrefixFormat, TRACE.String())
    Prefix[DEBUG] = fmt.Sprintf(PrefixFormat, DEBUG.String())
    Prefix[INFO] = fmt.Sprintf(PrefixFormat, INFO.String())
    Prefix[WARNING] = fmt.Sprintf(PrefixFormat, WARNING.String())
    Prefix[ERROR] = fmt.Sprintf(PrefixFormat, ERROR.String())
    Prefix[CRITICAL] = fmt.Sprintf(PrefixFormat, CRITICAL.String())

    // valid determines whether a Level instance is valid or not
    func (level LevelType) valid() bool {
    if TRACE > level || CRITICAL < level {
    return false
    return true

    // String return string format associate with a Level instance
    func (level LevelType) String() string {
    if !level.valid() {
    return UNKNOWN
    return LevelStrings[level]

    // prefix return formatted prefix string associate with a Level instance
    func (level LevelType) prefix() string {
    return Prefix[level]

    // LevelFromString return Level according to given string
    func LevelFromString(str string) LevelType {
    level, ok := StringLevels[strings.ToUpper(str)]
    if !ok {
    return LevelType(-1)
    return level

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangboyu/p/7449533.html
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