// sql = "select top " + pagesize + " cid,applicationCode,username,telephone,projName,loanPrice,createDate from BocCoupons where cid not in ( select top " + (page - 1) * pagesize + "cid from BocCoupons where " + "isDel=0 and audit=0 order by createDate " + order + ") and isDel=0 and city='" + city + "' and audit=0 order by createDate " + order; //分页第一页 select top 10 cid,applicationCode,username,telephone,projName,loanPrice,createDate from BocCoupons where cid not in ( select top 0 cid from BocCoupons where isDel=0 and audit=0 order by createDate desc) and isDel=0 and audit=0 order by createDate desc //分页第二页 select top 10 cid,applicationCode,username,telephone,projName,loanPrice,createDate from BocCoupons where cid not in ( select top 10 cid from BocCoupons where isDel=0 and audit=0 order by createDate desc) and isDel=0 and audit=0 order by createDate desc